Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole

The Rockefeller's quickly came under the wing of the Rothschilds.

In 1892, Baron Alphonse de Rothschild accepted Rockefeller’s invitation to go to New York for secret talks behind the closed doors of Standard Oil’s headquarters on Broadway. As Rockefeller’s biographer saw matters ‘Beneath the competitive veneer, the Rothschilds were keen to come to terms with Standard Oil. [12] No doubt the Rothschild version of events would reverse that order, for clearly both saw mutual benefit from monopolistic collusion. Standard Oil’s chief spokesman, John Archbold, reported directly to Rockefeller that they had quickly reached a tentative agreement (without being sufficiently indiscreet to add its precise nature), but stressed that ‘it was thought desirable on both sides that the matter be kept confidential’. [13] Indeed, Alphonse de Rothschild thought it desirable to keep the Nobel brothers out of the discussion, and Standard Oil executives were instructed to deal exclusively with them. Thus, in the pre-war years, much of the great rivalry between Rothschild and Rockefeller was a convenient façade, though both would have the world believe otherwise.


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Yes. Rockefeller would never have become a force without Rothschild backing

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Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole

Thank you for your focus on this James. It's so key to the way our minds and lives are manipulated.

James Corbett's documentaries "Why Big Oil Conquered The World" & "How BOCTW" were two keys to my 'awakening' back in 2020. Suddenly the World made a lot more sense than it had until then. His one on the Federal Reserve also enlightening and totally central to the mechanism for controlling the herd.

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Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole

Another thing the Rockefeller foundation funded was Alfred Kinsey and his perverse sex studies

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The one dividend we have from it is a pretty good Cole Porter song - Too Darn Hot.

But otherwise, yes, yuk. It really did a helluva lot of damage.

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Yes! Thank you, James. I will be sharing this with so many people. My whole family got jabbed and when I talk about things like this, they glaze over and look away, as if a switch had been turned off in their brains (the God gene? The critical thinking gene?). It’s madness.

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Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole

An urgent epistemological question at this point in history- where mass media, mass propaganda, mass indoctrination via compulsory schooling saturates every aspect of everyday life- is the question, "How do we come to know what we think we know?"

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Not only are we in the grip of a staggeringly complex array of cognitive biases and dispositions, but we are generally ignorant of their role in our thinking and decision-making.

Combine this ignorance with the conviction of our own epistemic superiority, and we can begin to see the magnitude of the problem. Appeals to “common sense” to overcome the friction of alternative views just won’t cut it.

We need, therefore, a systematic way of interrogating our own thinking, our models of rationality, and our own sense of what makes for a good reason. We need an objective standard for assessing the merit of claims made about truth.

There was a person in history who claimed to give us objective truth. He told his followers he was the way, the truth and the life.

I’d encourage you to do your own research, and find out if he was a lunatic, a liar, or was he Lord?

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I read 'Thinking Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman in which he differentiates two modes of thought: "System 1"- fast, instinctive and emotional; "System 2" - slower, more deliberate and logical. I found it very persuasive and it got me to think about my own previously unexamined biases.

But even more important in my world view was the effect of CS Lewis's 'Mere Christianity' where he carefully assesses the case for the truth of the Gospel. As he puts it in his trilemma "He was either mad, bad or God! 🙏

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Excellent comment.

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It is only recently I've seen universal state education as a way of installing a particular mindset rather than teaching facts and socializing people,the latter it has never been very successful at.

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Cognitive Warfare

The "Human Domain"; Cyber Tools for Controlling the Human Domain; NATO's Cognitive Warfare Doctrine; Managing the Three Camps of Awareness



Speakers: David A. Hughes, Patrick Wood, Daniel Broudy, Lissa Johnson. Moderator: Catherine Austin Fitts


Awesome research:

"Immediately after their destruction, the debris from the Twin Towers was practically at ground level, no higher than their lobbies (Ch. 9). Where did the rest go?


(Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth) AE911T’s dominant role in steering critical opinion leads people away from the most critical questions and evidence regarding the disappearance of the Twin Towers — laid out by Wood (2011) in by far the most comprehensive forensic investigation of that phenomenon to date — and instead suspiciously censors or caricatures Wood’s work.


Thus, Wood and Reynolds explicitly do not claim that 'space beams' destroyed the Twin Towers, but rather that energy weapons must be considered as one possibility given problems in attributing the towers’ destruction to kinetic energy. It seems that the subversive potential of this idea was immediately recognized and met with attempts to thwart Wood.


Harvard historian of science, Peter Galison (2004, p. 231), estimates that the volume of classified scientific research is five to ten times greater than publicly available


In the case of the Twin Towers, the evidence points strongly in the direction of black technology."

In Defence of Judy Wood

Contrary to the "nanothermite" hypothesis of the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth," the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of "Cold Fusion"


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Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole



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Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole

James, I agree with everything I read, but I have a different perspective on the REAL cause of Climate Change, which the diabolical man-made climate manipulation is designed in part to coverup.

The Earth's Magnetic North has been moving now 40' a year toward the east. As core samples of the Earth's geology show, every 25,000years the Earth flips its Magnetic North-South axis, and what was tropical becomes arctic and what was arctic becomes tropical. As the Earth's Magnetic North is being pulled to the east, the latitudes are also moving, which is the REAL natural cause of Climate Change, that all the Weather Change psyop is designed to distract us from knowing, that there is a Pole Shift coming.

Which is why the Evil that run this planet are killing off the herd, shutting down their industries and leaving. The llluminati are no longer on the surface of the Earth.

For these and many other corroborating reasons James, I believe the REAL natural cause of Climate Change is the Earth is being pulled off her Magnetic North and all the latitudes shifting as a result, because of the now-occurring Pole Shift.

Which of course, the Evil would not want us to know, so they distract us with all the Climate Change psyop and diabolical weather manipulation.

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Sep 8Liked by James Delingpole

I’m not knowledgeable about pole shifts other than to mention that, when I took O level Geology at school (1974-76), I do remember being told that some sedimentary rocks shown no unequivocal signs of earth’s magnetic fields having radically changed its orientation, more than once. For example, iron containing sediments have grains in one orientation in a given stratum, yet a few layers down, these grains are orientated quite differently.

That said, it’s not necessary to “find explanations for climate change”. There hasn’t been notable change anywhere since the pre-industrial era, not even the modest warming universally beaten into the public at every opportunity. That’s mostly if not all an artefact of “urban heat islands”. The only really marked change I can think of is the increase in atmospheric CO2. It’s widely stated that this is due to humans having burned “fossil” fuels. It definitely isn’t correct. Only a small minority of the increase in CO2 during my life (b. 1960) arises from our burning coal, oil & gas. The majority comes from elsewhere and the only plausible source is the oceans. CO2 is such a minor “greenhouse gas” that it cannot possibly produce a warming of any significance. Finally, further geological observations arise from analysis of polar ice cores. Trapped bubbles evidence the atmospheric CO2 when it was formed. Isotopes of oxygen provide a surrogate for temperature at the same time. What these ice cores show is that changes in CO2 always trail behind temperature changes. This is formal proof of the lie that CO2 drives temperature. Not the other way around.

Conclusion: there is absolutely no reason to even head in the direction of “net zero”. If we don’t collectively share this like crazy & object publicly, we will permanently lose our freedoms.

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There is though. It’s called debt. People have to wake up and force a debt jubilee or the war machine will clear the debts for themselves- by killing them and taking their assets.

The best strategy is to psyops military and muscle. They need to be infiltrated to stand with the people because that is who they are.

Or am I just crazy?

BTW Mike your name is in the middle of a Venn Diagram with overlapping circles named - Hi IQ, Rational thinking, Bullshit Detective, Fearless.

I’m on your team buddy over here in the bush in Australia. If you ever travel this Doomsday Prepper is easy to find!

