Richard is one of the very few actual journalists left in the UK.

If a British government told me something and Richard told me that the opposite was true and I had to stake my life on who was telling the truth for some reason I would go with Richard's version of events every single time. That is how low my trust in the powers that be in this country are after watching them perpetrate lie after lie against the British people.

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Nothing in the article about controlled opposition? Remember that's the real secret sauce. It's all a very well run show for very good reasons.

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I don't think Richard is controlled opposition, I have followed him for years and if he is indeed controlled he should get several dozen oscars for his performances down the years.

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You aren't meant to think he's controlled opposition. I'm pretty sure they don't give out Oscars for controlled opposition, but if they did it would go to a bigger actor not an art house one.

Like I said he does a pretty good job, hope he keeps it up. You might like Miles Mathis, he is probably my equal favourite controlled op (with RDH).

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Richard did a take down of Event 201 and the billion dollar globe killing c19 vax plan. Wonder what Aisling made of it 🫣

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Aisling has gone from counting the knots on garden shed studios to accusing Richard of being controlled opposition. I don't know quite what to make of her as counting knots on garden shed studios is just the sort of thing a real journalist should be doing rather than attacking someone who has put in the hours chasing down various rabbits for me for decades in exactly the way she hasn't.

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Garden Shed Studios, can I use that John? 😂

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Of course. You must have seen her pieces on the RTE news reader's garden shed studios during the Covid Scamdemic. Aisling wondered if these were in their gardens or were they actually in the studios so making a mockery of the whole thing so pretty sure she was asking people to compare the various garden sheds to see if in fact they were the same one and so we were all counting knots on the walls together. Great fun.

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Urgh no! I hadn't heard of AO before her schoolgirl like 'journo' piece on RDH. Her vocabulary seems more AI generated to be 'down with the plebs' style speak. Red flags here are her obsession with Martin Hibbert. Irks me she is gaining traction but she is dangerous. On another note the recent takedown documentary of dodgy Nickelodeon featured Ariana Grande doing unworldly things with inanimate objects. Smells bad

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I had given up reading her stuff but when I saw she had attacked Richard I put my tuppence worth in. I think she responded but I didn't bother to read that.

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Because from my observation a lot of people prefer the lies

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Richard, I’m late to the party, but I wanted to drop some substacks that may add credence to your piece here:

1. Why false flags happen — why essentially do all these “events” happen? What’s the purpose? This is a really good one that supports your master of deception. There’s a reason they do these things: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/false-flags-and-fake-false-flags

2. Why we can’t tell what’s real from deep fake technology: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-tell-whats-real-in-the-land

3. 4 reasons we should stop watching the news — my favorite reason is that the news does nothing but give you a false risk perception of the world: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/4-reasons-to-stop-watching-news-and

4. The power of narratives. This is the sole reason why things are done - solely so a narrative can be told. Narratives are the basis of realities: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-power-of-narratives-and-how-they

Once you realize all this has been happening for a while, you’re tempted to go back in history and find out just how long this has been going on. And when you see how far this goes, you look at history in a whole new light.

As a bonus, here’s one of the Holocaust for those who really wanna go down that hole:


Thanks for this. I found your work through Sasha restacking. I’ll be subscribing right away!

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Every word true and I'm there. The whole 20th century a fake narrative

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

And how many dead? Makes we wonder about the poor bastards who fought the battle of britain for nothing or died on the beaches of deippe and normandy. Big business and government might as well put up a huge horned globalist baphomet and call it a day. That is their true sigil and logo. They have literally poisoned the planet and and nearly everyone in it.

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Hey thanks Franklin, interesting reading ahead 🫡

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My advice is to embrace Proverbs 3 v 5. Only the Lord is truly trustworthy. He knows everything and there is no darkness in Him. I know nothing. I have no influence. It matters little what I believe about the world, but I do care enough to bring my anguish to Jesus, whether it is decapitated children or nut zero or jabs or the endless list of evil. That’s all many of us can do. We must not underestimate the power of prayer. We can’t see the big picture now but we can seek righteousness and know we are heard and loved.

