All flat earthers start off believing the globe model, The conditioning starts so early -look at the rotating globe that was the BBC intersegment piece, before children's television.

I was switched over by talking to an army officer in Signals who then worked for the railways, checking the structure, and measuring inclines. He said there was no incline The globalist model , which they only mention when you dig in - not taught at school as it can be refuted by measuring and seeing the world - is that there is a an 8 sqaure inch per mile incline in order to create the ball.

This no incline is recorded by those putting down the railways, and the canals in the nineteenth century. They said no allowance was made for it. 8 squared per mile quickly adds up. I can see a town forty miles from me on a cliff. It should be more than a 1000 feet blelow sea level on the incline model. Ditto many lighthouses etc. Edward Hendrie's masterful and comprehensive tome of nearly 1000 pages details this and many other examples. The Chicago skyline picture from 55 miles away( 0nly the telephone towers should have been visible, the Rowbotham experiments, Michelson -Morley failure, instructions to training pilots - fly 'as if' earth is flat and stationary,

declassified military documents, still water cannot be convex ie water level like spirit level is always straight.

Background of globalists - Newton a high level freemason and cabbalist, Royal Society - fully freemasonoc (like astronots) Copernicus and Galileo Jesuits (part of the illuminati) .

First, confirm to yourself that the moon landings are fake. !A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" Bart Sibrel - astrononauts using a round window to make the earth seem round. "Astronauts go wild" Bart Sibrel ask astronauts to swear on the Bible they went to the moon"

Dave McGowan 'Wagging the Moon Doggy, and lots more.

Why? Geocentric universe means the there is a Creator, and we are at the centre, not unimportant accidents on the edge of a darlk, mostly empty universe. The North Star is in the centre of the sky, and all stars revolve around it above us, just like in a Planetarium.

The Luciferian freemasonic globalists say the earth is at a 66.6 degree angle, and earth is flying through the universe at 666,0000 miles. Nothing to see there then.

Look up the third voyage of Captain Cook, and also James Clark Ross - years of following ice walls with no way in. Antartica - no one allowed below 78th parallel. except military and a scientific institute close to the shore,, and scientists not allowed beyond 200 yards outside.

Tesla - the earth is not a planet, but a closed electromagnetic toroid.

We know they lie and Hendrie's book The Greatest Lie on Earth exposes them in the calm yet ruthless logical manner of the lawyer he is.

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Great comment 🙌🏽

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If the Earth is flat, why haven't cats pushed everything off the edge of it by now?

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I am a former Merchant Marine Captain, from back in the days when one still needed to know and practice celestial navigation and great circle sailing - both of which employ spherical trigonometry, amongst other elements.

I have had to take the curvature of the earth into account when taking sights, bringing celestial objects down to the ‘horizon’ for determining lines of position, and seen countless objects ‘rising’ over the horizon. But I also saw it from the perspective of a window seat on the Concorde - on two occasions.

I have planned and executed navigation over long voyages using Pilot Charts with details of currents, waves, and winds over the entire globe, compiled over centuries, detailing the Northerly, Southerly, Eastern and Western currents and counter currents that one would not see if the earth was flat. These are like marine highways that facilitated oceanic voyages for millennia, and only a fool would disregard today.

While some seem to draw their conclusions from Bible texts (the four corners of the Earth’, etc), I understand such language as a figure of speech, as we commonly use ourselves today. On the other hand, when that same Bible says that the Earth is a circle suspended in space by nothing (Job 26:10 / Isaiah 40:21-22), that is descriptive, not figurative. Finally, anyone with a decent telescope can observe the curvature of the moon and other celestial objects, but we are then to believe that the Earth is flat, and everything else is spherical?

For all these reasons, and more that could be mentioned, such as radio wave propagation, I view this as an incontrovertible fact, and am somewhat befuddled to see the flat earth views being so widely accepted.

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This may be anecdotal but I’ve crossed an ocean by sea and seen the top of a lighthouse sticking above the horizon. Everything I’ve seen with my own eyes and basic instruments tells me that the globe 🌍 is a a slightly squashed (imperfect) sphere.

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Buy a Nikon P100 & they will reappear right down to the base

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Apparently the globe is too big for us to be able to see the curvature of the earth even when your on a plane so… 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I’ve stood on the bridge of a ship on a clear day and seen the top part of a lighthouse on the horizon. Also, at night, a clear night, you can see the loom of a light before the actual light can be physically seen - because of the curvature of Earth.

