'Yes, superficially, it would be nice to have one of those wife-pleasing honorifics.....' Honestly, I think the wife of today and tomorrow appreciates a man who can hunt, provide for and protect his family. A man who is not afraid of fake 'authority' or impressed by their bogus titles. A man who will challenge their 'expertise' like George Pickerman, a Texas dad who was wrongly told his son was brain-dead. He barricaded himself in a hospital room for a 3-hour standoff with a SWAT team until his son squeezed his hand. Ps. I'm the wife who plucks chickens, tends a vegetable garden, cans the veggies, homeschools 3 kids and hasn't been to a death-care institute since her oldest was jab-injured 20 years ago.

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Renate, sounds like you've been at this for a good long while. You are the woman of the future!

(But if I can make one suggestion: get your hands on a chicken plucker.)

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Lol....I can do the job faster and neater than any plucker. It's all about the scalding.

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I would love to sit at your knee and learn from you. Even with scalding, I struggle with those fussy pin feathers. But I'm still a novice... maybe there's hope for me yet!

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I love your comment. Insightful and spot on.

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Reading these comments there are many along the lines of “I don’t agree with all of it”, which I find intriguing.

To me, this suggests a fair number of people are not yet aware that there wasn’t a pandemic or public health emergency of any kind.

Obviously those of us who do now know this realised the full horror that the pathetically “rushed vaccines” really are.

Sorry, folks. They’re not rushed or vaccines. Remember, there wasn’t anything to vaccinate against & no public health emergency to prompt anything urgent anyway.

Among the reasons for the long rehearsed faked pandemic was wrecking the economy, trashing civil society, introducing laws constraining our freedoms and most importantly, providing a mechanism for accessing the insides of the bodies of most people on earth & injecting them with intentionally harmful substances.

It’s not possible to conclude other than evil is abroad in the world, and it’s in the ascendant.

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Even amongst the people who are aware of the situation, I have to wonder how many will remain steadfast when refusing consent means being ejected from commerce, from society and going homeless, and possibly even where suicide may be the only route left to shield oneself from forced injection - because we don't know much about reality & I see no reason to dismiss the possibility that the consequences may follow to the after life.

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We cling to life and make decisions to prolong. It's just that different people perceive different paths for that. I think the "normies" are making the wrong choice and if we had a quorum resisting we could stop it. But they think it will all wash over. It's just too much for many to accept in the West because life has been easy and the illusion of benign government almost perfectly executed. The Matrix analogy is good, people don't want to unplug for 10 years of hell and uncertainty fixing things.

Ultimately, they wont get the choice and may be condemning all of us. But hope, always hope otherwise we stop trying.

Trump may be a disrupter. Many think he is just another lie to keep the perception of democracy, because he wont meet everyone's wishes, e.g., Israel. But no one could do everything at once. Only time will tell.

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A wonderful piece of writing, James! I could hear your voice in my head... you write as you speak and I admire your wordcraft immensely.

As for the House of Lords, I ask myself why we need them. Mind you, I feel the same about the House of Commons too. When you look at the way we Brits voted at the last election the silent non-voters were the actual winners!

It feels as if we have given up expecting actual representation. 😔

My personal belief, as you well know, is that the Monarch and his many close Black Nobility cousins pass orders and edicts to their appointed Knights and Templar chums in the City of London. The members of Parliament, having sworn allegiance to the Crown, simply tug their forelocks and say, "Yes, Sir!" for an easy life.

It is downright medieval!

All the mad policies you listed come straight from King Charles' glaringly green pen.

All serve the new Royal decrees, Terra Carta and Astra Carta, which are very interesting documents if you care to give them a glance. There you will see the interlocking UN Agenda 21 and the ubiquitous WEF Great Reset.

The Houses of Parliament are redundant, James. They just don't know it. 😉

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Oh James, I agree wholeheartedly with your comments but detect to some extent the despair I too am feeling. Just what we can do to save this country /world, I do not know. I am 81 years old now and should be in a place of peace and quiet, satisfied that I have led a good life, worked hard, raised a family, and generally deserve a happy ending. Instead, I have endured the past 5 years of hell, knowing that my family refuse (or are unable) to recognise what the " Cabal" is doing to us, that they have been jabbed, and may face consequences, and worst of all ,seem to see me as the enemy when I tried to tell them the plans for the future. I do now understand that this is cognisant dissonance but was unaware of this when I tried to explain what was happening.

My only wish now is that I may not live to see any further destruction to the world I once thought was good. Please keep up your good work. Your comments are much appreciated.

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Thank you Margaret. You'd love my Dad who feels just the same way. He's 90 in March and got radicalised during the Covid scam. Don't despair. We're all in the same boat. You have many allies. And God wins in the end!

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Margaret, if it means anything to you, your comment really touched both my husband and me.

The past 5 years certainly have been harsh, and it is very sad what has happened within so many of our families. Those of us who “have eyes to see” have been pushed into outlier territory, and often condemned by those we love most as wilful heretics.