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Sep 16Liked by James Delingpole

After reading this report... https://www.commentary.org/articles/james-rosen/bob-woodwards-sins-omission/ ...I understood that bad actors in the U.S. State Dept, FBI, CIA and Pentagon conspired successfully against Richard Nixon.

"Reporters" Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein covered up the conspiracy and were lauded as heroes. Bernstein was a bit player. Woodward called the shots. Bob Woodward is a Pentagon Naval Intelligence operative who has done an evil yeoman's job to help make Big Media the propaganda machine of Big Government.

James Rosen, the man who researched and wrote the article in the link, has encyclopedic knowledge of "Watergate." The article is a real eye-opener.

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I've read they were both actually pretty useless journalists and never did anything else worth mentioning. There are quite a few vilified people of my lifetime that seem or seemed to me OK but their media vaunted Enemy or Replacer a right nasty piece of work. I mean who runs Libya now. Do Libyans miss the free housing,education even money they used to get before CIA funded street shit did regime change for them

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Years ago, somewhere in these webs, I read that, before they murdered him, Libya's Kaddaffi was organizing the African nations around an idea of mining the gold in Africa and using it to create a pan-African gold currency. Stable, hard money continent-wide. Bank of England and U.S. Federal Reserve Bank put a stop-stop-stop to THAT.

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You are 100% right. I read about this about 5 years after the mans horrible death (and he did a lot of good for ordinary Libyan people even if he was a bit flamboyant and odd),he was about to launch a currency that would have toppled the US dollar from top spot just as BRICS is in the process of doing now. Now,consider this,after WW2 and in the 1950s the use of wonder chemical DDT was transforming Africa and African lives. Their babies were not dying,their land was productive. By the late 1950s new productive Africa was set to overtake USA economy. Then in 1960 an academic,one who stayed relatively quiet and obscure the rest of her life,similar to Neil Armstrong,she had a book published about the terrible environmental harm DDT does,and the UN immediately banned its use worldwide. Who knew the Green Movement was hijacked so early. A form of DDT is used every week in Florida sprayed over the settlements there or people couldn't live there. I think people got thrown under the bus there all right.

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It's a crazy world we've created for ourselves. After burning every bridge I crossed, I became a disciple of God's Christ. Since then even tho the insanity's intensity continues to increase, so have the confidence & peace engendered by Christ's Spirit.

I'm glad to make your acquaintance MizJane. Substack is a fine thing. The picture of the flowers in your garden is beautiful. Do you garden flowers only? Does your gardening include vegetables? Cayenne pepper and Sun Gold cherry tomato is all the gardening I do.

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This year I grew some tomatoes,sweet corn and cut and come again chard,and a patch of potatoes.

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I met two people who worked for him directly when they were attending university in canada. The people seemed to love him and these men recalled him with both fondness and respect and these were men not given to feminism if you get my drift. They thought us daft for our low opinion of Ghaddafi.

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Because of my hatred of advertising when I was a child the second I moved out of home I removed the aerial from any television I’ve ever owned the TV I currently own is just a large display screen of which I can put my own media on because I can’t stand lies and unable to watch any form of television and most media

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Wow! Anything but acknowledge the real victims of the real bomb. This really is remarkable. So still zero evidence to support the claim the 22 blast victims died elsewhere, not the Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017 and that the deceased were somehow hired for the night. DEAD CRISIS ACTORS WANTED! Yeah, really plausible James. Still no acknowledgement that your super duper investigative journalist Richard D Hall tried to blame Saffie Roussos's parents for her death and proposed they used the 'fake bomb' to cover their tracks. Or that he has ZERO evidence to support his claim that Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve sustained their injuries from a car accident, instead of the bomb. NOTHING! Only speculation and dishonesty. Let's all pick on the guy in the wheelchair and mock his attempts at getting his life back on track after the blast. And you have the cheek to call that journalism. That's NOT journalism, it's slander. Tricky Dicky tried to assert that perhaps Hannah Mone lost her finger cutting a hedge a few days prior to the blast and was only acting when she's seen on CCTV footage racing down the stairs with her sister Jess in the arena. He's taking the mickey. He said she and her sister 'didn't look like Ariana Grande fans' - they do by the way but offered that up as if it's evidence. That's the 'investigative journalism' you're defending here James, rather than accept you've been conned by sub-standard reporting that's based on speculation and openly misleading his audience. I've watched most of his 'documentaries'. They're awful! They're all laced with poison. Get to know the victims stories from the Manchester Arena bombing, James - put in the time and then apologise. Humble yourself, James. As Jesus said, 'Watch out that no-one deceives you'. It's time to put the victims front and centre here. LISTEN to them. STOP ignoring them. They're not actors, James. They're real and their suffering is real. The only crisis actor I can spot in all of this is Richard D Hall who's done a number on you. Take it on the chin and sort it out.

