What a colossally important (if obvious in retrospect!) topic.
I first saw "Rosemary's Baby" last summer (afraid of its diabolical impact on my soul until then), on a hunch about the movie's current relevance. It plays differently in 2024 than it must have done in 1969 -- I found in it no tension, no real surprises; it does not come across as a horror movie. As I said to my kids when the credits rolled at the end: "It's a documentary."
Perhaps it is due to some kind of autism, but I was always (blessedly) immune to the siren's song of pop music, but this only added to the intrigue of how something so awful could so effectively mesmerise the multiple generations of my peers.
So I picked up, like lint, a little pile of observations on the subject. In addition to McGowan's "Weird Scenes in the Canyon" and the writers who credit Tavistock-Adorno for the Beetles (whose puzzling origin story lacks musical apprenticeship but leaps inexplicably straight to Pied-Pipering for millions of screaming-sobbing groupie-victims), author John Potash is interesting on this subject. Potash, a red-diaper Leftie, independently stumbled on how Leftist counter-culture seems to have served as an elaborate delivery device for mind-shattering, and regularly lethal, drugs, in particular the beloved-by-Deep-State LSD.
Here's an interview with Potash: https://auticulture.com/the-liminalist-187-how-the-1-controls-the-99-with-john-potash/. Like McGowan (and Tom O'Neill of "Chaos"), and those who have discussed how intel operatives attended recording session to push black rappers to ever more extreme lyrics and imagery, Potash unearths improbable connections between the contemporary music world and the DeepState whose very improbability short-circuits further inquiry.
People are perhaps now at long last noticing the relentless Satanism of pop-musical performances, but as the (what? 70 year-old?) Rolling Stones tagline "Sympathy for the Devil" shows, this isn't remotely new. But it IS spasmodic: "Madonna" was the blasphemous monstrosity that people blithely waved aside ("It's just pop music!"), and then digested, 40 years ago.
And about as long ago began the "Band-Aid"-style effort to flip the psy-op script and crown the counter-culture -- with its worship of "transgression" and all the face-slapping of "Mom & Dad's boring rule-following" -- as the New Moral Barometer. So, subsequently, for moral & ethical guidance we are pushed to look to Bono, Geldof, yes even Madonna, and "bad-boy" entertainers like Sean Penn, Jonny Depp, Robert DeNiro, and the truly awful Howard Stern ("Howard Sperm"). As you suggest, imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but the moral posturing of the champions of immorality is an absurd failure.
One last thing, Allan Bloom, in his 1987 book The Closing of the American Mind, almost inadvertently, charts the fall of the post-Sputnik generations. Over the years, he made a point of asking students what books they read that have affected their lives. By 1987, Bloom comes up empty-handed: he reports (even at that early date) that the students themselves admit they do not feel affected by books, but instead primarily listen to, and are influenced by, pop-music. Bloom seems to have come upon what Delingpole writes about here: that the derailment was deliberate.
Golly, you're sweet! James hit upon a really rich vein of awfulness, didn't he?
I'm a bit of a bouncing ball, but if you're much in Silicon Valley, central London or Dubai, our paths might actually cross...(?) (Until then, Substack will have to do.)
Excellent comment with much insight. But I would counter the point about the Beatles' "puzzling origin story lacks musical apprenticeship," by pointing to their years in Germany pounding out rock classics night after night as their apprenticeship. There may have been Weird Scenes going on behind the curtain, but those guys played their way to pop competence.
I will note that I'm reading Ingrid MacLean's BEHIND OPEN DOORS, about Swinging London in the mid-1960s, and there's a throwaway sentence in one chapter mentioning that Beatles producer George Martin and manager Brian Epstein were both in Portmeirion, Wales, for the beginning of production of Patrick McGoohan's THE PRISONER. No idea what that means, but it seemed odd.
On the subject of books William Ramsey and a few others who investigate the deliberate propaganda/mind control inflicted upon us via music, film...media his latest exploration into The Catcher in the Rye is incredible. I think you may find it interesting seeing you mention Dave McGowan and O’Neil...https://open.spotify.com/episode/21kaEhSgrakSNatqLqbjAk?si=Ziwe6LMST8WGumdH0taUTA
I will be listening to the Potash interview right away.
By the way, something old but interesting on this connect-the-dots among persuaders of all sorts is the doc film series "The Century of the Self". (Father of American Advertising was Edward Bernays; his uncle none other than Sigmund Freud; just to show totalitarians work from the same playbook, Goebbels had been an employee of J Walter Thompson (the global advertising agency of the 20th c).
I concur with your comments James.. I have switched off the Tavistock tranny induced music show.. and only listen to approved Christian music, which is fantastic, certain classical music, and public recitals of Pipe organs, whats missing is the church and civic ringing of bells, which has been totally eliminated in NZ now.. due to the healing frequencies they produce...
There is the sweetest little old man who comes to eat lunch at least twice a week in our little shop who is the official Bell Ringer in our town. He is the last one left...I almost want him to teach my son so the tradition can continue!
perhaps, like Fil’s (Wings of Pegasus) new initiative of stamping hitherto music performances advertised as ‘live’ with his Authentic Vocal (AV) to weed out the frauds - to verify no pitch correction nor auto-tuning nor miming - an ACM verification (approved Christian music) could be developed???