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Something to do with refraction of light as the earth is too big to see the curve at 10 or 30 miles away

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Are you saying you can't see the curvature from a plane? That's interesting. I always see the curvature. It's the first thing I noticed from the air when I took my first airplane flight. I was thirteen.

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Yes apparently that curve is from the the window glass not the curvature

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I think 'flat Earth' is the rogue conspiracy theory that has been deliberately planted to trigger the most derision and ridicule against those whom believe it. It gives normies a way to attempt to discredit ALL conspiracy theories. An ultra-normie colleague of mine who definitely suspects me of being a tin foil hatter randomly started a conversation about The Flat Earth Society and was obviously trying to gauge my thinking whilst banging on about 'observable scientific fact'.

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If you read the article you may find that I address this point.

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Indeed you did. I was somewhat over-eager to regale people with my anecdote regarding my ultra-normie colleague.

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About twenty years ago, I came to the conclusion, that what we were told about 911, was rubbish, and started off down all the rabbit holes, making lots of incorrect conclusions, before getting back on track. The one rabbit hole, I dismissed entirely, without looking into, was the Flat Earth, (because I assumed it was there to discredit truth seekers), until I inadvertently came across it, in a video about something else last year, and was forced to reconsider. The heliocentric model, now seems hilarious to me, having looked at both sides of the argument. There are so many simple proofs that the Earth is flat, and all the globe theories are so wildly elaborate. The Flat Earth Society looks very much like a psy-op, put out there to discredit those, who believe the scientific evidence, points towards a flat earth. I think one of the reasons, that the control freaks are so desperate, to keep the lie going, is that with observation and basic logic, it is probably the easiest lie to expose, and it's exposure, would bring everything about our society into question.

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Great comment. The FE Society is operated by Big Evil. Eric Dubay has a genuine competitor to it called IFERS

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A few random points.

If is a conspiracy/con, it goes back at least 2000 years. Eratosthenes, living in Alexandria calculated the Earth's circumference within 5% of the currently accepted value.

When I went to live 'Down Under' I observed Sun to rising in the East but go North on it's way to setting in the West, but I expected that. I had a really disorienting shock when I spotted my favourite constellation, Orion, high in the sky but *upside down*! That is why I believe I had travelled to the other side of a globe.

If the Earth is flat, what's underneath? Genuine question. I doubt there are advanced civilisations with flying saucers, not Godzilla infested jungles, but there must be something?

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Good question. I wonder, too, why, if Earth is a disk and not a sphere, when I stood on the beach at Pacific Rim (Long Beach on Vancouver Island), the horizon always was decidedly curved... it was NOT a straight line. Ditto, up in a tiny airplane; the Earth curved most distinctly.

I'm open to the arguments of a flat earth, but these experiences stand out for me.

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You are the first person I have ever come across who claims to see curvature with naked eye 🤔Through a plane window is very common as the glass they use creates a fish eye effect

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And there were no windows on that beach!

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What kind of windows did they use in the Twin Towers? They didn't appear curved to me, but from up there, the Earth did.

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This claim of being able to see curvature with the naked eye feels like a brand new take in the FE debate. I have never seen even the most fervent globe enthusiasts claim that earths curvature can be observed by eye

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It helps to live at the coast. While watching sunsets over the Pacific the curvature is very noticeable. Ditto while sailing offshore.

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Astounding to me... I saw it clear as day, and marvelled.

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who knows, as it seems the furthest they have drilled down, is about 8 miles.

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"When I went to live 'Down Under' I observed Sun to rising in the East but go North on it's way to setting in the West, but I expected that."

Thank you! I have often thought that would be true, but you are the first person to state it.

And I, too, am curious about the underside of a flat earth.

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Why do so manyvwho claim they want to know the "truth" & be on "the right side of truth" become so triggered, angry, and sensitive when the topic of Flat Earth comes up??? I would almost bet my life none of you reacted this why when you were 5-6-7 years old and found out Santa was/is fake. That didn't bother you as much.

