James, I love this article. It’s just like your podcast, brilliant and quite entertaining. I know several people who were violently pro mask and pro jab because I was so adamantly against them. I’ve called out the moon landing and 911, JFK and TWA 800. Because of my questioning of those narratives, they ran in the opposite direction from my take on Covid scam.

I’m not against flat earth or hollow earth or any other question that I cannot personally verify. My national lab chemical engineering friends tell me man made global warming was a joke back in the early nineties and I have known doctors and pathologists that told me the best way to not die from cancer is to avoid being diagnosed with cancer at all costs. Once you are diagnosed, there are literally hundreds of ways they can kill you, with surgery, radiation treatments, and chemotherapy being the top 3.

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So the moon landing was fake? So the space stuff is fake too? Shuttle? ISS? voyager? Everything is made up?

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There’s a vast difference, distance, and logistical gap between getting some folks way up in the sky and getting them and their golf clubs safely to the moon and back.

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Excellent article. I refused to let in any of the 9/11 truthers objections to the official narrative for 22 years. Seeing the massive fraud and ill intent behind vaccines and climate change finally softened my hardened resistance and a reconsideration was triggered by GW Bush declaring the J6 protestors as domestic terrorists. It immediately clicked in that he was just a globalist shill and was fine with letting citizens be grotesquely abused by the legal system/anti terrorism laws that he unleashed in the wake of 9/11.

There is some disagreement among truthers about what actually happened that day, and there are multiple facets to it. The first place I recommend looking is at Dr. Judy Wood’s textbook “Where did the towers go?”. It is very well illustrated and documented, showing why this “dustification” of the towers at free fall speed was not possible strictly as a result of burning jet fuel.

Various other YT videos have done excellent work on other aspects.

James is right: remain humble, mind open but skeptical, and dare to give contrarian evidence a fair hearing.

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On the subject of the moon landing, James Fetzer wrote a book “so I suppose we didn’t land on the moon either” which is a collection of essays on various topics including whether Paul McCartney died. I didn’t read those but I read the four about the moon landing: the first one supporting it the last three debunking it. There were various things they picked apart but the most telling to me is the analysis of the photos that were supposedly taken on the moon. Photography pros pointed out from the lighting and shadows that these must have been taken in a studio.

We as skeptics don’t have to prove exactly what reality is: we are not the ones behind these fictional creations and we don’t have access to the inside information. I can’t know if we ever went to the moon but I find the arguments against compelling.

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Exactly. Personal verification of the actual landings would require you or I to have been there. All other information is based on trust in the reliability of the sources of the information. If the sources have ever lied or presented any false statements about anything in the past, (even if they claim national security required deception) then why should anyone believe anything they present as fact?

Almost every human not in on the trick will have to remain agnostic.

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On the subject of virus/no virus I also didn’t want to distract myself with this question, and they had proven the existence of viruses, right? Right??

My view now is that I have no way of knowing if viruses exist or not, or operate the way we are told. However, in looking at virology and their claims of isolation of viruses just don’t hold water. Thus their entire gargantuan “science” edifice created and maintained cannot be trusted: PCR and other tests, vaccines as protectors against them, the computer generated nucleotide sequences they claim are from viruses, etc. This is the takeaway to me, not that we have to make the binary virus/no virus commitment.

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Is that it? That’s your smoking gun?

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Look at a picture of the moon. Upper atmosphere and the moon are a massive difference.

It took Elon multiple attempts to land a rocket upright, yet we are expected to believe that they did that and everything just worked perfectly first time, with so many unknowns?

Maybe it did happen, but the probability seems more likely that it is fake to me.

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The Van Allen Radiation Belt comes to mind.

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Transiting the Van Allen Belt in about 70 minutes the number of rads astronauts were exposed is about 14, well below a lethal threshold of 300. Here's a primer so you can work out the calculations yourself.


