He was also VERY BUSY blowing goats in Ukraine shortly after. He’s on a leash because he is weak.

In other news, more and more people give waaaaaaay less fucks about the government in any nation and we are by necessity learning to break a few laws and localise.

They have effectively honed the blade of every dissident. Delingpole sharp as a razor!

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Thank you for bringing up the Ukraine. He has the death on his hands of tens, possibly hundreds, of thousands of Ukrainian conscripts sent into the meat grinder in a war which Johnson needlessly prolonged by flying to Zelensky and forbidding him from negotiating a peace.

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Yeah he really let the blackmail theory stick when he ‘illegally’ ‘briefed’ that coke whore. 700,00 Slavs in the grave and a bunch of Ukraine 🇺🇦 hashtag celebrities crawled away too.

Normies are nearly as bad.


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Indeed, but of course, the evil ones would have e found someone else to do it, they have something on everyone.

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They have something on everyone including you and me but would you send hundreds of thousands to their deaths instead of being embarrassed or arrested? I doubt it but Johnson did.

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We should not forget Gonzalo Lira


This video is a hard watch when you consider he would later die in a Ukranian prison.

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I think about Lira often as I watched his little cigarette filled videos when they came out. It’s a terrible thing. Dissent is most definitely under attack

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Regarding your quote, "In other news, more and more people give waaaaaaay less fucks about the government in any nation and we are by necessity learning to break a few laws and localise." I 100% percent agree! This is the kind of positive trend we want to see.

Here in the US, our elections are coming and I've been seeing how both our parties are trying to gather support. It appears that their propaganda tricks are working slightly, but I'm hoping for lower voter turn out rates so it shows that more and more people are not caring about government, elections, or anything of the sort!

Here are some work that I've done on the topic from the US perspective:



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Loved the article

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You have more information than I do about the goats, but he very definitely put the kybosh on any peace deal between Russia and Ukraine while he was there.

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Hi James, well said.

I have listed dozens of these types of books that started hitting the shelves since 2020 in fact.

So many of them are clearly written by ghost writers. And some of the books actually tell us that.

It is not only a way of expanding the propaganda of the Mind Control Matrix, but it sucks money out of the public and rewards the agents working for the Zionist Imperial Empire - which is what I call the global Deep State that is made up of the global oligarchs of monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, who are yanking everyone's chains. They control everything. And the publishing industry is weaponzied against the public as much as anything else.

Mistakes were not made.

A few days ago I challenged a young German guy visiting Thailand on his university holidays, and said that Angela Merkel was a communist and deliberately set the stage to turn off their energy and ramp up the costs to devastate the German economy. He actually laughed and said 'She's not a communist, they just made mistakes, and Putin started the war.' So it was Putin's fault.

The Mind Control is everywhere at all times, and it's very difficult to rip down the illusions.

But every piece of journalism that fights for the truth helps.

Which is why your work is important.


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At last year’s Battle of Ideas event there was a discussion where someone in the audience claimed that they had ‘inside knowledge from high up’ that the government felt they had “no choice” but to impose restrictions “because the public were demanding it”.

I was absolutely gobsmacked.

When I got my turn to speak I pointed out to the audience member that it was that very government (in conjunction with the MSM) that were responsible for terrorising the population in the first place.

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The Battle of Ideas is Controlled Opposition. Clare Fox showed herself to be just another puppet of the Deep State

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Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

At the 2022 Battle of Ideas she did a speech at the end in where she waxed lyrical about the importance of “grown-up” debate not “conspiracy theories”. That was the turning point in my opinion of her.

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My god, it's tiresome... as if no one or no group has ever plotted against another to achieve their own dubious ends, and not least, in the corporate/political realm. It's what the human condition is built upon. Yet the idiot sheeple normies agree to anything just to avoid being labelled "conspiracy theorist".

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So sad to hear this. She spoke well at the 'Together' anniversary.

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I have been thinking so for some time. Marxists don’t really change their spots, do they? What of Brendan O’Neill?

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I think you are too kind to him suggesting that he is not a natural tyrant. There is a myth of 'reluctant Boris.'


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Very interesting. Thank you, Francis. I probably am too kind. Even though I hunt foxes - because they love it - I do spend an inordinate amount of time rescuing toads, even worms, crossing the road and suchlike. And re the evil Malthusian Stanley: the apple does not fall far from the tree.

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The rescue of some toads really would be a fairytale. You might also be interested in the sheep farm's series on Johnson, exploring his bloodline and endless capacity to fail upwards.

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Francis, I just read your article. Very interesting. I recommend it to other readers of these comments.

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Now you mention it, I reckon they did micromanage BJ into the PM role for the Plandemic. We know the C-19 operation was planned years ahead. We know that Sunak was plucked from California in 2014 to play a leading role in UK politics a few years later. Obama, Macron, Trudeau, etc were all groomed and then placed into position. So surely BJ too?

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Yes. Now you put it that way I think you are probably right.