One of the arguments for a globe is...." when I look through my telescope I see other planets that are globes, why would Earth be to only planet that is flat?" You cannot prove anything you see in the sky is a globe/ball. All you know is you are seeing a light in the sky. No one has ever been there to "tell us" what it is. You have no idea how far those lights are. "They" say the closest star is 4.2 light years away which equates to almost 25 trillion miles away, and you beLIEve you are seeing that light?!?!?! You cannot even phathom that distance.

If Earth was really rotating/spinning at 1000 mph at the equator like they tell us it is a plane flying from NY to London would never reach it since the earth is supposedly traveling twice as fast as the plane. A hot air balloon or a helicopter should be able to take off from NY, hover, and in 3 hours decend into the state of Washington if earth was moving at 1000 mph. None of that happens. A planrle traveling from NY to Florida in 3 hours would be landing in California if earth was rotating, that doesn't happen either. Globes "answer/excuse" for this is...."the atmosphere moves with Earth, therefore the planes in the air do too!".

These are all simple everyday observations we can all look at but the vast majority refuse to.

So since "you" don't want to look at the simple things regarding the shape of where we live, don't claim to want to know or spread the TRUTH !

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👆 This is what happened when we let the Communists take over our schools 🤦‍♂️

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Cause the "school" you went to was so different?!?!?!

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Did you go to school in the 1800's or something?

It wasn't different, it was still "indoctrination " !!!

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I educated myself by reading mostly classic books. I also got my engineering degree to learn the hard sciences. Anyone adhering to a FE worldview is denying physics and mathematics and is mindlessly accepting being gaslit.

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What is it about "physics & mathematics " that proves earth is a spinning ball???

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Show me the edge. or someone who has been to the edge. or has an anecdote about an aunt who slipped and fell off the edge, or go home.

There are at least 60 technical professions which simply cannot function without the calculations that arise from earth's curvature being factored in. This isn't some debate with an autist on BitChute. Richard D.Hall, an actual trained engineer, notably cringed at the subject when James brought it up. Bridges collapse, planes do not leave runways, navigation systems aren't even possible with a 'flat earth model'. It's the 'feminist glaciology' of the fake awake.

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WTF are you on about? Planes not taking off and bridges collapsing? You are spouting total 🐎💩

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Talk has always been 'cheap', but since the advent of the internet, it's been devaluing faster than the Argentinean peso - inflation there now approaching 4,000%!

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James, first, great post, and I think you have hit on the most important component of awakeness versus asleepness: humility. As a fellow Christian (American with a background first in Anabaptist-lite worlds, then Baptist, and finally Lutheran convert) I have found that all of us lack some amount of humility - Americans doubly so. It is the lack of humility at confronting our own limitations and weaknesses that creates defensiveness on both sides of any controversial issue. Flat earth theories in 21st century "the West" are ripe for complete lack of humility on all sides.

Here's my humble observations and studies on the matter. Theoretically, could one argue for a flat earth and come across pretty spot on? Yes. It's how the medieval church tended to think, at least in part. Can someone argue for a spherical (to some degree) earth, with a heliocentric model? Yes, and it may be closer to the truth than other models. Could a Copernican model describe the earth and its environs best, based on available observational evidence? Yes.

So, I hold to a theory that the earth is spherical for a few reasons: (1) it explains a variety of phenomena well, namely how gravity between objects works, (2) why the sun, moon, planets, and stars process through the sky as they do - both in the regular patterns, but also with the more nuanced, measured differences over long spans of time, and (3) because of my own experience of observing nature - the seas, the sky, the land, and my budding amateur astronomy hobby. However, I humbly submit that my view cannot, on its own, rule out that the moon landings were faked, that "the firmament has never truly been breached (even if I can observe our satellites zooming around through my telescope in the night skies), or whether aliens (be they extraterrestrial material beings, or just plain demons and demigods of old) are real or not.

My primary theory, one that I doubt most of scientific elites would support, is that yes, the earth is roughly a sphere, it operates according to the well-published and experimentally reproducible results of being another planet in our solar system, BUT that we are truly the only sentient species in the universe, the entire universe is one big timepiece meant not only to keep God's season rolling along like, ahem, clockwork, but to also define time itself, and that what is most frightening of all is not that elites have lied to us, but that Satan has covered up the immense fearfulness we OUGHT to have of God being so powerful that he controls all of the universe and down to every quantum sub-particle of an atom such that we wouldn't dare continue to sin against him if we understood more consistently how truly dependent we are on Him.