James isn't saying Satan is incapable of creating songs. Indeed, he specifically refers to songs being "created" by Tavistock. What he is saying is that Satan did not invent music, or sex, or anything else. Satan can only twist, pervert, and corrupt things that already exist.
Indeed. I can't help feeling Martin is projecting here.
FWIW, I'd estimate JD's IQ at around the 145 mark (although it is very important to distinguish between intelligence and .wisdom. - they are dramatically different, and great intelligence often gets in the way of wisdom, as it can easily lead to pride).
Clsaiming that all popular music is the work of the Devil is very clearly not a sign of high IQ because almost everybody can immediately think of several songs they like that clearly aren't, making it very difficult to take him seriously..
He often makes himself look ludicrous by taking his claims way, way too far.
You are doing exactly what I warned you about - i.e. confusing *wisdom* with *intelligence*.
P.S. I'm not sure JD is claiming that "all popular music is the work of the Devil"; but it needs to be understood that Satan is unimaginably subtle and devious - and that songs which appear totally harmless, and indeed Christian, can still have been the product of Satan and be serving his ends.
“. We’ve probably read Dave Goldman’s Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon, which blew the whistle on the CIA-manufactured origins of the entire Peace & Love West Coast music scene. We might even suspect that Paul is dead…”
Thank you for finding that website. I’d read all of his work on that site decades ago. I especially enjoyed his articles on the fake moon landing. They were hilarious. But the Laurel Canyon ones were mind-blowing at the time since I loved all that music.
Isn’t it so crazy how the Plandemic has led us down all these holes only for us to eventually meet so many likeminded people from all corners of the world!? This is why I have hope that we can beat the bastards. We can’t stop, never give up hope and fight, fight, fight....for our children! I have so much respect for you, thank you
I have not. I was very young when the killings happened. My dad became friends with the detective who wrote Shelter Skelter, Vincent Bugliosi. I can barely stand to think about the horror. I had a small glimpse of the pain with my what my parents went through. I have never seen a movie or read a book about it.
I was very young...I can barely remember the LaBianca's. All I really remember is the impression of a sweet large Italian man, (he and my dad did some kind of cattle business together), and for the first time in my life, seeing my dad cry. That was traumatic enough. Of course I had no idea what had happened. Bugliosi spoke to my parents for the book, which I have never read.
I listened to James’s podcast with Ben Rubin and thought 'oh wow James has really jumped the shark now', but remembering that James jumped the shark a while back, and what a fun ride it’s been since, I put some Floyd on and gave some time to thinking about it. He’s probably right. Not about Zep, who outside of a couple of songs were pretty ghastly - accomplished rock musicians, sure, but just horrible horrible music (original blues artists were more authentic, and earlier blues based trios - Cream, Hendrix - just sounded better), but about rock music. So much of it is clearly satanic, and the stuff that isn’t is full fat cheese.
Why does it matter? Well my take is that all the other modern art forms are so clearly fake and awful - Lloyd Wright or Mies designed buildings didn’t work, pretty much all modern art is infantile trash at best, don’t get me started on modern dance, most over praised modern literature is unreadable - that modern music seemed to be an island of good in an ocean of junk. Maybe that’s why it’s more effective.
It’s hard to come to the realization that the same dispiriting effects in other modern art forms are also present in modern music. Luckily there are still the earlier, purer versions of music that remain real, powerful and retain the ability to lift the spirit. Back to Bach.
I realize the CIA and FBI were in cahoots in the ‘60’s to manipulate students and the peace movement. Yet, being born in 1951, my life included rock and roll, folk, soul, R&B, etc. and music was very important to me. We listened and danced to the songs of the time. It’s hard for me to let go of artists like the Beatles, Joni Mitchell, etc.
Please help me understand how to let go of these artists and their songs.
I love your openness and evident humility. God bless you.
I'm not sure one needs to let go *permanently* of *every* track by *every* such 'artist'. My view is that, as long as you don't possess the physical media, and your hold on these songs is 'light', that you can still listen to some of them from time to time without doing yourself any great harm.
But it certainly helps to do a bit of research on your fave artists. You will soon find yourself going off them when you discover their true nature and agenda.
Of course, the most efficacious way to "let go of these artists" is to give your life to Christ.
I innately have recently been following your suggestion. Ever since I heard the album After the Gold Rush, Neil Young has been one of my favorites. When covid came along and Neil spoke so stridently telling folks to obey the vaccination mandate, I tried to rationalize his behavior. On one hand I wondered what happened to the guy who wrote Four Dead in Ohio? On the other hand I knew his son was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and thought Neil was experiencing cognitive dissonance allowing the doctor to jab and harm his son. That turned me off. Then he sold the rights to his songs to a corporation. I knew he’d sold his soul. He surely didn’t need the money.
Anyway, After the Gold Rush is a song and album I’ve always loved. I can still remember hearing it the first time. It blew my mind. It’s a work of art and while I haven’t scrutinized the lyrics (which I will do soon), I pray I can keep it in a playlist. So, I’ll continue to consciously choose music that’s truly good, following your advice.
Mind you, my physical CD library is gone — lost in the Lahaina fire. And while I lost my worldly possessions, I’ve developed a deeper connection to the Lord that goes deeper all the time. So, I am on the path, following His divine light. By the way, I tune my guitar, mandolin, bass and ukulele with A=432. I even got a harmonica custom tuned accordingly.
A strategy I follow and suggest: these days there are wolves in the hills, so I stay close to the shepherd.
