It’s intriguing that the likes of Thomas Henry Huxley, Darwin, Wells and so many others invested such a substantial & sustained effort over well over a century & a half with the objective of separating ourselves from the divine.

With the theory of evolution & the invention of the dinosaurs (& later the Big Bang Theory and the structure of DNA), those Victorian nutjobs dissipated most of their lives seeking to undermine the belief that many of us hold that a Holy Spirit caused us to come into being & that venal, temporary mortal power is always self-serving.

In relation to the observations of the lives of these malevolent characters, it is said that “It doesn’t matter what you believe, it’s what they believe that matters”. There’s a lot in this when trying to answer the question “But why are they doing this?” (decivilising The West while installing a digital, totalitarian control system & making preparations to bump most of us off).

Why did the antecedents of todays idiotic, hubristic and satanic “Useless Eliters” even bother with undermining the foundations of Christian faith, if it’s all just a fairy story?

I put it to the reader that this is strong evidence that “they” know perfectly well that God exists & faith in Him leaves no room in a man’s heart for fear of “them”.

After all, they’re busy worshipping one of God’s former staff. I’m personally aware of undiluted evil, emanating from somewhere. I don’t blame them for believing in the devil. I do, too.

About this God business and attempting to sever any relationship we might have had with Him. These people aren’t mucking around. They’re well aware of their ultimate adversary. They don’t want you to know of Him, either.

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Thanks for sharing this. So many can be helped by an understanding of the reality of our adversary. I occasionally hear secular commentators marvel at the multigenerational discipline required to implement such finely tuned agendas… and by people who otherwise act strictly in their own interests be they financial, lusts for pleasure or power, and often to the detriment of their own children’s well being…how can these, also dedicate themselves to a cause which they will not live to see bear fruit? The answer to me seems obvious, but perhaps only because I, as you do, accept the reality of their master: The Devil. Satan. Lucifer. The fallen angel “Prince of this world.”

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Yup. He's good at his job, Satan.

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We’re jogging along in parallel, dear James!

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Well said Mike. One of God's former staff is a great phrase for the Devil. There is a contrast between Jesus and the Devil and it lies in the tale.



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Yes,it was about Changing The Narrative on a Grand Scale. A lie that big is so big it's in real terms invisible!

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Well said Mike. Except that Lucifer never took the position God had in mind for him. Beholding the beatific vision at the very moment of his creation, he instantaneously rebelled against God, thus separating himself from his creator for all eternity.

What a fool!

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My own bottomline is - as one who has gone through the gamut of belief systems in my 70 years in this world from church-going traditional Christianity to agnosticism to New Age to Buddhism & done historical & biblical research - when all the intellectual acrobatics are done, I am now quite clear I don't see how we can get through the mess we are in without a simple faith in Jesus & his teaching .

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Yes. I’ve been there along with you. My search has led me to Jesus Christ and nothing else. BTW, I’m 70 yrs old as well.

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Fine post (as ever). However I'd be remiss not to point out all the myriad, unassailable historic, verified factual trail of recorded and archeological evidence explicitly backing up events in both the Old & New Testaments. The Tower of Babel, Noah's Ark, the parting of the Red Sea are all present physical archeological sites (the latter with startling, explicit contemporary eyewitness accounts etched into adjacent mountain sides, the solidified molten sand where the pillar of dust & fire held the chariots at bay and more than a feew ancient chariot wheels still visible on the bottom of the Red Sea); for NT, the multiple, purely secular, roughly contemporary accounts of Jesus; the earliest pre-NT Gospel Christian accounts were made within less than a year of the resurrection, essentially a breaking news flash in terms of ancient documentation; the Apostle's gospels appear within their lifetimes, approx 30 years later (Alexander the Great's biography, the first written account of his exploits, appeared 400 years after his death yet no one disputes his existence!). See Gary Habermas' "The Verdict of History: Conclusive Evidence for the Life of Jesus," and/or Grant Jeffrey's The Signature of God: Conclusive Proof That Every Teaching, Every Command, Every Promise in the Bible Is True." Don't just believe, KNOW!!

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Vintage Delingpole

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“I want to be the kind of Christian that Jesus wants us to be.”

IMO it’s simply the Golden Rule:

Treat others as yourself; love your neighbour; do all things from a place of Love, not Ego.