Thanks for listening. Your podcast has been a light in dark places over the past few months since I discovered you from the Tom Woods Show. May God bless you and keep you. Go in peace, and serve the Lord!

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Thank you Jeremy. I agree with a lot of what you say.

The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble The name of the God of Jacob defend thee

Send thee help from the sanctuary

Strengthen thee out of Sion

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Brian Cox is exactly the kind of science celeb BBC media personality that totally grinds my gears. Will happily dispense of him.

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I realised the earth is flat after spending 9 weeks one summer at Minehead .. looking 16-20+ miles across the Bristol Channel to the south Wales coast .. right down to the beach and the base of the sea wall at Barry .. this is impossible on our supposed globe with more than 200 feet of curvature. Same deal at Skegness, where they proudly post the fact you can see the Norfolk coast 30 miles away across the Wash. that’s 600 feet of “curvature”. The truth is out there if you are prepared to look, question & analyse.

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I've had the opposite experience. Looking at Catalina Island from the shore of the mainland it's impossible to see the bottom of the famous Casino 20 miles away. From the top of local cliffs 100' up the entire casino is visible.

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Absofrigginglutley love your work. Thank you so much

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The centrifugal force is actually felt as a reduction in acceleration due to gravity. Given the values of the diameter of the Earth in m and rotation speed in RPM (look them up), you can calculate the effect it has.

Try this site https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/centrifugal-force

You will see that the outward acceleration is 0.03369mls2. Gravity is about 9.8m/s2, so the reduction is about 0.3%. Important if your building an accurate pendulum clock or possibly in an international weight lifting competition, but you wouldn't notice the difference when falling flat on your face.

Sorry to go on, but it is important to check the maths before throwing out assertions like that.

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Anybody who has sat in a car going too fast around a corner, will know, that the faster you go, the more angular force you experience, until ultimately you will be thrown to the side of the car. And the closer you are to the equator the faster you are moving.

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Sigh! At the equator you are moving fast, yes, but the turning circle is huge! Please do the maths!


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its not alone that you are moving fast at the equator, it is also that you are moving at orders of magnitude faster than at the pole

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Your calculator doesn't trump basic logic mystery man.

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Now you're just ignoring basic math.

If I go around a corner at 10 km/h - and then go around an identical corner at 10.1 km/h - you're going to experience more sideways acceleration at the latter, but I challenge you to discern between which of the two corners was greater.

One of the frustrations I experience with Flat Earth is that they tend to ask weird (and sometimes interesting questions) which put one aback, but they've never bothered to explore the questions themselves. So: I (or Druid144) bother to sit down and run the numbers to explore the interesting question, and come to the sort of result that we expected - that while technically correct, the effect is imperceptible - but when presented with all of the hard work we've performed, the flat Earther doesn't express interest or gratitude, instead they repeat the same question in a different way, and declare themselves the winner.

It's not a dissimilar frustration I feel when talking to a Blue Pilled person, who agrees with all my premises, agrees with my logical formation, but rejects the conclusion because they say so. I do get offended when people blaspheme against reason. Perhaps this is the instinct that scientists exploit, by wearing the mantle of reason.

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For the sake of clarity Leo, and to avoid us talking at cross purposes - if you are standing 10 metres from the North Pole, you would be moving around the Earth's axis at approximately 2.6 metres per hour, whereas if you were standing at the Equator, you would be moving at approximately 1670,000 meters per hour. The difference in force generated by these two speeds cannot by equally counteracted by a constant force.

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Leo there is a bit of a difference between a .1 km/h increase and a 1000 km/h increase.

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The relevant factor is not relative velocity, but rate of rotation. So there actually is no significant difference of a rotation of 9 degrees per second and 9.1 degrees per second.

You're ignoring the basic premises of how centripetal motion works, and then claiming it as evidence. It is very frustrating and insulting to those who've done the mental legwork to understand it.

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And there is no difference between 0.001 degrees of rotation a second, and 0.1 degrees of ration per second that a human being will feel, especially if the air is moving mostly with you.

The only time the difference in total speed relative to the center of the earth would matter is if you teleported from the equator to one of the poles, which obv doesn't happen.

If you're using a centrifuge, it's not the speed of the outer egde of the centrifuge that matters, but the RPM. If you increase the size of the centrifuge, you need to make the outer edge spin faster to get the same results.

