Aug 10Liked by James Delingpole

Yay, I have been so looking forward to this, Going to wait till my determined-normie husband goes out to work in a couple of hours, so that I can enjoy it at normal volume. He finds my interest in all things Reset and Agenda 'tedious' and thinks (when he has to think about it at all) that it's all going to unfold years from now, after he's gone. All you guys whose spouses are as awake as you are are incredibly lucky. It's like being in occupied Paris in 1940 and having a husband who says 'Not only do I not want to hear talk of 'the war', but I insist you pretend it's not happening'.

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Aug 11Liked by James Delingpole

Superb, guys, thank you. I've already watched it twice, which I often do with the good interviews. Quite often I watch something again because I want to assess whether or not it would work with normie friends and family (to whom I send virtually nothing these days as even my own daughters don't want to hear it - both have pretty much told me I'm damaging their mental health), and my brother is an even more determined normie than my husband. It always amazes me how two people can watch the same video and one will see an entire picture that all makes sense, while the other sees a person spouting a load of sensational claims without any evidence whatsoever. Depressing. Anyway, gatherings like this are cheering, even if we can't be there, so thanks.

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You're not alone

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Aug 10Liked by James Delingpole

Thank you lads for helping me to make sense of this fallen world, even though it's difficult at times. I feel very alone at times, so I would be much worse off without people like you with a public platform.

God Bless you both.

Love from Limerick (under siege, currently).

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Aug 11Liked by James Delingpole

Hi James, the CC was in Welsh. Was this was planned for the Senned or for off grid preppers on Cader Idris? Not to worry, it didn't spoil a thing! I'm surprised there are not many more comments but maybe I have more time than most of your supporters. Interesting to hear some of Dr Yeadon's thoughts which are new to me. The rabbit hole is deep and wide and there is always more to discover. Your emphasis on God and Jesus is so necessary. They are the only hope for eternity and we need to be seeking and finding. I'm so glad you organised a video of this event.

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Aug 12Liked by James Delingpole

On the related subjects of virus/no virus and controlled opposition (conscious or not), what's the view on Dr Meryl Nass? She seems like a trooper, is battling the WHO Treaty and posts about the overall biodigital gulag, but supports ivermectin and lab-leak theory. She isn't selling anything, as far as I know.

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James Delingpole,


Thank you for the 28-June interview with Mike Yeadon, it was excellent! His message was loud and clear -- we the audience must spread his truths to the many who need to be awakened, otherwise they will never hear his truths due to the massive censorship.


That said, please realize that even though Dr Yeadon has earned a high degree of trust with me over the last few years, this is not the case for most of those his audience must try to awaken. So, please help Dr Yeadon with his mission by providing us, his truth spreaders, with links to the studies behind his views, especially in the areas of most controversy, like ivermectin. Having such backup will greatly improve our effectiveness.


What you and Yeadon are doing is of utmost importance in this evil world, and it is much appreciated by myself and many others.


God Bless and God Spede

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I've sent this on but it's a shame the message can't be spread because people have to pay to see it

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anyone recall of top of head which researcher he quoted about the music industry? i should have written it down.

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Here's another one that was mentioned.

Sage of Quay™ - Mike Williams - Did The Beatles Write All Their Own Music? (Apr 2020)

135,270 views Premiered Apr 1, 2020



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thank you! that was the one

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He mentioned Mark Devlin who wrote The Musical Truth, but there was also another name that I can't remember.

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haha, yes thats the one i forgot as well:) thank you though:)

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I didn't get Mike Yeaden's Twitter handle.. Can anyone help?

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I wrote a warning for Mike (and of course anyone else) about Telegram. Thought you might be interested: https://rogueneuron.substack.com/p/a-warning-to-mike-yeadon-telegram

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Dr Yeaden mentions the phenomenal Catherine Austin Fitts. She was the Assistant Secretary of Housing in the Bush Snr administration (not Reagan) and got out when she saw the writing on the wall. Before that she was a partner at Dillon Read investment bank. She has been my go-to since 2020 when the world turned upside down. Find her at https://home.solari.com/ .

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Don’t trade the sodding tomatoes for raspberries, James. Neither for spinach if you were thinking about it. A rabbit hole of the healthy food psy op (Popeye 💪 was one, I think) starts here: https://sallyknorton.com/

A good interview with Sally Norton: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J35ENSaXyGU&t=1493s&pp=2AHVC5ACAQ%3D%3D

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Wow.Great!There were a lot of things I hadn't heard before about Mike's story too👌

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