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I've never really 'got' that Golden Rule as by the logic of it other people ( on immediately seeing me without even having spoken to me or I presume knowing my thoughts,opinions or habits (but maybe they are psychic) are immediate hostile (in varying degrees,from icily distant,frozen and conversation snubbing to openly aggressive bordering on actual physical violence,it's getting to feel that one day that fine line is going to be crossed. So does that mean all those people want me to treat them with disrespect,contempt and abuse. Yes,it does. One once gave the game away. We are going to get you arrested and locked up so you won't bother us any more. Any way I'm not sure the message of Jesus is to be Nicey-nicey.

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The Golden Rule is: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

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I hate to say it but I have my suspicions of Wes Huff. I don't trust debates like this, where the other debater is left twitching on the deck. It reminds me too much of the `Jordan Peterson launch. Wes has gone on to Joe Rogan and was last seen interviewing Russell Brand. I'll be keeping a close eye on him, I rather suspect he's soon going to be doing something less impressive, weighing in on the Middle East for example on the side of Israel. Let's see.

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I totally share your scepticism. The Joe Rogan appearance was a major tell. But this is irrelevant to the piece, I think

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Yes. I love what you've done here: opened the door for us to your own mind's dedication to staying open, whilst erring in favour of your honest-enough establishment faith.

I've recently discovered this guy on YouTube, whom you also might find intriguing:


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yes, fair point. I do agree Christians have nothing to fear in getting down in the weeds on the specifics with these aggressive contrarians. Well, christians who

know what they're talking about that is...

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thanks James for equipping me with a rebuttal to the Jesus is Horus reimagined bit. One guy a freemason made that up? I have some sharing to do. cheers!

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Isn't it strange how most people now uncritically believe in the scientism origin story of the Big Bang? That 14.5 billion years ago (give or take a year or two) something appeared in nothing, exploded for an unknown reason, and from it came all matter, light, and time itself, as well as all life. TBH its not clear to me where everything did come from, but it's amazing how certain people are of this 'science', and how dismissive of other possibilities.

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As Terence McKenna used to say about the Big Bang: "Give me one free miracle."

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Indeed. It is the big lie fiction, make it so big people won't think it could be false.

Everything came from the mind of God, language and word. Thus Jesus is the Word. A 'J' is related to an 'I' and with an 'I' Jesus becomes 'Iesus'. This will anagram to 'issue', everything issues from him.


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Firstly, there is a massive amount of evidence that Jesus existed much more so than any other opposing theory such as the nonsensical ‘big bang’ idea and evolution (created by Luciferian Freemasons). Secondly, If you haven’t already, please read the collected works of Flavius Josephus which is a history of the Holy Lands in the 1st century. Thirdly, if Christianity was made up by the predator class as a means of control, surely they would be embracing its principles and virtues instead of trying to annihilate everything it espouses. Fourthly, intuitively we know the bible is true. We are in the world but not of the world and when we pray, we can feel the presence of Jesus Christ, Our Lady and many of the saints. Fifthly, there’s the many, many phenomenal miracles that are absolutely inexplicable. Finally, St. John has laid out in Revelations what is happening right now!! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Amen.

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It's not necessary for most people who feel at home with just the Gospels, but if you find yourself wanting a new level of religious depth that you feel you're having trouble attaining to with your current resources, read some of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. They are unwavering, mighty testimonies to the existence of God that will give your "religious perception" a third dimension, so to speak.

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You CAN'T bring people to Christ, by using scientific evidence. Huff doesn't seem to understand this fact.

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It is true you can't bring people to Jesus Christ by using scientific evidence, but the Holy Spirit uses scientific evidence to bring people to Christ.

But as Jesus said "By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”

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James you might find this of interest:

Terry Wolfe: The New Age, the Great Awakening, & the Green World Order #453 by Geopolitics & Empire:



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Christianity and new age are both deceptions and multi billion pounds organisations.

Natural law is the absolute truth.

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Is that the natural law that originated from the Big Bang, something out of nothing?

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James, have you come across Christopher Sparkes and his Keys to the Kingdom website? He has answered LOADS of my questions regarding Christianity/the bible/ where we are in the scheme of things/ scriptural teachings etc etc. He's definitely worth talking to.

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Billy Carson is a fraud

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As another semi - intellectual I recommend the great Martin Hengel as a believing but scrupulous first century historian. A great man. Who wrote good solid history about an age that was literate, remember, an age that could write accurate records and was critically, intellectually, and analytically sophisticated.




Hengel is asked about sensational claims on gospel history and says in his opinion to make money by spreading nonsense about Jesus is a crime. I am afraid I agree with him.

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