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Am I invited?

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James, I made a little shack by a large dam with a pot belly stove with your name on it. But it is Victoria. You may get trapped. Lockdown here was fucked.

I’ve got chooks orchards wild game, veg gardens, woodlot, music studio, beehives.

I could use the help actually now I think of it. Doomsday prepping is exhausting!

You’re on a watch list


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Cheers mate. And redbacks in the dunny, I would hope?

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Yes. We have an outdoor composting dunny that has red backs!!😂

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That's my understanding, too. From one year behind you. ☺

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Ben Davidson (Suspicious Observers on YT) believes the magnetic flip happens every 6,000 years.

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Hi Iain, I'm going by the geological core samples of the Earth which show every 25,000years, but I'm sure there are many other cataclysmic Earth events that happen within that time period.

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The biggest problem is that all of the quoted “science” is completely fake. Undoing the generations of indoctrination & brain washing we have all been subjected to is a monumental task.

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Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole

Looking forward to the new edition! I managed to track down an early edition a few years ago ( they were like hens’ teeth!), and made the mistake of lending it out. I will be much more protective of its replacement - bring it on.

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Sep 8Liked by James Delingpole

I like that. I mean that definition/explanation..you change the reality so your lie looks like truth..that's how I'd never thought of it,which is I guess,why they're getting away with it. Actually in my experience less and less people believe it now but no one feels fired up enough to storm the barricades - which suits them fine I guess.

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Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole

Christopher Columbus. Collins. Collins English dictionary, the real wealth is shown in the flags of nations. The colours and symbols represent certain families.

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"Absolute Power (from Huge Money) corrupts absolutely"!!

Just look what it has done to Poor flaky bill Gates.

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We made a terrible mistake in giving all the socially maladapted geeks such tremendous latitude and acceptance. We shouldn't be surprised, having put no thought into it beforehand, that they should later turn out to be monsters.

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Sep 7Liked by James Delingpole

Let's not forget the Collins family. Collins was originally Columbia.

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The Collins family are not on the radar for most people. Collins is columbia. District of.

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FYI - Repeating over and over, it was invented end promoted still to this day by Al Gore for the real reason that he got all the gullible foolish Sheeple to buy into it. He has become mega rich selling it.

Other mega grifters like the U.N. recruited sweet little Greta to sell it for them, for the same reason,

to get people to give them money to CHANGE THE WEATHER!

"Never give a stupid sucker an even break, take his money!"

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The conspiracy goes deeper, the UN is actively engaged in whitewashing an other Genocide for the destruction of all international laws.

Here some thoughts about it.


This is all part of the same depopulation agenda and people needs to wake up to the brutal facts.

Thx for sharing

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

From what I’ve read climate change is a) PARTLY man-made but definitely not b) unprecedented or c) any kind of threat we should take seriously. The 1.5-3 degree C warming projected by 2150 is not a threat to humanity; indeed it will probably be beneficial in some ways. However it does behoove us to be careful about emissions because the Earth is more pleasant with less pollution. You are correct that it’s not about saving the planet; were that the case you would see every environmentalist promoting nuclear power instead of the Rube Goldberg machines that constitute wind and solar power and EVs. Some smart ones are pro nuclear but most environmentalists are stupid.

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The 1.5-3 degree C warming is the same horseshit as the rest of it. It's only about money and control. Like all good elite Grand Projects, it's a tissue of lies from the ground up.

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Uh, no. Global warming was predicted in the 19th century before any Grand Projects. Don’t make it easy for the elites by being a (said in a shrill voice) “SCIENCE DENIER!” 😂

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There has been no meaningful change in any aspect of climate during the last century.

There’s no need to decide what fraction of non-existent climate change is down to us.

Humans are not capable of producing “global warming”. It’s hubristic to think otherwise.

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Meaningful is a very subjective term. Humans produce more carbon dioxide than is absorbed by the atmosphere, hence the slight increase in temperature.

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You’re definitely on the right track!

Great piece James!

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