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Dja get all your space flight data from the ortho-docs who have a dog in that fight? Do you pull up the data/info/papers from folks whose very livelihood RELIES in coloring inside the mandated lines? A smoking gun ONLY applies if there is a single murderer: in a WAR, there is no smoking gun, and if you don't prepare for an ARMY pf smoking guns (by doing research), you'll be a casualty or a coward...

THIS is the fundamental problem we all have: unless you, yourself, can find and validate reliable sources -- and include IN your search (down the rabbit trails) a huge precaution that those sources TOO might be wrong/lying... then you CANNOT insist 'you know best.'

We saw that in SPADES during the bioweapon attack and tyrannical follow-on. And the "finding reliable sources' can be hellish. For example: I followed very closely Dr Bryan Ardis, early on, until he went into the snake venom/watch the water 'crap' -- when I rolled my eyes and chucked him.

Some few months later, I went back to see where he was then -- and holy hell! He has chapter and verse, peer-reviewed papers, actual filed patents -- and the joyous announcements (e.g., in conference speeches) BY "them." As Alex Jones always says: "this isn't ME saying this -- this is their OWN writings and speaking!!"

So, a long bounding down THAT rabbit trail -- and... still a small caution, but mostly I think I HAVE found Ardis has it pretty correct!

Same with Denis Rancourt, and Steve Kirsch, and of course Kory and Marick and the FLCCC -- and farther OUT down the rabbit warren: Dr Lee Merritt ... who goes a little bit farther than *I* am willing to... yet.

Same with a different rabbit trail: Vox Day makes very clear that evolution, both Darwinian AND "Neo" Darwinian, are crap -- and he backs it up. I have a newly Catholic friend who absolutely rejects evolution. Okay, {sigh} I'm off down that trail -- beginning with a Finnish microbiologist's super interesting book... and on into variety of books, vids, and sites. I first reached: "okay, 100% Darwinian evolution is flat-out wrong! There MIGHT be some micro-evolution WITHIN clades / genetic lines."

The "Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong" couple of books -- outing the flat-out FRAUDS perpetrated on us were beyond eye-opening! The white moths "evolving" into gray moths turned out to be a well-meaning (at the dawn of once-orthodox science) -- but the investigator GLUED or PINNED moths to tree trunks (but the moths only ever perched under branches, so birds didn't find and eat them!) and the gray moths were already a normal color variant for that species: there just fewer of them... because before the "black fogs" (coal soot blackening the trunks and everything else in England), the dark moths were more visible, so more were bird-food. Once the trunks and branches were blackened by soot, the white moths were more visible. But the ortho-docs still teach that "moths EVOLVED to be darker!!" in schools. (And yes, survival of the fittest -- white or black -- IS true -- but you can't get a Darwinian to separate those ideas!)

I've been backed (not entirely unwillingly) into 100% Darwinian evolution (and it's newer ''excuses' as taught) is not possible, for a variety of sound reasons... That does NOT make me commit (yet?) to "God dun it all." Seems an easy way out... while Chandra Wickramasinghe (https://profchandra.org/) and his rabbit trails are VERY persuasive (and deprecated BY ortho-docs!!)

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Solid comment. Better response than I could muster. Thanks 🙏

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The documentary "What Happened On The Moon? - An Investigation Into Apollo" was released back in 2000, since when quite a lot of other telling inconsistencies in the official narrative have come to light, but for me it remains an excellent, compelling, and very watchable piece of work on the topic.

It can be watched for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DlJLTZvM00

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This is excellent Expln -- it's the documentary I've been waiting for. The evidence is subjected to calm, meticulous evaluation. There is no need for theory. It's really excellent and vindicating of my own findings; the problems with photos and cameras stand tall among the issues.

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I'm genuinely thrilled if the doco is blessing you. It starts a little weakly imho, but after that it's a bit of a scorcher isn't it? Thank you so much for your remarks on it. You've made my day.

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Aah the doc includes Capricorn 1.

Man this is a great video. I've been picking through this for a long time.

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I don't suppose this 'documentary' explained why the Soviets were compliant in the supposed hoax.

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Yes, it does (although it helps if one possesses at least a rudimentary knowledge of the forces, and financiers, that lay behind the Russian Revolution).

