I agree with you James, it is all according to plan.

They wanted him to have 2020 "stolen" from him and they wanted us to know it.

They wanted him to win 2024 and they wanted everyone to feel fantastic about "winning".

The steal in 2020 was so obvious that it had to be designed for us to notice. You don't just dump hundreds of thousands of votes into the system overnight. It would be child's play to manufacture a ratio of Biden votes to every Trump vote in real time and keep it within believable margins had they wanted to do so. It's a computer - you don't have to go through all of the paper trail theatre they did unless you want it to be watched.

Likewise, why prop up Kakala at the last minute? You couldn't find ANYONE better? Seriously? A soggy kitchen sponge has more charisma.

Finally, where are the totally organic, mostly peaceful, antifa "protestors" burning down cities and setting up CHAZ zones across the usual suspect cities?

My theory for what that's worth...

The powers that be wanted to flee to China once they had finished with the US. However, Xi unlike Mao, wasn't having them and this became very apparent in the 2010s. With no new home to bounce to what's a group of satanic sociopaths to do? They had siphoned off so much treasure and destroyed so many things in such a short period of time that too many people started noticing. Populist sentiment was starting to simmer.

How do you salvage things and stay in the host country?

My theory is you make things so bad over a such a short period of time that any change for the better will be construed as "winning" and "crushing" the opponents. People think it's all over and return to their distractions.

While doing it you have the most egregious abuses of power to simultaneously piss people off and cow them into non action least anyone get clever ideas about doing something about it. Finally you make a messiah out of their saviour by running him through a grist mill of trumped up charges (pardon the pun). Finally, you dangle hope in the form of "vote harder".

Just as the crescendo reaches its peak you serve up the saviours return and simultaneously ramp up the evil deeds of the baddies (for example, Biden commuting the sentences of some of the most vile human beings in the prison system) just to highlight how very evil they are.

On day one the saviour has his triumphant return and starts the saving immediately. By contrast with the baddies he looks like a white knight! We are saved, things will be better! We can all celebrate!

People return to their distractions. The controllers take their foot off the pedal for a few years and let things coast. Meanwhile they continue to replace us with "legal immigration". At best we return to a 2016-2020 normal which is still a degenerate hellscape, but hey, it's better than the past 4 years. You know, "winning".

He'll be allowed a small amount of leeway to let the simmering populists lose focus, but what you won't see:

1. Make it illegal to hold dual citizenship in Congress

2. A cessation of support for the US's "Greatest Ally"

3. Repealing any laws about noticing Satan's little helpers being wrong think

Things are running in parallel in Canada in the form of Justin Castro. He's announced that he very well may, in the future might resign since some of his own party members have enlightened self interest and want him gone. Meanwhile he's prorogued Parliament and P.P. (who is a WEF asset) is being sold as our own brand of saviour. Heaven help us.

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Interesting thesis!

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You know, they pay people in the Deep State for their nefarious deeds in interesting ways, since they can’t just write a check. For example, a politician like Obama will write a book, and he’ll get an obscene advance from the publisher, never seen before in the history of publishing.

Or, our corrupt government body will send out their foreign aid packages each year and a good portion of it will come back in the form of kickbacks. Politicians like Adam Schiff have “foundations” and a portion of it ends up in there. This is all common knowledge to people who know their stuff. We’ve known it for years.

How might they pay Trump if he is, indeed, a traitor and a bad actor? He’s been suing broadcast companies and as far as I know has settled with two. CNN just decided to settle with him for an undisclosed amount. Trump sued them for defamation. How easy is it for a broadcast company to say something defamatory on air, wait for Trump to sue them, and then write him a check? The Deep State owns the media in every way. The media funnels a lot of deep state money to a lot of people. They’re just one of many conduits. Around 2021, Fox News paid an inordinate amount to Dominion voting machines as a settlement, which was so suspect to attuned Patriots and researchers because Fox would have won in court. A lot of us saw it as money moving around the chess board. And it happened to be an exact amount that related to something else—I don’t remember now. I’ll have to go back and look at it.

Congressmen making crazy amounts in the stock market? That’s how the Deep State pays them for being team players via stock tips and market manipulations.

Is Trump getting his Deep State share via media lawsuits? Do some research. Decide for yourself.

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Thank you sir!

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Ahhh - the ubiquitous “They”, lurking around every corner to conspire and pull the puppet strings.

Here’s the truth - “They” tell you exactly what “They” are doing. It’s not a secret. They publish it in journals, press releases, websites, and books. “They” scream their internationalist agenda from the rooftops in interviews and at conferences. They recruit and They beleive the insanity they are pushing because They are atheists and socialists and materialists who think They know better than You.