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In Australia, the Health Minister throughout much of the Covid debacle was Greg Hunt. Before Hunt entered the Australian Parliament in 2001, he was the Director of Global Strategy of the World Economic Forum[1] - another prime example of ‘cabinets being penetrated’ a la Klaus Schwab.[2]

Also bear in mind Australia called the pandemic before the WHO… Then Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, admits: “We called it a pandemic weeks before the WHO. We were acting in early January, we moved at the start of February on shutting down and borders, particularly for Mainland China.”[3]

This is very interesting to look back upon now, because Australia taking the lead in calling the ‘SARS-CoV-2 pandemic’ had devastating consequences for the people of the world.


1. https://www.greghunt.com.au/about-greg/biography/

2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QLi0W9gN8OM

3. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/transcript-australia-prime-minister-scott-morrison-discusses-global-impacts-of-covid-19/

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Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

Well, James, you really do write well. And more to the point, you profile this gurning bastard with all the sweeping, murky detail he requires.

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Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

I think I should save this little post. As time goes by it’s easy to forget how very evil they are and also what they forced on the people during that time.

It is comforting however, that even if I do forget, God has an account of every hair on their heads.

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Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

Over here in the 'land of the free', we have Trump doing much the same thing. He's absolved himself of any responsibility for the restrictions, chaos, and outright tyranny that took place. And yet, he still claims credit for the vaccines, which he has the audacity to continue describing as safe and effective. Unfortunately, I think he will be 'elected' in the fall because TPTB have selected him to take away our guns. That may end up being a more difficult task than they planned for.

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In the US, Trump, Biden and Harris still support Covid vaccination, the uniparty has it covered.

They would, wouldn’t they…

But in March 2020, it was admitted by a U.S. ‘medical military leader’ that this was a low risk infection, i.e.


So I think people should recognize at the end of the day, this still remains a low risk infection to not just our service members but to the American public, and that we are really good as a hospital system, as a medical care system, from both the EMT up to intensive care units, at taking care of these. I'm not minimizing it, I'm just saying that even in the absence of a vaccine.


So why was there a mass population ‘vaccine solution’ for a low risk infection?

For more background see: "A low risk infection... even in the absence of a vaccine" So why was there a 'vaccine solution'? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/a-low-risk-infection-even-in-the

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More wiffle waffle from a treacherous puppet. There is no way he will ever admit that what we endured was a Bolshevik big pharma coup orchestrated by SAGE and the four horseman of the convid 1984 apocalypse; Witty, Ferguson, Hancock and Vallance. Boris was under orders from the aforementioned. All theatre.

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Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

You missed the part where he arranged for over 500,000 Ukrainian Christians to be killed, over 100,000 Russian Christians to be killed and more to come on both sides when he did his masters bidding and told the war criminal and Christian hater Zelensky to throw out the peace agreement with the Russians over 2 years ago and Zelensky's minders even murdered a member of the Ukraine's negotiation team for him daring to stand up for the Ukrainian people and saying they must have peace. Johnson is a war criminal and I look forward to his cheeky chappy smile disappearing real fast when that judicial rope goes tight around his filthy neck.

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Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

That epic two-sentence penultimate paragraph says it all really. Kudos sir 🫡

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What a great article, James! Thanks!

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It's so upsetting that these people make money on the way down as well as the way up.

All political careers end in failure, but even after that failure, all prime ministers get to make a fortune from an autobiography, no matter how awful/evil they were in office.

People really get what they deserve if they'll give money to someone who did what Johnson did to them during the psyop.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

Yes, I noticed and was chilled to the bone by these types of messages!

[they displayed photos of places you couldn’t go to, like Venice, with programming messages like “Isn’t it marvellous how much cleaner the canals are now that no one is allowed to take gondolier rides on them or even look at them?”]

It was like they were saying, "See how much nicer the world would be without all you nasty people in it?"

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Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

Excellent review of FBJ.

Unfortunately, you didn't mention one of what I considered the most evil and egregious examples of the totalitarian mindset, which was the threat to remove children from their parents. THAT, in my opinion, was evil on another level. Perhaps it was to dovetail nicely with the 'elites' child-trafficking proclivities, who knows.

But they have never, ever apologized for any of it. Nor do they address the huge increase in mortality post clot-shot for those who believed the lies and propaganda.

My only consolation is that hell will have a bunch more kindling when their time is up.

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Oct 3Liked by James Delingpole

Meaty and well written, Sir Delingpole! What you refer to as the Normies, I refer to as the Gullibles. Boris is a well groomed Compliant, who “They” love, doing their billing. He probably also has a lot they can hold him “hostage” with, poor Scruffy. Almost makes you want to cry, he’s so victimized. Yes, “They” are the true victims, because ultimately they become some of the first eaten. And I love the excuses, “it was the people who begged us to be Draconians!” say the true narcissistic psychopaths, who can literally never, ever take responsibility for Anything! Covid was the key, managed well due to the years of “science” they have learned in the developing gain of function research, that ushered in Totalitarianism to the world. Even they were quite “giddily joyful” at how well it worked. I’m curious who that little voice pulling BJ’s strings belonged to, not that it matters much. BJ reminds me of the mad genius of Mozart as a 7 year old giggling with piercing staccato hiccups tossing his curly head side to side. Yes, the mad genius of a 7 year old.

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