You are very kind, but I'm not at all sure I'd have the same level of grace that you have shown if I too had, "lost my worldly possessions" (not that I have a lot).
Am just off to bed now, but first I'm gonna subscribe to your Substack a/c.
Some are so obviously satanic like Madonna and lady Gaga and others like The Beatles and Bob Dylan never seemed genuine to me. The thing is that once you realise what the crack is Music is never the same again but neither is Hollywood,Politics, Business, Education,Medicine and Life in general.
I am sure that there are some good guys out there who made it big but refused to play so dwindled into obscurity or poverty or were murdered if they said too much.
What happened to Prince and what was the crack with Michael Jackson? The guy who could sing in East 17 Brian was brilliant but his career ended I suspect because he wouldn’t join them.
I was a big Bowie and Queen fan and who couldn’t think that Led Zeppelin were amazing 😱
"Mozart was admitted as an Apprentice Mason on 14 December, was promoted to the Fellow Craft degree on 7 January 1785 and became a Master Mason soon thereafter."
Quite a few of them we’re definitely not. James Brown and two others (both famous but I’m afraid I don’t recall which they were) formed a new collective & told their labels they were off.
Shortly afterwards, two died in mysterious circumstances and James became “the hardest working musician in the industry”. They never allowed him to retire.
James Brown was described ss the hardest working man in show business and the godfather of soul music since I started listening to him — that was in the very early ‘60’s.
He lived a tortuous life — clearly dis-eased. Who knows what contributed to his later years of arrest and incarceration. Looking back, it seems probable that the music industry might have screwed him out of his hard earned money and might also have been under MK Ultra mind control methods.
Actually even more depressing the more one cogitates, James. Because if one views MUSIC through this polluted lense then one must contemplate OTHER forms of Art in the same manner. MOST Narrative, in prose, poem and certainly screenplay. Certainly Post modernism promotes utter rubbish, because learning to draw is sooo last Epoch.
And in screenplay, in narrative, avatars, archetypes and direction, in recent times, what is this Enstupidisation re “superheroes”??? Why? Is it a Transhuman wish fantasy? A psychological judo to Deus ex Machina? To switcharoo A.I. capabililities and compare directly to Human, to Disempower? (an easy fakeout that ignores true creativity & spontaniety, stuff ya can’t “fake”)…
In essence, the Learning Centres, therefore the creative & cultural offshoots, have been spoiled, made rotten from within, by Marxist (Zionist) Relativism & degeneracy, drugs, alcohol, breads & circii.
We need a new, healthy, Kulture… consider Phlebas…
Great article, the Devil's Work, ay? I immediately went to defend Joy Division... 🤣🤣🤣 , which may simply PROVE your point! And Birthday Party, hmmm. Still, trashing all modern Western music, how tiresome. So Jazz, evil. Soul? C&W for heart attacks... could be diet 😉. Punk, oh yeah! And Rap, doubtless. Blues for despair, a devil fave. Reggae is complex, I listen for spiritual or revolutionary sentiment but the whole weed dependence thing, right?
This must be a faurly modern phenom, yes? As in our favourite Anti-Ethithical school: Behavioural Paychology, the Science favored by Monsters. Brought to us by Pavlov et al, torturers in Gulags etc.
Begs question: is there "Holy" music, sounds, beats, bells, riddims that EXPELL or BANISH these incubi & succubi?
In the Soviet Union, the state-owned music distributor Melodiya produced and sold Pink Floyd albums, while Led Zeppelin was strictly prohibited. Could it be that Soviet officials were okay with depressing the masses but not with causing them to lose their morals? It was okay for the working masses to be depressed, but not okay for them to live undisciplined lives.
I have been wondering whether ABBA's music makes people childlike and naive. Most Swedes seem somewhat naive and childlike, which makes them more infantile and easier to control.
I think Abbas music is on the surface at least charming and human 3 points though. I heard a podcast interview with Bjorn. He said a lot of his and Benny's songs were,to use that term, 'received'. Bjorn did not use that term but it applies. He and Benny just applied their skills to crafting the 'supplied material's into the finished form. The basic plot in the musical Mama Mia is actually 'depraved and disgusting' the beauty of the songs makes it (just about) acceptable. Even Jeannette Winterson the novelist in a radio interview laughed and said "it's a dirty little story really". She was momentarily reverting to her childhood upbringing and she meant her comment in joky irony but as my Mum always said 'many a true word is spoken in jest'. Last,the Abba virtual reality show. Ive heard great praise of it. The music is so great it transcends other worries. It's as if it's THEM right there,young them. Now I hear rumours of an Elvis show (great career move Elvis). Do we face a future of being entertained (mind trained?) by 'ghosts'.
Yes,we do. After all they don't require feeding, housing or having their messy human lives controlled,concealed,no injunctions required etc. Much more convenient and profitable than actual messy people.
Abba is totally degenerate. Gimme, Gimme is about fornication. Dancing Queen is about fornicating at 17 with a rando from 'the club'. Fernando is about fornicating with some smelly, hippy, pseudo-intellectual revolutionary, etc. You shouldn't listen to Abba.
Oh dear,well I only hear it on the radio or in shops if it's playing . I like some of the songs. Maybe seeing so much fornication is a bit Mr Mybug (it's a literary reference),I've seen the musical twice for the music but I do think the plot is grubby.