“They” have nothing to do with Trump upending the system vis a vis the election (which They worked hard to influence) but They will adjust and have done so already.

Come on ladies and gentlemen, is it more likely that the assassination attempt was planned (FYI - impossible to Plan that shot) so Trump would be elected and They are pulling Trump the ungovernable’s strings, or is it more likely that James is an intelligence plant engaged in a psyop seeking to sow division among the disparate coalition that has converged about the right in support of Trump?

Or, perhaps, it is neither of these things.

But mainly, it’s definitely NOT what James says. This theory is not likely given the facts we witnessed the last four years and not logical given the actual ways we all saw the world manipulated and rigged by the intelligence community on behalf of the international elite over the past 60 years.

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I don't think James has followed the details that came out of Butler Park closely enough -- otherwise he would state his premises, rather than just his prejudices. He does seem intent on reinforcing the negative stereotype of the 'conspiracy theorist'. And inordinately proud of never doing any research. (I used to listen to him.)

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You're free to read some of my pieces on the subject of the Trump fake assassination, where I go into much more detail. They are all on my Substack. I think at this point believing that the assassination was genuine would require the same sort of credulousness required to believe in the Moon Landings.

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Many believe it’s the same “ritual” listed “symbolizes that one must attend to what has been COMMANDED”…


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I'm not trying to start fights, but really, one thing more irritating than 'time will tell' is "If you don't believe x then I have a bridge to sell you." Such a flip insult, so cliché, so smug, just so... irritating! (And I already have a bridge.) Distinguishing the real from the simulated requires endless patience, hard work, and yes -- time. And now this, from someone who got all hot for Flat Earth? Where are you on that now?

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I will check out your other pieces.

I did enjoy your writing and your thinking is original - which is refreshing.

But the notion that Butler was planned to fail is far less likely than that it was planned to succeed and then didn’t. The facts bear this out.

And I worked directly on election integrity handling issues as they occurred and I can tell you the chicanery on the Democrat side was very real and negatively affected the results against Trump. He would’ve won by even greater margins in states like NV, AZ, and PA but for aggressive, direct, multifaceted election interference by left wing operatives.

And the intelligence community, the media, the international elite, and the U.S. government all acted persistently and in concert to try to keep Trump from being president. The amount of resources thrown at the effort was incredible. And they failed mainly because they are mostly incompetents lost in a mire of utopian thinking and hyper disconnected intellectuality. And because of the internet, which allowed alternate narratives to emerge. That dynamic was extraordinarily evident on all levels to even the uninformed.

“They’ve” lost control of the narrative because of the inter web and so NOW their paid agents infiltrate podcasts and YouTube and Substack and X to try to regain control of the narrative or to at least discredit those that are in control of the narrative.

If you know ANYTHING about the CIA and their intelligence cohorts based on the past 60 years, it’s that psyops are a major weapon of choice to deploy against populations to discredit legitimate opposition, to cause division within ranks, and to wrest control of the narrative.

So forgive me if I question whether this theory, potentially directed at discrediting conspiracy theorists (who aren’t fucking conspiracy theorists they are just regular ass people asking legitimate questions) and potentially calculated to divide a vital coalition formed about a localized value cluster, is actually just an intelligence op designed to discredit, divide, and confuse.

God bless and I hope you are sincere in your search for truth. If you are not, just know that God WILL fuck you up.

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I agree. Completely staged assassination to frame him as the divine choice.

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I feel that James' Christian beliefs are genuine & would prevent him from undertaking a role as fake opposition. I agree with him about the staged assassination attempt. It was as staged as the official "assassination" photo & so obvious that I almost felt ashamed for those involved. Do you know how much blood an ear pumps out from a tiny cut let alone after being chafed by a bullet? Also it's hard to argue that as unintelligent as the Dems may seem they could not have put forward a worse candidate to replace the sick puppy if they tried. With the incredible resources at their disposal that can only be by design & they appeared to go well out of their way to piss off stauch supporters when they conspicuously flouted democractic principles in choosing said replacement. If They really didn't want Trump near office they woulda censored him a la RFK jr.

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No one likes being told they are a credulous idiot so I do understand your pique, even if you are clearly wrong and haven’t familiarised yourself with any of the telling details about the fake assassination.

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I’m always amazed that there are people who think these so-called puppeteers are so breathtakingly smart and such flawless, prescient planners they can foresee every possible eventuality and act accordingly. They apparently planned this all so meticulously years, maybe even decades, in advance and it all went off just as planned on such an enormous scale. I hate to say it people, but if these puppeteers are truly that smart and prescient , humanity may as well give up in defeat and just wait for the Second Coming because no one else is going to be able to outwit them.