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Where are you on 9/11, Boston, Westminster Bridge? Were they all as described in the MSM?

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Has Aisling answered this simple question? I don't think so...

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Sep 16Liked by James Delingpole

Congratulations James, you're influential enough to have earned professional "debunkers" to troll you. You've got them worried. Keep up the good work. God Bless you 🙏

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We need to stop conflating every false flag theory ever - it's massively unhelpful. Focus on the Manchester Arena bombing of May 22, 2017. Was there a bomb? Yes. Did 22 people die from their blast wounds? Yes. There's a whole Conspiracy Theory industry out there and it's full of dead ends, red herrings and false information. Why? Because conspiracy theorists pose the greatest threat to the regime's progress as we're still capable of independent thinking. There are traps laid everywhere. The aim of Richard D Hall's operation is to mislead conspiracy theorists into reaching false conclusions so we end up looking mad and bad and thoroughly untrustworthy. Tricky Dicky has successfully convinced thousands of people there was no bomb on the night of the Ariana Grande concert despite there being 22 blast victims and at least 100 survivors who can attest there was indeed a bomb. They're not pretending to be in wheelchairs or faking having fingers missing. They're real. Why deny them? Maybe the whole thing was some kind of energy harvesting event. Maybe Salman Abedi was MK Ultra-ed. Who knows? We can always speculate but to conclude there was no bomb and the victims were somehow actors playing their part only feeds into the general distrust of conspiracy theorists. It undermines everything. All the hard work done on excess deaths since the rollout of the trial injections. Real journalism. It still has a place and is probably the only thing (aside from God) that's going to get us out of this mess. Ethical journalism that can be stress tested and cross referenced. RDH's research falls short of the mark and has misled people into persecuting the victims of the blast. Not good.

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You say there was a bomb. What evidence do you have there was a bomb blast? You are intentionally ignoring the video and photographic evidence taken immediately after the “bomb blast “ which shows the merchandise stand to be undamaged. Do you have any photographs or videos showing physical damage to the site from a blast?

In order to say the people died from a bomb you must first prove there was a bomb! This is logical. You’re thinking is backwards. The fact that 22 people died DOES NOT prove there was a bomb.

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Aisling, if there was a powerful bomb explosion, how do you explain the fact that the merchandise stand near the site of the blast, shows no signs of damage? You ignore all the video and photographic evidence of the “blast” site which clearly show no no damage. You are claiming that a massive shrapnel bomb killed 22 people but it is YOU who are misleading people by continually asking how the 22 people died if there wasn’t a bomb? Thats a good question! But don’t attack people who simply point out that the evidence of a bomb at Manchester area simply doesn’t exist. If there is no damage to the area in the immediate area of the blast which the video and photographic evidence clearly show. If you can show evidence of a massive shrapnel bomb explosion at the Manchester area, I would love to see it.

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Precisely! When the narrative doesn’t match the evidence, of course there’s going to be questions! And it’s when those questions can’t be answered, the ol’ conspiracy theory trope gets rolled out….

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Sep 17Liked by James Delingpole

How did they manage to organise a tribute concert just a week later?

Just wondering if you have interviewed any of the victims Aisling? Or visited the graves? Do you know any of the families outside of the media?