My “but not Kate Bush” band was The Cure. After I’d set Bowie aside, especially Black Star, my favourite album was Disintegration. Not that Robert wanted us single, lonely young men to feel like disappearing might be an attractive option, surely 🤭
Then i was knocked out of my tree of illusion by his recent work, “Songs For The End Of The World”. Not at all topical eh Robert. Listen to his long form interviews about that album. I had no doubt that he’s doing his best to assist the perpetrators. Sorry, Mr Smith. In the bin with your stuff too.
By the way, the video for Bush’s Cloud Busting could hardly have been better predictive programming. Have a look.
I don’t think Tavistock wrote all the music & lyrics for all the social engineering that UK & American rock & pop has accomplished. Some of the artists were genuinely good all rounders, like Bowie. He appears to have relished his role. It’s his predilections for very underage girls that is particularly off-putting.
Some of his work is magnificent. My wife still misses “Heroes”. I painfully miss “Win”.
I’ve a side bet with a friend about Oasis. I think their reunion tour is timed to enable or assist something nefarious, probably involving Blair.
And there’s literally no chance whatsoever that he wrote all those songs on Oasis’ first three albums. Look also at their origins story. It’s not plausible. They never are. But we just gobble it all up.
Was a big fan of Kate when I discovered her belatedly, only in the '90s.
More recently, learned of major disturbing elements/people in her music: Sex pervert Wm Reich & orgone machine in "Cloudbusting" (I did not know who he was before the internet told me in the late-2000s.) Pedo Rolf Harris in her song, "Architect's Dream." Also played didgeridoo on her "The Dreaming."(ditto).
Everyone who gains superstar status has got to be suspect, then.
It's odd because I only recently found the song Cloudbusting by Kate Bush and I thought how prescient it was but now I'm seeing that a lot of movies,novels etc that in hindsight seem prophetic are actually THEM telling us in advance WHAT THEY INTEND TO DO which I think is some sort of law they have to do but also THEY find maliciously funny as no one knows it's a promise not a silly story. Well,almost no one. Is it better not to know? Knowing doesnt help one escape it.
After reading through I'm thinking how odd that Rolf Harris chose to record Stairway to Heaven. Was he TELLING US without telling us,in the approved manner? I'm one of those people who thought he was innocent of the charges,he always seemed like a good bloke to me but on reflection....my late Mum couldn't stand him. Back in the 60s,70s of he was on Tv her frostiness was Arctic. Odd that,Mum devined something.
Yes, thank you. I just learned of that when I looked up these stories. The didgeridoo playing in "The Dreaming" remains intact, however. Wonder if she will do anything about that.
I haven't kept up with Kate's doings as I had stopped following her soon after her "Aerial" album came out.
FFS! I am SUPER glad that I don't believe in invisible friends or enemies. Believing in such entities actually gives them your psychic energy, James! Mind out....
Oh and another thing.... David Bowie was a creepy cross-dressing weirdo as a teenager. I remember him sticking out like a big-mouthed wannabe in the Soho Marquee crowd circa 1966/7. When he finally made a record I cracked up. It was The Laughing Gnome! https://youtu.be/5SQdBxVjZx4
Nothing he could do from then on shifted the shudder from my spine!
After a pants day at the coal face, your article influenced me to press play on a 432hz Spotify playlist… I’m amazed at the positive impact it’s having on me right now… thanks for the reminder
What a colossally important (if obvious in retrospect!) topic.
I first saw "Rosemary's Baby" last summer (afraid of its diabolical impact on my soul until then), on a hunch about the movie's current relevance. It plays differently in 2024 than it must have done in 1969 -- I found in it no tension, no real surprises; it does not come across as a horror movie. As I said to my kids when the credits rolled at the end: "It's a documentary."
Perhaps it is due to some kind of autism, but I was always (blessedly) immune to the siren's song of pop music, but this only added to the intrigue of how something so awful could so effectively mesmerise the multiple generations of my peers.
So I picked up, like lint, a little pile of observations on the subject. In addition to McGowan's "Weird Scenes in the Canyon" and the writers who credit Tavistock-Adorno for the Beetles (whose puzzling origin story lacks musical apprenticeship but leaps inexplicably straight to Pied-Pipering for millions of screaming-sobbing groupie-victims), author John Potash is interesting on this subject. Potash, a red-diaper Leftie, independently stumbled on how Leftist counter-culture seems to have served as an elaborate delivery device for mind-shattering, and regularly lethal, drugs, in particular the beloved-by-Deep-State LSD.
Here's an interview with Potash: https://auticulture.com/the-liminalist-187-how-the-1-controls-the-99-with-john-potash/. Like McGowan (and Tom O'Neill of "Chaos"), and those who have discussed how intel operatives attended recording session to push black rappers to ever more extreme lyrics and imagery, Potash unearths improbable connections between the contemporary music world and the DeepState whose very improbability short-circuits further inquiry.
People are perhaps now at long last noticing the relentless Satanism of pop-musical performances, but as the (what? 70 year-old?) Rolling Stones tagline "Sympathy for the Devil" shows, this isn't remotely new. But it IS spasmodic: "Madonna" was the blasphemous monstrosity that people blithely waved aside ("It's just pop music!"), and then digested, 40 years ago.