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Have you ever seen the film Capricorn 1?

It's quite excellent. I placed a still in my article.


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Yep, I saw it many many years ago, when I was young. I remember thinking it was cool, but I was almost certainly too young to grasp its full implications.

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Correct. Space is fake and gay

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Space is water and the Earth is under a dome with an internal sun giving it a nice warm glow. So 'we all live in a yellow submarine' as our favourite products of Tavistock once told us.

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It can't all be fake and gay or we wouldn't have GPS or starlink. Moon landing likely is fake and gay. ISS, I am on the fence with.

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Yes, as are aliens 👽

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Gay is now the way

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Did you even read the article?

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You mean am I unwilling to “take the first step on the stair of doubt”? So it’s on me to explain how the moon landings were real?

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Why would a super-secret, super-competent ruling regime (cause I trust you’re not assuming the US government capable of these shenanigans) keep astronauts alive if they planned to fake a disaster?

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Why indeed? Let me know when you have found out you lazy troll twat. The British and American empires are pure evil and always have been. Pearl Harbour was a false flag set up to get the septic tanks (Yanks) into war, same as the Lusitania for WW1. Just fuck off and come back when you have done some digging of your own. You are just an energy vampire. FFS, am guessing you think Michelle Obama is a real woman? As James said, this is not the substack for you, unless you like irritating us like a swarm of midges. Bye

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Jeez, twat is a strong argument.

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I didn't call you a twat.

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Here is my take on the Moon landing; obviously there are many more problems than I account for in a short article. My astrology reading of the event is humorous and I hope you get the joke.


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Agree wholeheartedly although I don't like the term 'conspiracy theory' because it's shorthand for bonkers. There are theories, and there are facts, and an intelligent person will always keep an open mind about theories and not pronounce something as fact or fiction on the say so of someone else however 'expert'. Consequently, most of us are unlikely to know the truth about many theories because most of us cannot ever have access to both the raw data/information and the knowledge or skill to critically assess that information. We should therefore simply refer to 'theories' : that encourages debate, which is the route to truth.

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Yes. It's absurd... the term implies there's no such thing as a conspiracy. I've called myself a conspiracy realist.

But now you've got even well-meaning folks mistakenly saying "It's not a conspiracy" when what they mean is it IS just that, and not a theory. Drives me bonkers.

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Well said 👍🏻

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Another great article James. You, like many of your subscribers suffer the same frustration of trying to explain the blatantly obvious, albeit requiring a degree of research, to seemingly intelligent friends, family or work colleagues.

I am afraid it is now somewhat too late in the day for many and they will need to come back to us awaken ones when the substantial amount of deceipt/shit hits the fan of truth.

You just can't tell people because they don't listen, they have to be shown the uncomfortable truth whilst living their comfortable lie.

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I think the COVID 19 scamdemic was easy to figure out, just because it was anti-science bonkersness from the get-go. It was obvious they were working to a script devised by psychos. This was the big reveal, however, because those of us who swallowed all the neocon 9/11 nonsense in 2001 were able to go back, survey the evidence, and say, yes, on balance, it was an inside job predicated on Zionist and Military Industrial Complex ends. As rational beings (and our rationality is God's gift to us all) we are then in a position to weigh the obvious facts of each controversial event and say, yes, this looks dodgy (JFK: an unprotected president was shot by 1 lone gunman, who was then shot by another lone gunman while in police custody) or no, on the balance of the evidence that I can see from many sources, this is a conspiracy theory too far (Macca being replaced by another bloke). However, broadly, the cat's out of the bag: there is a cadre of Malthusian psychopaths pulling the strings who really do want you to die. THAT is the salient fact.

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A frustrating thing is: one starts to approach EVERYTHING that happens with a VERY jaundiced and untrusting eye! I've also been following Anonymous Conservative for some 20 years (I reread his book every couple of years! Reminds me WHY I cannot get through to idiot-liberal family members!) Over that time I have every couple years hit the "okay, NOW poor A/C has gone just paranoid-crazy!! What he is posting CANNOT be right!"

