Sooner or later on your journey down the rabbit hole you’re quite likely to end up finding the Pale beyond which you will not go: the ‘conspiracy theory’ so utterly absurd, so fantastically implausible that you refuse to entertain it even for one second.
For some it’s Flat Earth, for others it’s the outrageous notion that those four, lovable and super-talented mop tops from Liverpool were manufactured - just like the Rolling Stones - by a sinister institute called Tavistock. And for others, I was surprised to learn from the outrage on my Telegram channel recently, it’s the theory that drinking your own urine might have health benefits.
But for many more, I suspect, it will be Elite Gender Inversion. This is the theory that more than a few of the famous people whom you think of as women are in fact blokes. And vice versa.
I spent a whole afternoon exploring this rabbit hole once and you end up in some pretty strange places. One site I visited even went half way to persuading me that Jimmy Page and even more so Robert Plant had definitely been born female, which I have difficulty believing, because, for example, how many girl rock stars do you know who are that good on guitar? But I refuse altogether to rule out the possibility for reasons I have outlined in various other essays on this subject. [Read this. It’s good:
] There are few things more annoying - or nakedly hypocritical - than purportedly Awake people who appoint themselves gatekeepers on which conspiracy theories you are allowed to trust and which are totally off limits.
A better reason for avoiding Elite Gender Inversion (EGI) theory is that it can get you killed. This supposedly was the fate of comedienne Joan Rivers after she stated on camera in 2014: “Michelle Obama is a Transgender, we ALL know.” Rivers died a few months later, allegedly from complications during surgery.
The first time I encountered this particular ‘conspiracy theory’ I remember thinking all the usual thoughts: “But why?”, “How could They possibly carry this off because it’s not as though she’s not in the public eye ALL the time?”, and so on.
Then I watched the video for the funny and very catchy song by Okay Boomer - “Michelle Obama is a man. Oh yeah. Her real name is Michael. She’s a trans, oh yeah. I would have thought you noticed the dick in her pants…” - and I began to have second thoughts.
Sure you could argue that all that footage of Michelle’s flapping wedding tackle had been mischievously edited in by unscrupulous pranksters. But it’s not just the lunchbox, is it? It’s the size of the hands, the heft of those biceps and American Footballer shoulders. That and those awkward early photos from when hetero Barack appeared to be very attached to a man, looking just like Michelle, only bearing the name Michael LaVaughn Robinson.
Once you’ve seen it you can’t unsee it. In fact, it starts to look so blatantly obvious you begin to wonder - just like Okay Boomer in that song - how anyone could possibly have been taken in.
I have a theory on this, largely inspired by the heroic research of my most recent podcast [available to subscribers now and for everyone else in a week or so] guest Mr E. Mr E - his real name is Mark and no, he’s not, contrary to internet rumour the lead singer of the band Eels pretending to be an online conspiracy theorist - and he was once, just like me (and you too probably) a confirmed Elite Gender Inversion sceptic.
What he found, however, on delving deeper into the phenomenon is that famous women that aren’t women like Michelle Obama are closer to being the rule than they are the exception.
That is, whether we’re talking about Hollywood actresses or ballsy female pop stars or First Ladies or women athletes, many of the amazing women we are encouraged to admire, even idolise, are actually men in drag.
Sometimes it’s so blatant they barely bother even hiding it. Look at the early interviews of Hollywood sex symbol Sandra Bullock, for example, and it’s obviously a bloke in semi-disguise, the Adam’s apple being one dead giveaway. Often the clue - as with Bullock: a castrated male bovine - is in the name. Either it’s a Christian name that sounds like a man’s - Taylor Swift; Billie Holliday - or it’s some kind of excruciating pun, like Tina Turner.
As so often in this world of occult symbolism, They don’t want you to know but simultaneously They do want you to know just enough to realise that They are mocking you. Victoria’s Secret is another classic example of this. I remember as a younger man lusting after all those luscious female models and wondering what the ‘Secret’ was that people in the know were all, like, “You don’t KNOW? You really don’t KNOW??’ about. Spoiler alert: they’re not luscious females.