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Actually, all psyops employ the same MO - it's just amazing how formulaic they are so we see common features whether it's the Great Fire of London 1666, 9/11, or a fake killing in the western suburbs of Sydney, eg, in 9/11 the CCTV evidence of the alleged hijackers in the airport was missing a time stamp or had some strange time stamp (can't remember exactly) while the CCTV shown for a fake killing in Sydney lacked a time stamp. Obviously, the Great Fire didn't have a CCTV situation but they did have constables mysteriously not on duty just like NORAD going AWOL on 9/11 ... and Christopher Wren presented the plans for the new city of London just five days after the fire on ... September 11 - definitely not a coincidence.

Great article by Professor Gloria Moss - https://off-guardian.org/2019/09/01/the-great-fire-of-london-cui-bono/

and I see she's recently given a presentation which I shall watch - https://www.bitchute.com/video/qdTQEU1Rschu

Aisling, you just ignore evidence. I asked you for a testimony you found convincing and you provided Adam Lawler's. I pointed out various anomalies such as the LUDICROUS claim that his eye was destroyed but then he only needed surgery for CATARACTS.

I gave you a link to the all the children in hospital who clearly and ZERO wrong with them and showed no signs of being anywhere near a bomb - you just ignored it.

You are immune to the phenomenon of pysops so you just steamroll on ignoring the evidence.

Was there a bomb? No there wasn't a bomb, they didn't even try to make it look like there was a bomb. We don't know what people look like who've been injured by bombs because they never show us people injured by bombs they only show us people fake injured in evacuated bombing events or completely fake bombings like Manchester. I saw footage of a guy who had his legs blown off by a bomb on YouTube and it was UTTERLY HORRIFIC - since removed. Real bombing victims don't look like the complete jokes of people we see in Manchester. You have no idea what a person really injured by a bomb looks like.

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Excuse me Miss Aislng,butting in again. Please could you watch some of You Tube channel 'Pavlo from Ukraine' then explain to me,or all of us,why the life in the Ukraine that Pavlo shows us is so utterly at variance with the image painted for us by mainstream media.

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7/7 too

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Yes, I've been wondering what Aisling 'thinks' of Richards 9/11 theories. But atm she seems quite 'stuck' on Mr Hibbert and daughter don't you think? 🤔

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Aisling, I have no doubt you are sincere in your beliefs but you never acknowledge the gaps, inconsistencies and flaws in the official narrative. Both Richard and Iain Davis have gone through the "evidence" with a fine tooth comb. They admit much is unexplained and are entitled to speculate, making clear that is all it is, speculation and conjecture. 7/7 was another false flag using similar modus operandi but people were killed by our government to further nefarious aims. I will take my confirmation bias over your cognitive dissonance any time. Good luck.

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"Aisling, I have no doubt you are sincere "

Oh, come on.

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Its just like the covid conspiracy.

except millions died around the world, not 22.

Still the conspiracy theorists claim that covid was a scam!

How could that be even possible on such a scale? I hear you ask. And you'd be right.

Heartless b****D's. Have they no thought for the victims & their families?

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What a ridiculous comparison! The 22 victims of the Manchester Arena bombing died from wounds consistent with a nuts and bolts TATP explosion and yet we're to believe there was no bomb according to Richard D Hall's misdirection. So what did they die from then? The survivors have the scars to prove it was a bomb. They are not lying. Why is that so hard to admit? I've studied their interviews, they're genuine. They deserve our support. Tricky Dicky has got everyone to turn on the blast victims - the devil must be thrilled. The so-called awake have fallen for his deception because they couldn't discern what's real and what's fake and they let themselves be deceived.

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Sep 16Liked by James Delingpole

"The 22 victims of the Manchester Arena bombing died from wounds consistent with a nuts and bolts TATP explosion "

Sure. Just post the coroner's reports for all 22. You have them, don't you?

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Sep 16Liked by James Delingpole

I don't know that 'studying an interview' (given that anyone will say anything if money is involved) is proof that the interview is genuine...

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Please forgive my comparison to Covid.

What these conspiracy theorists refuse to accept is that the medical profession tell us that tens of thousands died from respiratory disease which in itself is proof of covid.