But, in a year or so.... "oh HELL he was right! Not even slightly crazy, just SO RIGHT" -- and he's provided references and pix/vids and other people having the same experiences... and all of us 'hopping down the bunny trails' are at DIFFERENT depths, in different "wings" of the rabbit warren; so someone reporting on THEIR trail can seem really... off. But, the more trails you travel, the more you realize it's likely that more of them ARE true than not!

UFOs have "ALWAYS been fake." Just stupid made-up tales by drunk farm boys out in the woods -- or they're weather balloons! Until suddenly, now, the GOVT (that always lies?) and the silenced mil pilots and so on are putting out pix and vids ... is it real or memorex?!

CLEARLY the govt is lying its ass off about the Trump assassination attempt! Never in the history of the FBI have THEY done crime scene cleanup! (And just THREE days after the crime?!) Whatever happened to crime scene photographers? Where are the little yellow markers for EACH bullet? HOW did they first count 5 casings and then "suddenly" it was 8?

My late husband -- and Vox Day -- said/say: ALWAYS ASSUME the govt is lying! THAT is eternal truth!

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If their lips are more moving, they’re lying.

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Yes - you've really gone for it. Obsessively - but in a good way. Thank you for doing this and for putting together all these resources.

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You're v welcome. It was a fascinating project to undertake, so I'm grateful to you for alerting me to the whole issue.

For what it's worth, the best standalone item I reckon I found (which I also happen to feel is a good one for introducing the topic to newbies) was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkc7jE7ROo8

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James, I’m an actor who’s fairly well known and refused all the protocols the last few years and somehow was able to keep working and have a few stories to tell and perspectives to share about the film and television industry in America. If you’d like to have an interview with me I’d be willing, I do think we could get going on some interesting points. Either way, I love your work.

Eion Bailey

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Sounds a great idea. My only reservation would be: would it get you into trouble? Anyway, we can discuss this. Please email me at Jamesdelingpole@icloud.com

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Their minds are the physical embodiment of a false architecture of reality .

Comprehending some pills like space, virus, dinosaurs or school-shootings hurts the false reality and their minds, so it's easier to think we've lost ours that put in the work.

Great article, the Sophists gatekeepers & their complexity have almost stopped any organised & effective resistance to date. It's easy to tell who they are, voluminously verbose within a very tight Overton but still silent 3yrs in on these pretty major problems with reality e.g. It's not just this vaccine, an orangutan could have figured that out by now.

It's not tactical. It's cowardice or outright lying. I can forgive Normies for their laziness but none of the self-styled thought leaders. They're doing the Devil's work and they know it.

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Brilliant comment

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So we’ll said!

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Thanks for this reminder James. I too am tired of the "gatekeepers", and the "yes but not that" school of thinking. It took me a while to get here, but I have adopted the "quantum physics" way of thinking where I assign probabilities to ideas rather than believe one or the other, especially when the facts are hard to come by. For example the recent Maui fires- I'm 50/50 on (1) it was gross incompetence from the fire dept, local govt, police and electric company, and (2) it was deliberate destruction, possibly a DEW, to destroy an entire town. With practice, you can learn to live with this uncertainty. Maybe it helps that I'm a physicist who loves quantum probability theory.

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Your discernment is absolute shite if you seriously think the events in Maui are a 50-50 between cock up & orchestrated malevolence. It’s 100 -0 or 99-1 if you want to sit on the fence

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I like your ‘quantum probability’ approach, Sarah. Personally, I am now closer to 100/100 that Maui was deliberate, now that we are seeing evidence of selective tracts being destroyed and trees remaining miraculously unburned.

Where are you on the dinosaurs? Since James recently raised the issue with Miri AF, I’m currently trying to track down evidence sources that they didn’t exist. Have you found any of those sources?

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Agent has a lot of Substack articles about dinosaur fraud. Quite convincing I thought. Once again, that doesn’t mean they didn’t exist.