I don’t know your situation beyond what you said in your comment, but I think you should be able to sleep well at night knowing that you did your best to warn other people around you of what has been going on. The day will come when they will look back at what you tried to tell them and recognize the value of your message. It may be “too late” for them at that point… but if somehow it helps them in their own spiritual development, your words and deeds and time will not have been wasted.

And for what it’s worth - you made me realize how lucky I am. I too have been censored and even ostracized by people in my familial circle, but I”m young yet (only in my 50s!) and so I can chalk everything that has happened up to a very intense learning process.

Thank you for your comment. It helps me to feel less alone when I hear stories like yours.

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Great comment.👍🇦🇺🦘

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Don’t ever give up, dear Margaret. That’s what they want us to do. ❤️

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G'day Margaret, well written & a bit sad but this is not of your doing. It hurts but you've done your best. 👍🇦🇺🦘

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Oh Margaret, what an awful awful world we now find ourselves in when death seems a more attractive alternative to living but please please do not give up hope, yes I know we will never ever go back to life as we have known it but I think that’s the point, rather than the great reset these evil evil people plan for the world what they have inadvertently set in motion is the greatest awakening the world will ever know! So although it is hard, so hard, good WILL overcome this evil, we just have to keep the faith and trust in a higher and greater power. Happy new year Margaret.

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That is the best analogy of the state of play so far, superb and concise. Brilliantly written James.

What a big sorry shit show this all is.

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A brave piece James. Even if it is not all as you say ( most likely wishful thinking on my part ) I admire you for just speaking the truth . Your friend ‘ Tobes strikes me as a real puffed up little non entity . Anyway , he will join a very illustrious list . Saville , Rantzen , Jenner, Cyril Smith , need I go on ? All creeps at best and evil at worst . Thank God you are NOT likely to get on the list . If you do ,then we are all finished .Happy 2025 to you and your family .

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You called out Toby on his peerage ambition a long time ago. He may have the Free Speech Union, but it is only free speech within his Overton window. He is an establishment poodle.

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His site Daily Sceptic is a good site to be fair. It kept more than a few people sane during the Scamdemic.

On the other hand I do remember Toby saying that Rona was just a big cockup. It was planned, coordinated, enforced and a CIA-DoD-NATO project. The G20 were affected. Nothing in Kurdistan, Africa or regions that did not participate. Death post stabs spiked and we have record cancer, heart disease, etc.

I also don't understand the peerage for Toby or why he would accept. Baubles and power as JD wrote.

I guess the establishment is neutering a critic. They bought off everyone else during the Scamdemic. Maybe a SAGE appointment beckons?

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You mean WAS a good site 4 years ago when many of us didn’t know any better. Now we can see the zeroes & ones better It’s the dictionary definition of a limited hangout / gate keeping operation. It’s hilarious that it’s now behind a paywall!! You’d have to be mentally retarded to actually shell out for it

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Not to mention that it now runs interference for the fake Red Sea Pedestrians in virtually every issue. I wonder if this is what tipped the balance to Young’s ennoblement.

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Imagine accepting a peerage in the same year Khan is made a Knight of the Realm.


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It would have been bad enough the year Blair was knighted but that noodle-armed little prick really takes the biscuit

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Before I proceed might I just doff my cap to you, for this shimmering slap across someone's chops:

"...reassuring yourself that because you’ve only been appointed Minister for Frankfurters and Lederhosen you bear no moral responsibility for any of your colleagues’ more nefarious decisions…"

I literally laughed out loud, made disproportionately more spectacular by having just taken a mouthful of freshly made Yorkshire Tea.

There is no excuse for accepting these dishonours any more. If standing shoulder to shoulder with the alien, cultural, wrecking-ball that is Sadiq Khan for a gong, then the penny is long over due a drop.

I will not be recognising any of these shitty little titles any more. This list is 158 pages of a roll call of shame, and shame is what awaits fools who understood nothing of God, The Truth, or of this life as an experience of the knowledge of good and evil. Their satisfaction now will pale by comparison with their shame into eternity.


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Glad you enjoyed the analogy. I always feel slightly awkward using Nazi/Hitler analogies because I'm perfectly well aware that the "Hitler/Nazis as benchmark for ultimate evil" is yet another trick They use to deceive us. But since everyone in the House of Lords is by definition a Normie who DOES believe that Hitler/Nazis are the benchmark for ultimate evil it's quite an entertaining charge to lay against them...

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and served with such a delicious comedic sauce accompaniment, I think it works wonderfully.

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ASOG, that's your title. Brother James Delingpole, adoptive son of God.

That title will help keep certain doors closed, that should never be open.

To live on God's side is much better than any estipend, in the long run.

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Great sentiment but a slight correction. Those who do the work of God are sons of God and nothing adopted about it. James is a SOG. I remember in the Gospel of Thomas, amongst the other strange things the big man says in there he says that heaven and earth came into being for James the Righteous so I think James's title must be the very fitting ........ James the Righteous.

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lol - I do quite like the James characters in the New Testament and am proud to have been named after them.