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His point is at the pole the difference is zero while at the equator it's 0.3% [also zero]

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A further question: what is it that you think calculators do, if not perform basic logic? Do you think math is wizardry and logic is whatever feels right to you? If so, I've got this bridge to sell you...

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Calculators are only useful if you are using a formula that accurately reflects physical reality.

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The "Spherical Earth" model doesn't require me to deny any of my observations or experiences, in contrast to the "Flat Earth" model. And it is actually much, much simpler.

But please feel free to make me look like a complete twat by linking to a recruitment advert for the Ice Wall garrison.

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Simpler 😂 A spinning wobbling oblate spheroid with water stuck to it rotating at 1000 mph going round the sun at 66,600 mph (lol!) shooting through the universe at some absolutely retarded speed. An atmosphere next to an infinite vacuum. No up & no down etc etc! How in the name of fuck is that simple compared to a flat closed system with earth at the centre of it? You are either not being genuine or under deep mind control

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Some of the cleverest scientists have also believed in a God in the sky who judges us and sends us to heaven or hell. Other scientists believed that man could never fly. That we could not split the atom. That there was a covid pandemic. That there is a human caused climate problem...

So, intelligence and understanding in one area does not necessarily translate to other areas.

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Your final line is correct, which is why I must point out that you are incorrect in your first line. The premise is all wrong: God judges us and sends to heaven or hell. No. Adam and Eve rebelled against God's order and design for everything by their original sin, and their rebelliousness doomed the rest of us, to be damned to Hell. We broke God's law, we must suffer the consequences. BUT, God sent Jesus Christ, 100% God and 100% man, to die in our place, to take all the consequences on himself, for us, to REDEEM us so that we might be adopted back by God, IN SPITE OF our original ancestor's original sin.

Believing what I write is not required, but mischaracterizing the God of Christianity is lazy, bad scholarship. Read up on any other god described by any other religion - none share this characterization of God, because if they did, the true rule of this world for ages on end, the original rebeller and evildoer himself, Satan, would only drive us towards Christ, which is the LAST thing he wants to do, given that he's already lost the war to Christ for at least those who believe in Christ.

So back to the scientists: yes, many have been corrupted, but I would argue most of that has come post-Enlightenment era, and has greatly accelerated since we went off of a gold standard and began fiat money printing. Look into those rabbit holes and you'll be blown away by how foolish humanity has acted for the past 200 years.

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I was a Roman Catholic, so I was forced to learn the dogma as a child. I offered a simplified version of what they taught me. My point was that some excellent scientists believed this dogma. BTW, I don't see a limited "God of Christianity", but a God that permeates, and gives life to, the whole universe. Our bodies are the temples for this living God - regardless of our faith, or lack thereof!

Rabbit holes? I have explored our corrupt fiat system of theft; with more and more of the world's wealth concentrated in fewer and fewer hands! I know that it was a lot easier for a young family to buy a house in the 1960s than it is today, even with both partners working!

I also know that many modern scientists have been bribed or threatened to follow "the Science". Furthermore, I know that our modern society has so many layers of deception that it is difficult to arrive at the real answer as to who is controlling the direction that we are taking. Agenda 2030 anyone?

And then there is the fake pandemic, the dangerous mRNA shots, the fake climate issue, fake elections, the deep state, etc... So, yes, I've explored a few rabbit holes!

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Jan 20, 2024
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No, I didn't miss it; I left it!

The Roman Catholic Church was supposed to follow the teachings of Jesus, but we know that much was lost in translations, revisions, and insertions of pagan customs. Especially now with the true anti-pope, it is rotting even faster.

I'm aware that the 3 seats of evil are The City of London, Washington DC, and the Vatican.

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With due respect to Mr. Walker's views on the matter of the Roman Catholic Church which I do have some quibbles with, overall I appreciate the helpful banter and additional detail you've provided, Brian. I wish you the best as we all try to get the darn wool off of our eyes to see clearly that which the evil of this world does not want us to see.

Tally-ho! (We don't really have a "Cheers!" or "Ciao!" type saying in the US, so "Tally-ho!" is the best I can do. :) )

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If flat earth is true, then we’re living in a simulation. For me the Global model has far more beauty therefore there must be a creator, therefore the Earth is round ;)

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