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Thanks Ernie. I subsequently found Agent’s substack and read his stuff on dinosaurs, which I found pretty convincing as well. Later, I found Franklin O’Kanu’s Unorthodoxy stack and found his summation well put together too. Link below:


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Ssshhh. Don't tell James, but this book proves that dinosaurs were created at the same time as man, and, although their numbers dwindled after the Flood (because the world became much less suited to them), some types continued to exist (albeit in really small numbers) right up until the 1800s and beyond.

"Dinosaurs by Design" by Duane T. Gish, Ph.D.

An electronic copy can be borrowed for free here: https://archive.org/details/dinosaursbydesig00gish

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Thank you, ExPlan Nation! James has said he thinks dinosaurs did not exist. But he has not provided sources for his research (that I’m aware of). I would find it quite helpful to hear his response to this book...and to see his sources!

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ExPlanation is misrepresenting my position. I believe dragons existed but that dinosaurs were a 19th century invention. I've no doubt the book he cites is talking about dragons, not dinosaurs.

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Thank you, James! To clarify my research, one more serious question: The bones we see on exhibit in museums today are, therefore, dragon bones?

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No. There may be dragon bones among them but they're mostly either plaster casts or bones from other animals which aren't dragons. Is my working theory, at any rate.

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Hiya James. Many thanks for your message, Sincere apologies for misunderstanding your position. Nevertheless, I implore you to read the book, as it most certainly talks about dinosaurs - as well as dragons.

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Without wishing to put words in James' mouth, my guess is that he believes the existence of dinosaurs would undermine one or more aspects of the Bible (e.g. the account of Noah's Ark). But, as the Gish book shows, the existence of dinosaurs does zero violence to Scripture (and indeed corroborates God's pure Word).

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Embrace the power of AND: gross incompetence AND deliberate destruction. I'm betting on PLANNED gross incompetence!

HOW does one explain that the head of police there was the head of police at the big Las Vegas concert shooting?! Malign pieces on a chessboard?!

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I fully agree James, nothing should be off limits, hurts my head sometimes but has to be done. Once you have seen it you can’t unsee it!

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People who say things such as that were already itching to stick the boot in. I usually get "oh you're not one of those conspiracy theorists are you??"

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That's exactly it, Jason. Your 'already' is what nails the problem. They've already made up their mind

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Instead of calling them "Normies", as our victimizers suggest, why not call them them "Conformies", which is what they are. Most people want to be normal. Most people would rather not be mocked. Let's mock the conformies!

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Half the problem is division. The moment you start to 'other' people with labels is the moment you strip them of dignity and humanity. It's not helpful to anyone except those who wish to control by utilizing division.

I mean it's fun to poke at people who are glued to their phones then fall into a pond because they were too distracted, for example, but we have all been subjected to quite sophisticated propaganda and psychological manipulation, as well as being deprived of our natural potentials. It's tragic, really. We'll only get past it when we see everyone, including the people at the top, as victims of forces we do not yet understand.

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For some reason, I have trouble seeing the psychopathic heirs of multigenerational crime families with the blood of hundreds of millions of people on their hands as victims, especially as these psychopaths are actively endeavoring to destroy what remains of my people.

I judge we need to see psychopaths for what they are, and deny them access to power.

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Of course they shouldn't be near reins of power or influence, much like any serial killer or rapist shouldn't be roaming free. In practical terms we have to keep them locked up if they present a real danger to others. But that doesn't preclude us from understanding the real depth of the tragedy behind their arc.. no one is born evil and twisted.

At some point all these people became corrupted, as we all do to a certain degree. That doesn't excuse actions committed, but neither does it mean we can't seek to understand why the corruption happened and all the factors at play. Indeed, if we want to shut the door on evil forever on this planet then it is imperative that we do understand all the factors at play, seen and unseen, otherwise we will remain forever vulnerable to that which we do not understand.

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I generally agree. I disagree that you can know "no one is born evil and twisted". Over at the ponerology (study of evil) substack, I read: "psychopathy — highly heritable".