On my podcast with Mr E, we broach the troubling question as to whether or not, at some time in my youth, I might have cracked one off while fantasising over a mental image or possibly even a magazine photo of an iconic female sex symbol who was actually a man.
Chances are, yes. Which of course is what They want. One of the primary goals of all this gender confusion that They are sowing among us is to mess with our heads. Consider the implications. Just about the first thing you learn, even tiny babies are capable of it, is to discern the difference between men and women. What They want to do is muddy the waters so that we can no longer trust our most basic instincts. Also, They want to shift our notions of what is and isn’t sexually attractive to us, and what qualities of beauty, proportion, muscularity we can expect in the ideal male and female physique.
The social damage caused by all this messing is colossal. It has ruined women’s sport (at least for those few remaining participants who were born women). It has created a generation unable to make zer mind whether they/them/their/wotever are male, female or something in between. It has caused pubescent girls to lop off their breasts and both sexes to be confused into getting hormone treatment. It has led the rise of the incel (involuntarily celibate men). It has poisoned normal relations between men and women. It has affected the reproduction rate.
Perhaps the most widespread of the damage it has done is to the male and female psyche. For several generations, now, women have been misled by the fashion industry, by movies and TV, by adverts into trying to embody a vision of female perfection which they can never achieve - because only men pretending to be women (see: all those models, actresses, whatever) have the right physical make up to get those supposedly desirable skinny bodies. Men, meanwhile, have been taught not to fancy them - or at least not as much as they would have done, because they’ve been gulled into lusting after hot actresses and supermodels who, under their bikinis, are no closer to being real women than Taylor Swift or Michelle ‘Big Mike’ Obama are.
So that goes some way to answering the question “But why would They do it?” They do it for the same reasons They do all the other stuff They do: because they hate us, because they like tormenting us, because it’s a way of confusing us, of manipulating us, and because it’s yet another way to discourage us from reproducing.
But there’s another reason too and this is maybe the most important one of all: because it’s part of Their religion.
This is why I keep saying that if you don’t understand the spiritual dimension of what’s happening in the world right now (and has been since forever) then you cannot call yourself truly Awake. I say this not because I’m a Christian (as is, not so surprisingly, Mr E) but because until you realise that everything goes back to age old struggle between the God of the Bible and the Fallen Angels who inspired the Babylonian Mystery Religions you’ll be missing the intellectual, philosophical and religious framework that makes it all make sense.
All these Hollywood stars pretending to be the opposite sex - and raising their girl children as boys and their boy children as girls; all those US presidents like Obama (and, according to Mr E, every other male president from George Washington onwards - and including Trump) who marry men in drag; they don’t do this crazy stuff just for the shits and giggles, you realise. They do it for the same reasons Christians take communion and try to be more like Christ: because their religion demands it. The Babylonian Mystery Religions - which embrace Satanism, Luciferianism, the occultism of freemasonry, the Kabbala of Talmudic Judaism, etc - put a high premium on androgyny, on the two sexes becoming one, as embodied by male/female gods such as Baphomet. And the reason they do so is because it’s an abomination - an affront to God, a mockery of His creation, and yet another part of this deluded fantasy they have that somehow they can supplant Him by making a new world of their own devising on earth.
Does your head in, doesn’t it, when you realise how deeply embedded all this rank deception and flagrant evil is? I can see why even lots of Awake people don’t want to go there. Especially after you’ve told them about Jo Rogan…
I’m a woman.
Have man hands
Strong for a woman, good Scot Genes.
Wide swimmers shoulders.
Not all masculine traits mean man. Remember Tom Boys.
Labeling every tomboy a Trans is a disservice to the Truth Movement.
The best way to hide real rabbit holes is to create a myriad of fake rabbit holes and once someone has fallen down those then all they have to offer others is disjointed garbage as they flit from one imaginary rabbit hole to another like a drunken sailor.
The old statement is true, the older men get the more they look like Sean Connery and the older women get the more they look like Sean Connery.
The fact is Swift is 35 or thereabouts and so is quite naturally looking more like a man at an accelerating rate. Same with many of these others. There is of course not a shadow of a doubt that Michael Obama bears a stunning resemblance to Barry Obama's former boyfriend.