Of course the idiots say the medics were in on the scam!

I ask you.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Oh, dear. Someone hasn't listened to the official Scottish Covid Inquiry, on which there was a total media blackout. Because the BBC, The Guardian and their pals didn't want you to know that what actually happened to Granny, after being kicked out of hospital and into a care home (having not been one of the unfortunates already killed by a ventilator), was that she had a DNAR notice slapped on her, which meant ambulances wouldn't come to her aid if she needed to go back to the hospital she was just kicked out of. Then she was put on end-of-life 'care', which meant she was isolated, left in her own urine (and worse) starved, dehydrated, then finished off with enough Midazolam and morphine to kill a horse. Those were your 'covid deaths'. And it wasn't just Granny. It was younger disabled people who were put on end-of-life care and had DNARs slapped on them. We're talking about full T4-style murder here. Check out the biologyphenom site, if you can't find anything in the MSM. He has uploaded every second of the Inquiry. I challenged 5 Guardian journalists (including their disgraceful editor, Katharine Viner) about not covering the Inquiry. Not a peep, which is what I get every time I write to them to challenge their lying bollocks. Seriously, wake up

If you want to know what's coming next, check out the Northern Ireland Health Bill. You should be bloody terrified, because it will be coming to a totalitarian state near you next.

Permanent emergency powers, forced medical treatment, forced 'vaccination'. I can't believe anyone could be on this site and still need to be told what's going on with the 'pandemic preparation' psyop industry.

Re the medics being 'in on it', only 25% of them took the covid and flu 'vaccines' last season, but they're still doling them out to their patients. Any idea why they're not taking the jabs any more, when they're 'in front-line contact' with all those scary viruses?

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"medical profession" = oxymoron

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No. It's not proof there is covid. Do you have no concept of logic?

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No. Weaponised Compassion. Nietsche is good on it.

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COVID was real. The common cold/flu virus with some bat virus tweaked in. Nasty and Fatal at first . But it did what flu viruses do,it evolved,those viruses don't want to kill their host just live in them,erupt occasionally and reproduce. And no matter how they try they can't stir up fear of Monkey Pox as it's too Carry On for anyone to take seriously,even renamed mpox. We are all OVER pandemics,we had the last one,now people don't want to know. I have seen a video in which BILL GATES,yes actual BG explains how the next worldwide pandemic is going to start in Brazil in July 2025 and it's going to be based on the Polio virus and if you survive you will be paralysed ( so Ner,Bill mentally adds),and oh he can't help breaking out into a huge joyous grin every time he says it ,- thousands of children will die.

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There is nothing but evidence to show it was a staged bombing. Like the hundreds they now admit to staging in Iraq not so long ago. Or the hundreds they admit to staging in Europe for many decades. Staged bombings are the norm and they are necessary to run the world as is. They are a good thing and all the actors are heros.

I hate it when people denigrate brave actors and pretend they are some sort of random victim. That is slander. Anyone can be a victim of circumstances but to put your hand up and play the part in one of these events takes real courage and skill. Yea some of them stuff up and over act but at least they have a go. When you realise how many of these events are happening all the time (for example in Iraq they were officially cranking out nearly one per week) they do a pretty good job overall.

And people like Hall do a great job in their roles making sure the opposition is under control. I congratulate them all on making this world the wonderful place it is.

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Can you go to Southport and answer the questions I posed in my post. Or do you fundamentally never enter a church on principle

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I think you are right, Aisling. If I were trying to discredit critical thinkers, throwing someone like Richard D Hall into the fray would be a perfect way to make us all look like lunatics. After reading Dave McGowan’s take on the Moon landing and the Boston Bombing, I am persuaded these were both faked. Hall, however, has not persuaded me at all that the same is true for the Manchester event.

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He is not meant to persuade anyone (in fact his job is the opposite). He is there for those who already know it's fake. They then lazily point other people to his site and they get turned away.