And about as long ago began the "Band-Aid"-style effort to flip the psy-op script and crown the counter-culture -- with its worship of "transgression" and all the face-slapping of "Mom & Dad's boring rule-following" -- as the New Moral Barometer. So, subsequently, for moral & ethical guidance we are pushed to look to Bono, Geldof, yes even Madonna, and "bad-boy" entertainers like Sean Penn, Jonny Depp, Robert DeNiro, and the truly awful Howard Stern ("Howard Sperm"). As you suggest, imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but the moral posturing of the champions of immorality is an absurd failure.
One last thing, Allan Bloom, in his 1987 book The Closing of the American Mind, almost inadvertently, charts the fall of the post-Sputnik generations. Over the years, he made a point of asking students what books they read that have affected their lives. By 1987, Bloom comes up empty-handed: he reports (even at that early date) that the students themselves admit they do not feel affected by books, but instead primarily listen to, and are influenced by, pop-music. Bloom seems to have come upon what Delingpole writes about here: that the derailment was deliberate.
Wow. Wow. What a reply. Just wow. Too much to unpack. People like you are why I love Substack. I would sincerely love to meet you madame.
Golly, you're sweet! James hit upon a really rich vein of awfulness, didn't he?
I'm a bit of a bouncing ball, but if you're much in Silicon Valley, central London or Dubai, our paths might actually cross...(?) (Until then, Substack will have to do.)
Her parents were best friends with the La Bianca’s. I’d steer clear.
Excellent comment with much insight. But I would counter the point about the Beatles' "puzzling origin story lacks musical apprenticeship," by pointing to their years in Germany pounding out rock classics night after night as their apprenticeship. There may have been Weird Scenes going on behind the curtain, but those guys played their way to pop competence.
I will note that I'm reading Ingrid MacLean's BEHIND OPEN DOORS, about Swinging London in the mid-1960s, and there's a throwaway sentence in one chapter mentioning that Beatles producer George Martin and manager Brian Epstein were both in Portmeirion, Wales, for the beginning of production of Patrick McGoohan's THE PRISONER. No idea what that means, but it seemed odd.
Loved this.
On the subject of books William Ramsey and a few others who investigate the deliberate propaganda/mind control inflicted upon us via music, film...media his latest exploration into The Catcher in the Rye is incredible. I think you may find it interesting seeing you mention Dave McGowan and O’Neil...https://open.spotify.com/episode/21kaEhSgrakSNatqLqbjAk?si=Ziwe6LMST8WGumdH0taUTA
I will be listening to the Potash interview right away.
Thanks for this -- I'll look up Ramsey.
By the way, something old but interesting on this connect-the-dots among persuaders of all sorts is the doc film series "The Century of the Self". (Father of American Advertising was Edward Bernays; his uncle none other than Sigmund Freud; just to show totalitarians work from the same playbook, Goebbels had been an employee of J Walter Thompson (the global advertising agency of the 20th c).
I concur with your comments James.. I have switched off the Tavistock tranny induced music show.. and only listen to approved Christian music, which is fantastic, certain classical music, and public recitals of Pipe organs, whats missing is the church and civic ringing of bells, which has been totally eliminated in NZ now.. due to the healing frequencies they produce...
We can bring back the bells we guna need em
There is the sweetest little old man who comes to eat lunch at least twice a week in our little shop who is the official Bell Ringer in our town. He is the last one left...I almost want him to teach my son so the tradition can continue!
My mum used to ring them leeds parish church .
perhaps, like Fil’s (Wings of Pegasus) new initiative of stamping hitherto music performances advertised as ‘live’ with his Authentic Vocal (AV) to weed out the frauds - to verify no pitch correction nor auto-tuning nor miming - an ACM verification (approved Christian music) could be developed???
The Lord bless you James for speaking out. Great article.
"The Devil, infamously, cannot create"
"the devil, after all, has all the best tunes"
Make your mind up.
James isn't saying Satan is incapable of creating songs. Indeed, he specifically refers to songs being "created" by Tavistock. What he is saying is that Satan did not invent music, or sex, or anything else. Satan can only twist, pervert, and corrupt things that already exist.
James is someone with an IQ of 115 who thinks he has an IQ of 145.
Martin is someone with a line he thinks is clever or funny, but is neither.
Indeed. I can't help feeling Martin is projecting here.
FWIW, I'd estimate JD's IQ at around the 145 mark (although it is very important to distinguish between intelligence and .wisdom. - they are dramatically different, and great intelligence often gets in the way of wisdom, as it can easily lead to pride).
Clsaiming that all popular music is the work of the Devil is very clearly not a sign of high IQ because almost everybody can immediately think of several songs they like that clearly aren't, making it very difficult to take him seriously..
He often makes himself look ludicrous by taking his claims way, way too far.
Your opinion I presume
You are doing exactly what I warned you about - i.e. confusing *wisdom* with *intelligence*.
P.S. I'm not sure JD is claiming that "all popular music is the work of the Devil"; but it needs to be understood that Satan is unimaginably subtle and devious - and that songs which appear totally harmless, and indeed Christian, can still have been the product of Satan and be serving his ends.
No, it was my comment on Noddy Holder that was meant to be funny.
This one was meant to be an accurate description.
If you find James to be a dullard, why do you read his substack ?
I'm waiting for him to justify his apparent belief that the world is flat.
"Satan can only twist, pervert, and corrupt things that already exist"
So how can he have the "best tunes"?
Because he has twisted, perverted, and corrupted godly, sound, edifying music.