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God stands outside of our childish concept of time. They were probably named after you James the Righteous.

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Read this from verses 12 to 17.

You see, in the ancient world, the concept of adoption was different. Among other things, it’s a change in social status: a son is not a servant, a servant is not a son. But a servant may become an adoptive son.

In our time, everything is different. The state has destroyed the families, and the nation. The state gets to say who is a serf and who is a son. The state controls social status. The first social credit control system was the very evil social security, started by American Progressives. Many people who abhor and fear “social credit system” think social security is good and will defend it to death. They don’t understand the material and spiritual damage done by American Progressive Ideology.

Our time is excessively political. The time of Saint Paul was much less political in many areas of life. If anything, in his time it was war, conquest and revolts that predominated over politics, administration or norms, and war affected the lives of people the most. In our time, things are very different. But, in any time, to be on the side of God is better than being indifferent or being against.


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Oh James. You have come so very far. All my kudos to you, you are a brave man forging a path for the rest of us. No doubt you are already a Lord in the minds of many of your readers.

But you have one last hurdle to overcome: this little gripe you have with Adolf. Yes, he was an authoritarian, but you know, he had conviction.

Most people get on his case because they are all bent out of shape about what Hollywood and the victors of WWII told us about his concentration camps. (Yeah, those camps the Brits invented in the Boer war, and that almost every other advanced country in the world has employed during wartime.)

To help avail you of this little twitch you've got, I invite you to enjoy this very short piece about a "Holocaust survivor" who spent WWII hiding in a Polish cesspit:


On a more serious note... it helps to understand that there are only three things holding up the official Holocaust (TM) narrative:

1) eye witness testimony (like that of the guy in the Polish cesspit);

2) confessions at Nuremberg (obtained under torture, as historian David Irving has so tortuously described);

3) people like you (and me, for most of my life) who fell for The Big Lie, because we are such simple honest folk, that we couldn't imagine the Jews making it all up, no matter how many reparations payments they were given and how much square footage of the Middle East they got to call their own.

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Yes indeed. Census figures don't lie.

On great historical works:

General Eisenhower's "Crusade in Europe" (published 1948, 559 pgs), Winston Churchill's "The Second World War" (6 vols., 4,448 pgs, published 1948-1954), and the "Mémoires de guerre" of General de Gaulle (3 vols., 2,054 pgs, published 1954-1959).

In these three works of 7,061 pages, published from 1948 to 1959 there is not a single mention of Nazi “gas chambers”, a “genocide” of the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war.

The current awakening of humanity means we have to accept some hard truths. For many, this will be the hardest truth of all.

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I thought this comment must have been an attempt at comedy but it appears you are serious.

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A deliciously punchy piece. ‘Spavined jades’, in particular, is a long snog with Keith Floyd – when he was alive, of course.

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Tobes finally got the bauble he'd been chasing

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Such a gaudy, empty chalice to grasp at. I will never understand the brazen venality. Particularly after the last 5 years.

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Saville thought he kissed better dead! Less boozy! ;)

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I think you should say what you really think JD!! 💥I think you may have made a mistake referring to them as noble lies? They are just lies & many are whopping great evil ones

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I like this kind of writing very much. It’s hard hitting yet also occasionally amusing, a far from simple task.

Also, James can be relied upon to introduce me to a word or two with which I wasn’t merely unfamiliar but had never heard before.

Spavined is today’s example 😊

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And you Dr Mike have taught not only me but many many others around the world about things that are vital for survival, and that’s way more important than words! In any case I often find people use words that they know others won’t know the meaning of just so they appear more intelligent when in reality a simpler one would suffice! Or maybe that’s just me making excuses for my own stupidity!

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Sometimes the sound conveys additional meaning to simpler. I had to look spavined up. Sounds good.

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I am a lord. I simply told Screwfix that was my title and hey presto I am one.

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I used to work for a major medical publisher (textbooks, thankfully, not dodgy pharma-led journal articles). Our project management system - after we were taken over by Americans - had a dropdown menu for all imaginable titles, including elevated aristocratic ones, that we might need to address authors and contributors. One title on the system, which led to much merriment, was 'Pope'. I am not making this up. Only in the US ...

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I always wanted to be pope so I could close the whole thing down. Christ wanted a church of the heart as he told the Samaritan woman at the well where there would bve no special places or special people to intermediate between us and God and Saul the Christian killer clearly decided that the best way to kill Christianity more quickly than killing individual Christians was to usurp it and lead it down a path it was never meant to go down, Isis worship.

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Hats off, Lord John.

That reminds me of when our PM, Tony Abbott, was considering bringing back titles in Australia and many people (including me) started putting titles in their Facebooks names. I must admit I derived a disproportionate amusement from such a silly exercise. I took the title Marchioness and a friend took the title "Her Ladyship" where the title is really "Lady" but of course that is of no import.

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Thank you Marchioness Petra, it isn't every day I am in such exalted company.

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That's a great piece, although I don't fully agree with everything you've written. And as we know - there's only one Lord, anyway!

Happy New Year to you.

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