The New York Times or the sun have exposed far more fake bombings (hundreds of them, all admitted to by the intelligence agencies) than Hall. By the way I like Richard D Hall he's a funny man and so is his show. But it's there to push people away from questioning these events. I wouldn't be surprised if they set up some sort of Alex Jones fake court case (and ask for donations) where he's not allowed to give any evidence about the bombing being faked.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by James Delingpole

Thank you J.D. For using that magnificent word “pillock” in polite conversation.

In my not so humble opinion the descriptor pillock as an adjective, verb, noun, pronoun ( you choose) is right up there with that admirable and versatile word “bollocks” which itself is only limited by the amount of righteous pissed-off-edness of the obviously worldly and well traveled vexee .

Bollocks is equally effective when used to describe how good something is - as in “mate, it’s the absolute bollocks”, or how disgusted one is with for instance an idiots opinion or a government comment or speeding fine notice. Instead of wasting time in tedious disagreement just snort bollocks in the general direction of the offender and stalk of in a suitably theatrical manner.

The expostulation, “ah bollocks to ya” Is also an excellent way to let off steam while simultaneously registering one’s disdain.

So when dealing with an obvious pillock, just tell ‘em bollocks!

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It's also as I learned from Carol McGiffin on the podcast she does with Nick Abott "What's Your Problem" the way to get to talk to an actual human being on one of those automated voice phone lines. The recorded voice asks you a totally irrelevant question,just say the B word and soon you will get transferred to a person,an actual person. It works

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Sep 18Liked by James Delingpole

People watching news on their TVs are brainwashed. Just talk to one

It's a tool of Lucifer.

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And they read the Bible every day,go to church and like to keep well informed!

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Sep 17Liked by James Delingpole

Ashamed to say James but I was just reading Aisling Oloughlin latest 'stack on her obsession with RDH..... Just for laughs btw! However you just got a mention James, apparently you 'took the bait' 😂

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The fact that 22 people died is not proof a bomb killed them. Show me video and photographic evidence of a massive shrapnel bomb.

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News is defined as the information which the media chooses to share with you.

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Some years ago BBC newsreader Huw Edwards questioned the news agenda. He had to read it. He publicly asked why it always has to 'bleed to lead'. He immediately got mocked by the Sun et al for wanting the news to be all fluffy kittens. To be honest I do not believe a word about all this sexual crime shame story. God knows what is going on there or what theyve done to that poor bleeder but something hugely nasty is going on there and I have no doubt anyone who questions it is vulnerable to similar sexual shaming. What happened to that non-judgmental accepting of all sexuality and ways of expressing it society we are all supposed to be in now. If I say online that taking it up the ass is bad in a Religious Bigot no matter even if I'm an Atheist yet celebs are now getting shamed and taken down for believing all that it's OK now lies. Paul Gambacini survived,Philip Schofiekd didn't. John Leslie got his life and inner soul destroyed by a lascivious disgusting whore who is the one who really deserves the contempt and ordure. But regards the newsreader who asked questions - THEY like to tease us and pass off jokes to laugh at our stupidity,like for instance OMICRON =MORONIC Did you notice that Edwards very ugly and nasty looking wife in that statement she made used THE EXACT FORM OF WORDS that we used to hear on BBC radio 4 every time in the 1970s/80s they read out a Soviet Russia statement about a Jewish dissident who was going into a psychiatric unit for his care and protection. See,a bloody joke. And no one remembers but me. It's all fake anyway. I've learned Edwards been living in a cottage in some nice place and he's got a house in London and he's probably acting the part anyway.

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Sad that this even needs saying.

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thanks James, up to your usual standard.

On the question of whether the MSM should be allowed any latitude, no absolutely not. Whatever they recommend, it's safe to say 'bet the other way'.

AOL has thrown down a number of challenges within the Awake Community, but I don't see that as necessarily a bad thing. Cos this isn't a theoretical debate. This court case is going to be decided soon, and we can all sense that there may be a gigantic shitpie heading towards the Truthers.. There is the debate within Awake Circles, but there is also the information war to be won to win over the normies. At the very least, the picture Aisling paints of the Truthers being shown as hounding grieving parents and wheelchair bound survivors is enough to make somebody pause,, and think 'are we being set up here'. Cos it seems to me that is how the Predators operate, they set up a situation where 96% of the population agree on a scenario, and then bear down to defeat all opposition, often changing the law in the process.