It is only the "best" music when measured by the flesh rather than the spirit.
It is not contradictory.
Thanks for saying that; I caught it, too!
Dave McGowan is the name.
“. We’ve probably read Dave Goldman’s Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon, which blew the whistle on the CIA-manufactured origins of the entire Peace & Love West Coast music scene. We might even suspect that Paul is dead…”
Thank you!
Here’s an interview with Dave: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dSzmvkja-qQ
I had never heard interviews with McGowan. Apparently, there are a few.
For the full series (as far as he got) about Laurel Canyon...
Thank you for finding that website. I’d read all of his work on that site decades ago. I especially enjoyed his articles on the fake moon landing. They were hilarious. But the Laurel Canyon ones were mind-blowing at the time since I loved all that music.
Loved hearing you on James’s podcast recently, MellowKat! ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Isn’t it so crazy how the Plandemic has led us down all these holes only for us to eventually meet so many likeminded people from all corners of the world!? This is why I have hope that we can beat the bastards. We can’t stop, never give up hope and fight, fight, fight....for our children! I have so much respect for you, thank you
If you love Dave you will love William Ramsey! Here is just one episode from his extensive podcast library, I know you are busy but when you’re in the car chasing down planes have a listen! https://open.spotify.com/episode/5lT2BQAuKNNCbU7Bm4lhzW?si=6KRQ9yabR6e-NheshHj-0Q
Hahahaha! Thank you!!!
If you want it to get even darker, his book Programmed to Kill us also excellent albeit a full dose of black pill.
Absolutely!!! Very dark and a very compelling argument with ample evidence that the serial killing years were a psyop.
My parents were best friends with the La Bianca's.....💔
For real? Have you read Tom O’Neill’s book on the Manson family?
I have not. I was very young when the killings happened. My dad became friends with the detective who wrote Shelter Skelter, Vincent Bugliosi. I can barely stand to think about the horror. I had a small glimpse of the pain with my what my parents went through. I have never seen a movie or read a book about it.
Any inside info that you’re willing to share?
I was very young...I can barely remember the LaBianca's. All I really remember is the impression of a sweet large Italian man, (he and my dad did some kind of cattle business together), and for the first time in my life, seeing my dad cry. That was traumatic enough. Of course I had no idea what had happened. Bugliosi spoke to my parents for the book, which I have never read.
Check this out. Warning: contains crime scene pictures. https://mileswmathis.com/tate.pdf
I listened to James’s podcast with Ben Rubin and thought 'oh wow James has really jumped the shark now', but remembering that James jumped the shark a while back, and what a fun ride it’s been since, I put some Floyd on and gave some time to thinking about it. He’s probably right. Not about Zep, who outside of a couple of songs were pretty ghastly - accomplished rock musicians, sure, but just horrible horrible music (original blues artists were more authentic, and earlier blues based trios - Cream, Hendrix - just sounded better), but about rock music. So much of it is clearly satanic, and the stuff that isn’t is full fat cheese.
Why does it matter? Well my take is that all the other modern art forms are so clearly fake and awful - Lloyd Wright or Mies designed buildings didn’t work, pretty much all modern art is infantile trash at best, don’t get me started on modern dance, most over praised modern literature is unreadable - that modern music seemed to be an island of good in an ocean of junk. Maybe that’s why it’s more effective.
It’s hard to come to the realization that the same dispiriting effects in other modern art forms are also present in modern music. Luckily there are still the earlier, purer versions of music that remain real, powerful and retain the ability to lift the spirit. Back to Bach.
I realize the CIA and FBI were in cahoots in the ‘60’s to manipulate students and the peace movement. Yet, being born in 1951, my life included rock and roll, folk, soul, R&B, etc. and music was very important to me. We listened and danced to the songs of the time. It’s hard for me to let go of artists like the Beatles, Joni Mitchell, etc.
Please help me understand how to let go of these artists and their songs.
I love your openness and evident humility. God bless you.
I'm not sure one needs to let go *permanently* of *every* track by *every* such 'artist'. My view is that, as long as you don't possess the physical media, and your hold on these songs is 'light', that you can still listen to some of them from time to time without doing yourself any great harm.
But it certainly helps to do a bit of research on your fave artists. You will soon find yourself going off them when you discover their true nature and agenda.
Of course, the most efficacious way to "let go of these artists" is to give your life to Christ.
Thank you and God bless you.
I innately have recently been following your suggestion. Ever since I heard the album After the Gold Rush, Neil Young has been one of my favorites. When covid came along and Neil spoke so stridently telling folks to obey the vaccination mandate, I tried to rationalize his behavior. On one hand I wondered what happened to the guy who wrote Four Dead in Ohio? On the other hand I knew his son was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and thought Neil was experiencing cognitive dissonance allowing the doctor to jab and harm his son. That turned me off. Then he sold the rights to his songs to a corporation. I knew he’d sold his soul. He surely didn’t need the money.
Anyway, After the Gold Rush is a song and album I’ve always loved. I can still remember hearing it the first time. It blew my mind. It’s a work of art and while I haven’t scrutinized the lyrics (which I will do soon), I pray I can keep it in a playlist. So, I’ll continue to consciously choose music that’s truly good, following your advice.