Many of our best scientists who've studied evil have come to the conclusion that some people appear to have been evil from the moment of conception. Weird, I know! Challenging to the "everyone is equal, people only go bad because of a bad environment" belief that we seem to hold as a dogma. If you choose to read Harrison's article, I'm eager to know whether you come to consider the possibility that some seeds are bad, designed to bring forth bad fruit.

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I maintain my position - it does actually say "The way that genetic risk for psychopathy operates is likely to be probabilistic, rather than deterministic: genes do not directly code for psychopathy".

There's two issues with that analysis piece, which are also generally present in all such hypotheses. The first, is that 'psychopathy' (or any psychological definition) is not accurately defined at all, it is whimsical and subjective, and by extension much of psychology itself is merely discussion on symptoms and not true causes. The second, is the reliance on genetics as a foundation (the prevailing paradigm) - evolutionary theory is incomplete (see Rupert Sheldrake's work). The quote I picked out above at least encapsulates the second point, which is good.

There is also a fundamental flaw in western science itself, and that is trying to dissect things to the smallest unit in order to understand the whole. It doesn't work in the realm of biology and psychology, and barely so in physics. You can't separate things in that way; there is interconnectedness, interdependence, and these things are only revealed by examining the entire picture and not just the smallest sub-units.

The brain is not the mind - the brain is also incredibly plastic. There is an interconnected, interdependent relationship, currently not understood by psychology or biological theory. You get glimpses of this when 'mysterious' things happen, like people with huge chunks of the brain being absent but outwardly they are fine, or having head trauma and all of a sudden they can speak other languages, etc.

Lead, alcohol, and stresses on the unborn child (and infant) play a role in shaping the brain, sure. As does the general environment, such as mirroring the parents neurological structure. But the inner/outer violence that often results is not 'evil', it is natures design being frustrated due to our own collective ignorance. None of the aforementioned stressors are inherent or due to fault of the child.

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Think of it as a recruitment drive -- we're not (yet, but soon, I pray!) ready to begin the active war against the psychopaths. We're still trying to if not recruit to active 'service,' at least the planting enough seeds of doubt or hope that more and more normal folks (<--) will in NOT become our soldiers, at LEAST not stay/be soldiers and actors for our enemies!

What do they say (and is it right?) about the U.S. Revolution that it was only 5-10% of the colonists who planned and fought that war? MOST colonists did not want to get involved? (Or maybe to break free?)

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We are making significant progress on mapping the nature of psychopaths of late. I'm loving the new series by Harrison Koehli at Ponerology, summarizing the recently published work of Karen Mitchell sorting out the various theories about psychopaths and their ilk. Latest is: https://ponerology.substack.com/p/how-to-investigate-successful-predators

with links to the earlier pieces in the series. Highly recommend.

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I've gone back to using the term "normal folks" -- MY goal is to entice them to come towards the dark side! Calling them normies is merely the flip side of calling us conspiracy theorists! We 'discard' them for it; why would THEY not discard us?

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I agree with you 100% James. I too was faced with the same problem, once I accepted that I had a significant belief column that supported my worldview fall, I had to admit that if I was wrong about that, well then I could be wrong about almost all of my beliefs and then the belief columns that supported my worldview started to fall one after another. I now find myself standing naked on very shaky ground with nothing over my head and it is both disturbing and liberating at the same time. However, I know now that this is only just the beginning of my journey and that the path to truth awaits me.

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Actually, Richard Gage, the founder of AE-911 Truth (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth), was fired in 2021 from his position by the board of directors for getting involved in conspiracy theories, including “flat earth.”

I have this from the current board chairman, who explained to me yesterday where he went (when I asked).

Spike Lee was about to release a documentary granting AE-911 twenty minutes of air time at the 2021 anniversary, but then the NY Times did a story about how Gage was indulging conspiracy theories, including “flat earth.”

Spike Lee pulled the 20-minute AE-911 segment from the documentary on the basis of the Times’ story, and the AE-911 board then fired Gage — its founder — as an existential threat.