And having paused, and looked at the arguments over Manchester, there are two big issues for me which concern.

1. there is scant information on whether the victims really did attend a concert that night. Trickier with the kids, but the adults will all have had jobs, did Hall not check with anyone who worked with them to say, 'had they mentioned they were going'. . If you are going to say 'didn't happen' surely you have to do this v basic check. Unfortunately for Hall, the story of what happened to the victims is a big hole in his investigation. After SEVEN years.

2 So much evidence on 'no proof a bomb went off'. But one grenade would cause multiple deaths in a crowd, it would n't need to be a big bomb to kill 22 people in a crowded room. If we can't discount the fact that a bomb could have taken out victims whilst leaving the building intact, all that evidence about lack of bomb damage is of no use.

The scrutiny of Hall is something which upsets a lot of people. But it's nothing new is it. There is now a list of people as long as your arm who were confidently proclaimed as being 'spot on' and who. now are dismissed with contempt. As you note, put not your trust in princes.

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The problem I'm having with Richard D Hall and Iain Davies, and I'm working my way through both their meticulous books is an absence of purpose for this engineered event in Manchester. The crux is that a TATP shrapnel bomb cannot work as recorded, thus everything is false. I can be persuaded by 9/11 leading into the subsequent wars, Pearl Harbour, Tonkin and other false flags that had an outcome, but in this case, I haven't caught on to the 'why'? Why would 'they' encourage a kickback against Muslims when the establishment usually plays down these incidents? There doesn't seem to be a conclusion, other than Martyn's Law which seems pretty innocuous, to justify all the planning.

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Most people don't mind having their bags checked going into a venue. I was in Bordeaux recently and had to show the security guard the contents of my bag before entering an art museum. Fair enough. With operations like RDH - it's anything but the Islamic threat. Like we're all supposed to pretend that western governments haven't screwed up Muslim countries with their odious foreign policies or that these lads might wish to seek some kind of revenge on westerners. Our borders are wide open and our rogue governments are welcoming in angry military aged men with a vendetta. Maybe we need to start thinking along those lines every once in a while instead of calling every attack a false flag. What are all these Muslim military aged men doing in Europe? Crime stats show they don't like us. Just look at Sweden!

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Iain Davies convincingly traces and details the history of how Abedi -and previously his father, were long-term domestic assets of the UK intelligence agencies.

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It's a kickback against us. They create a situation in which they hope,as in Southport a hostile reaction will be provoked.

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Media don't always lie intentionally. Sometimes they just «don't know prick from finger», as we say in these parts. Even if two newspapers print diametrically opposite things, they still can be both wrong.

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Mother Teresa too? 😪 No say it isn't so! What's the story there?

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“Mother Theresa is for some reason considered a synonym for a real saint and a great person, but she was actually a sadistic deviant who founded lots of insanitary clinics, where patients where deliberately kept in bad condition, because Theresa considered all suffering people to be sinners and thought they should suffer like Jesus Christ did.

She recieved donations from most cruel dictators of her time, and never actually used her almost unlimited wealth to actually help people in need.

This and many other horrible things she did were somehow overlooked and she became a saint, not only to Catholic Church, but to the whole damn world and I find that disturbing.”


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Wow! Who knew?! It is disturbing and shows how manipulated the truth is. Thanks for the link. That's one rabbit hole I haven't been down yet.

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Yep! There are as many different rabbit holes as there are arseholes. We can’t know them all.

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The late Christopher Hitchens didnt like that she accepted money from whoever offered it including dictators like Pinochet et al. It costs a lot of money to run those sort of places. I doubt she gev a fuck where the money come from. Incidentally towards the End of her Life MT knew God did not exist (or not in any way comprehensible to us)but she chose to carry on with her life's work as it was doing some good and it was a bit late to change things now,so she carried on. I hope actual God, way beyond our powers of imagination has blessed her soul. I'm sure he/she/it has

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