Mind you, my physical CD library is gone — lost in the Lahaina fire. And while I lost my worldly possessions, I’ve developed a deeper connection to the Lord that goes deeper all the time. So, I am on the path, following His divine light. By the way, I tune my guitar, mandolin, bass and ukulele with A=432. I even got a harmonica custom tuned accordingly.
A strategy I follow and suggest: these days there are wolves in the hills, so I stay close to the shepherd.
God bless all you Substackers.
Superb response sir! I’m suitably humbled and encouraged.
You are an inspiration.
You are very kind, but I'm not at all sure I'd have the same level of grace that you have shown if I too had, "lost my worldly possessions" (not that I have a lot).
Am just off to bed now, but first I'm gonna subscribe to your Substack a/c.
Thanks. I’m flattered. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Yes you certainly go off them very quickly 😱
Some are so obviously satanic like Madonna and lady Gaga and others like The Beatles and Bob Dylan never seemed genuine to me. The thing is that once you realise what the crack is Music is never the same again but neither is Hollywood,Politics, Business, Education,Medicine and Life in general.
I am sure that there are some good guys out there who made it big but refused to play so dwindled into obscurity or poverty or were murdered if they said too much.
What happened to Prince and what was the crack with Michael Jackson? The guy who could sing in East 17 Brian was brilliant but his career ended I suspect because he wouldn’t join them.
I was a big Bowie and Queen fan and who couldn’t think that Led Zeppelin were amazing 😱
Listen to Mozart, Amadeus Mozart.😊
You do know Mozart was a freemason, don't you?
"Mozart was admitted as an Apprentice Mason on 14 December, was promoted to the Fellow Craft degree on 7 January 1785 and became a Master Mason soon thereafter."
I do, yes and admit I am perplexed..
Do you play a musical instrument or sing?
Do you play at A=432?
Alright. Thanks.
How about Old Time , or Bluegrass, or Appalachian music?
Thats more or less Scottish:Irish folk music. So not Satanic.
Sweet! I’ve got Scots and Itish blood. Praise the Lord.
I’ve repeatedly read Tom O’Neil’s book, David McGovern’s book and others that began to open my mind. Recently I started Mark Devlin’s Musical Truth.
I recently was listening to Petula Clark sing Downtown and could clearly understand the lyrics were dreadful.
How about James Brown and Motown artists? Were they part of the psyop?
Quite a few of them we’re definitely not. James Brown and two others (both famous but I’m afraid I don’t recall which they were) formed a new collective & told their labels they were off.
Shortly afterwards, two died in mysterious circumstances and James became “the hardest working musician in the industry”. They never allowed him to retire.
James Brown was described ss the hardest working man in show business and the godfather of soul music since I started listening to him — that was in the very early ‘60’s.
He lived a tortuous life — clearly dis-eased. Who knows what contributed to his later years of arrest and incarceration. Looking back, it seems probable that the music industry might have screwed him out of his hard earned money and might also have been under MK Ultra mind control methods.
Actually even more depressing the more one cogitates, James. Because if one views MUSIC through this polluted lense then one must contemplate OTHER forms of Art in the same manner. MOST Narrative, in prose, poem and certainly screenplay. Certainly Post modernism promotes utter rubbish, because learning to draw is sooo last Epoch.
And in screenplay, in narrative, avatars, archetypes and direction, in recent times, what is this Enstupidisation re “superheroes”??? Why? Is it a Transhuman wish fantasy? A psychological judo to Deus ex Machina? To switcharoo A.I. capabililities and compare directly to Human, to Disempower? (an easy fakeout that ignores true creativity & spontaniety, stuff ya can’t “fake”)…
In essence, the Learning Centres, therefore the creative & cultural offshoots, have been spoiled, made rotten from within, by Marxist (Zionist) Relativism & degeneracy, drugs, alcohol, breads & circii.
We need a new, healthy, Kulture… consider Phlebas…
Noddy Holder's lyrics were dictated by Satan?
Who was responsible for the spelling mistakes, Noddy or Satan?
Great article, the Devil's Work, ay? I immediately went to defend Joy Division... 🤣🤣🤣 , which may simply PROVE your point! And Birthday Party, hmmm. Still, trashing all modern Western music, how tiresome. So Jazz, evil. Soul? C&W for heart attacks... could be diet 😉. Punk, oh yeah! And Rap, doubtless. Blues for despair, a devil fave. Reggae is complex, I listen for spiritual or revolutionary sentiment but the whole weed dependence thing, right?
This must be a faurly modern phenom, yes? As in our favourite Anti-Ethithical school: Behavioural Paychology, the Science favored by Monsters. Brought to us by Pavlov et al, torturers in Gulags etc.
Begs question: is there "Holy" music, sounds, beats, bells, riddims that EXPELL or BANISH these incubi & succubi?
Probably Orthodox liturgical music, such as this: https://youtu.be/QmDENB0kpkQ?si=i-1dInJGr6RD9d4B
Thank you for this link - I started listening and it sounds wonderful. I hope to listen more later :)
In the Soviet Union, the state-owned music distributor Melodiya produced and sold Pink Floyd albums, while Led Zeppelin was strictly prohibited. Could it be that Soviet officials were okay with depressing the masses but not with causing them to lose their morals? It was okay for the working masses to be depressed, but not okay for them to live undisciplined lives.
I have been wondering whether ABBA's music makes people childlike and naive. Most Swedes seem somewhat naive and childlike, which makes them more infantile and easier to control.