I’ll have this on PWFM in a couple of weeks, ahead of the anniversary.


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This is interesting but I'm not sure how you think it contradicts my thesis - if indeed you do think that. All you are doing is describing how the enemy will use any old excuse to close us down.

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It was not flat earth that got Gage in trouble, it was Covid psyop. Gage was comparing the media and intelligence coverage of Covid to what was done with 911 especially building 7.

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Every organization has its own policy or custom. I prefer my writers and editors to be straight arrows. AE911 is solid documentary research. It stands on its own and does not require comparison.

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I would add that it also doesn't "disqualify" all the stuff that Gage has actually uncovered! That would, in a sense, be like saying that Pasteur is worthless because of Bechamps, if that analogy even works... No, Pasteur is very useful for what he understood & so is Bechamps, they don't necessarily cancel each other out...

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Yes, one could just as easily (as I did for decades!) 'disparage and discard' perfectly legit science or business or whatever information from 'staunch Christians because "of course" (my enemies had taught me) they ignore science and only base everything in their book...

My first step in that was working in aerospace with a Mennonite woman -- with the hair covering, long skirts, and all. I could not imagine that her 'business advice' could be sound cause... look at her!? Except it WAS, and she was very good -- and "suddenly" I had tripped over my OWN blind spot! Been enjoying learning about Tal El Hamman -- which looks to turn out to be Sodom (!!) and was 'destroyed' by a meteoric airburst, which by forcing tons of Salt Sea water into the sky "created salt pillars, along with burned and melted mud bricks and so on. Dr. Steven Collins, the lead archeologist and most of the archeos have been digging (for 14 years, I think it is now?) are very much 'academic successes' -- and are extremely careful to back everything up without reference to the Bible -- albeit, Collins FOUND the spot/city THROUGH a careful reading OF the Bible...

Is Tall el-Hammam really biblical Sodom? - Troweling Down Episode 1 (14 min.)


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No it does not, but it sure helped injure the organization. They did their groundwork, but it's easy to tear that down.

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Point very well taken, thank you.

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We live in a time when "there is no such thing as credibility," hence, forget how delicate it is.

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All and any "conspiracy theory" should be up for debate. Perhaps we all have protected areas of past "reality" that are still personally sacrosanct and too painful to dismantle. However, I wouldn't put anything past the satanic filth who are doing all this.I have found letting go of the old paradigm vertiginous but also profoundly liberating. What concerns me is the name calling that is unleashed should one dissent from a theory. I don't think that they killed the real Paul. Not because it's too outlandish a concept, but because it doesn't convince me as genuine. Cue "useless idiot" etc. Btw, something beautiful is happening amidst the horror. A couple of us have been chalking on the sea walls about Christ.."Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life" etc. Some write over with obscenities or wipe off. We rechalk and there have been young people coming down saying that these amazing coincidences keep happening and that they think that they're becoming Christians. Wonderful encounters. Let us be open to the revelations around us and resist the ad hominem . (I'm as guilty of name calling as the next , btw!!)

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I look at it this way, why do they waste time money and effort, distracting, misleading, denying and lying about anything and everything.

Aliens are a prime example, so much crap surrounding the crashed ships, Roswell. They’ve spent decades speculating, spoofing the public this includes ridiculing those who talk or bring up sightings or abductions.

Now we have whistleblowers telling us it’s all true, aliens are here and our governments have lied.

Do you know what, I care not one jot whether they’re here, have lived or visited for years.

None of it makes the slightest difference to billions around the world, doesn’t make our lives better or worse. No matter what tptb reveal or don’t, scare or panic people everything they do is not for our benefit or safety.

Remember these are the same people who sent young children up chimney’s and factories mills to avoid starvation.

If you want to stay sane, best to ignore as much as possible and not feed them your energy.

Research educate yourself and find people who see the gaslighting that has been revealed to millions who could never identify it before

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Brilliantly articulated James. Will bounce off Toby's head like a Wuhan 5G victim off the pavement.

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