I think Abbas music is on the surface at least charming and human 3 points though. I heard a podcast interview with Bjorn. He said a lot of his and Benny's songs were,to use that term, 'received'. Bjorn did not use that term but it applies. He and Benny just applied their skills to crafting the 'supplied material's into the finished form. The basic plot in the musical Mama Mia is actually 'depraved and disgusting' the beauty of the songs makes it (just about) acceptable. Even Jeannette Winterson the novelist in a radio interview laughed and said "it's a dirty little story really". She was momentarily reverting to her childhood upbringing and she meant her comment in joky irony but as my Mum always said 'many a true word is spoken in jest'. Last,the Abba virtual reality show. Ive heard great praise of it. The music is so great it transcends other worries. It's as if it's THEM right there,young them. Now I hear rumours of an Elvis show (great career move Elvis). Do we face a future of being entertained (mind trained?) by 'ghosts'.
Yes,we do. After all they don't require feeding, housing or having their messy human lives controlled,concealed,no injunctions required etc. Much more convenient and profitable than actual messy people.
Abba is totally degenerate. Gimme, Gimme is about fornication. Dancing Queen is about fornicating at 17 with a rando from 'the club'. Fernando is about fornicating with some smelly, hippy, pseudo-intellectual revolutionary, etc. You shouldn't listen to Abba.
Oh dear,well I only hear it on the radio or in shops if it's playing . I like some of the songs. Maybe seeing so much fornication is a bit Mr Mybug (it's a literary reference),I've seen the musical twice for the music but I do think the plot is grubby.
Abba is music for suburban Tupperware and swinger parties
My “but not Kate Bush” band was The Cure. After I’d set Bowie aside, especially Black Star, my favourite album was Disintegration. Not that Robert wanted us single, lonely young men to feel like disappearing might be an attractive option, surely 🤭
Then i was knocked out of my tree of illusion by his recent work, “Songs For The End Of The World”. Not at all topical eh Robert. Listen to his long form interviews about that album. I had no doubt that he’s doing his best to assist the perpetrators. Sorry, Mr Smith. In the bin with your stuff too.
By the way, the video for Bush’s Cloud Busting could hardly have been better predictive programming. Have a look.
I don’t think Tavistock wrote all the music & lyrics for all the social engineering that UK & American rock & pop has accomplished. Some of the artists were genuinely good all rounders, like Bowie. He appears to have relished his role. It’s his predilections for very underage girls that is particularly off-putting.
Some of his work is magnificent. My wife still misses “Heroes”. I painfully miss “Win”.
I’ve a side bet with a friend about Oasis. I think their reunion tour is timed to enable or assist something nefarious, probably involving Blair.
And there’s literally no chance whatsoever that he wrote all those songs on Oasis’ first three albums. Look also at their origins story. It’s not plausible. They never are. But we just gobble it all up.
Disintegration was my favourite Cure album too. I remember going to see them play it at Wembley Arena.
Actually, 'Pornography' was the best Cure album, then 'Faith' and only then 'Disintegration'
Was a big fan of Kate when I discovered her belatedly, only in the '90s.
More recently, learned of major disturbing elements/people in her music: Sex pervert Wm Reich & orgone machine in "Cloudbusting" (I did not know who he was before the internet told me in the late-2000s.) Pedo Rolf Harris in her song, "Architect's Dream." Also played didgeridoo on her "The Dreaming."(ditto).
Everyone who gains superstar status has got to be suspect, then.
It's odd because I only recently found the song Cloudbusting by Kate Bush and I thought how prescient it was but now I'm seeing that a lot of movies,novels etc that in hindsight seem prophetic are actually THEM telling us in advance WHAT THEY INTEND TO DO which I think is some sort of law they have to do but also THEY find maliciously funny as no one knows it's a promise not a silly story. Well,almost no one. Is it better not to know? Knowing doesnt help one escape it.
FYI The songs Rolf Harris featured on were rerecorded and her son replaced the parts he had.
After reading through I'm thinking how odd that Rolf Harris chose to record Stairway to Heaven. Was he TELLING US without telling us,in the approved manner? I'm one of those people who thought he was innocent of the charges,he always seemed like a good bloke to me but on reflection....my late Mum couldn't stand him. Back in the 60s,70s of he was on Tv her frostiness was Arctic. Odd that,Mum devined something.
Yes, thank you. I just learned of that when I looked up these stories. The didgeridoo playing in "The Dreaming" remains intact, however. Wonder if she will do anything about that.
I haven't kept up with Kate's doings as I had stopped following her soon after her "Aerial" album came out.
Of course you know Bowie faked his death. When you have his connections you can do this.
Just another aspect of the great pop illusion.
Indeed, it’s not infrequent that a “lifetime actor” enters retirement, which is what it appears he’s done.
FFS! I am SUPER glad that I don't believe in invisible friends or enemies. Believing in such entities actually gives them your psychic energy, James! Mind out....
Oh and another thing.... David Bowie was a creepy cross-dressing weirdo as a teenager. I remember him sticking out like a big-mouthed wannabe in the Soho Marquee crowd circa 1966/7. When he finally made a record I cracked up. It was The Laughing Gnome! https://youtu.be/5SQdBxVjZx4
Nothing he could do from then on shifted the shudder from my spine!
After a pants day at the coal face, your article influenced me to press play on a 432hz Spotify playlist… I’m amazed at the positive impact it’s having on me right now… thanks for the reminder