Time will tell😂. At least for those of us who don’t have a crystal ball or Magic 8 Ball (or the clear-eyed astuteness of the author) to predict the future. I know what I think, but would never be arrogant enough to say I know for sure where the next four years are heading and neither does the author, try as he might to convince you otherwise.

I’m extremely tired, however, of how every gesture is assigned some secret meaning. Someone just sitting or standing around who accidentally puts their thumbs and forefingers together forming a triangle, is supposedly flashing some super secret Masonic loyalty sign (and when the wife leans in to speak to her husband as wives often do, she can’t just be making a comment about something innocuous, possibly the fact that Jeff Bezos’ finances is wearing lingerie to the Inaugural, instead, she must be chastising him for flashing the super secret Masonic hand sign). The assassination attempt was also, supposedly, rife with Masonic symbols from Trump not having his shoes on after being unceremoniously tackled to the ground, to the picture of him kneeling behind the podium with his hands placed just so. Unfortunately, I have to admit I have placed my hands in the same way Eric Trump did at the inauguration. Apparently, it’s possible to be a high level Mason and flash super-secret hand signs and not even realize it. Everyone, please brush up on Masonic secret hand signals, lest you too fall victim to making one accidentally and self-identifying as a loyal Mason.

P.S Everyone stop wearing black and white. Do you WANT people to think you’re a Mason or something?

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Trump is such an MRna renegade. Not.

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GTH - The problem with this theory is that if you actually know the people you are talking about (and I know a few of them), you know two things:

1) they are all serious as hell about their atheistic materialism, their “humanism”, their socialism, their trans humanism, their progressive agenda. They are not staging an “evil” to manipulate the public. They actually believe this shit is good, or at least “good for humanity” or the planet or whatever. I KNOW, hard to believe for a sane person like yerself, but the first thing you should know about these people is that they are serious as a heart attack about this stuff. So that part of your theory - that they staged the evil - doesn’t check out.

2) these types are mostly incompetent. They live in these bubbles where they don’t experience the consequences of their actions. They live by the first rule of bureaucracy - cover your ass. These folks are expert at externalizing the consequence of their actions and blaming others. But this causes an unintended consequence, which is that they don’t learn from mistakes. The bubble life these folks live in - mostly free from the pressures of the market - creates a profound incompetence and a pernicious arrogance. That explains why they went with that fucking ultimate dipshit of all time, Kamala Harris, as their candidate. The bubble life resulted in a confluence of hubris and incompetence and they actually thought they could sell her babbling ass to the public.

What is more likely? That all of this crazy ass improbable shit was planned on behalf of an elite (that does not need anyone’s protection by the way) so they could stay in power, or that the hubris, incompetence, and unreality of the elite managerial class clouded their ability to calculate and navigate the unpredictable nature of the emerging Trump reality?

If your theory is correct, then why are all of the globalist elites now kissing the ring, scrambling for advantage in the new administration? If they planned it and they own Trump, they don’t need to kiss the ring.

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I'll offer this up as food for thought because I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything and you are welcome to your own opinion. It's a theory. I made some predictions so we'll see what happens.

I'm not saying that everyone is a pedo satanist... that's a very binary picture which I did not mean to portray if you took it that way.

I personally do not know the people we are typing about but I do know people like those you describe. I've unfortunately worked with many of the archetypes over the years. Some were good people but dumb as posts, others were more concerned with covering their own butts than the good of the project, etc., ad nauseum. People are people.

Of course there are good actors in the mix and they believe what they believe and they believe it is good (most people don't want to think of themselves as bad after all).

The public elites kissing the ring are not the controllers that I believe exist.

If I was a nefarious actor pulling the strings behind the scenes then, I would do many things to convince the public that I in fact did not exist.

First I would hire actual good people and give them a bit of leeway to do whatever they want. They give you credible cover. Then, hire mid-wits to slow down the good people. No, we're not evil, we're just incompetent. If you need the public to get behind it then, you are not the face man but you are behind the face man. After all, you don't want public attention. Finally, hire your agents who are loyal to you beyond suspicion to execute the agenda. It would be a shame if those pictures of you doing those things were to be leaked.

As for the coordinators I do believe they exist. I do not know who they are or what their motivations are BUT I do see the fruits of their actions.

That's plain as day to me. That being said I have a very Machiavellian thought process from time to time so take that with a pinch of salt.

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Yes, the coordinators definitely exist and it is true, they are mostly anonymous. I too see the fruit of their actions. And they have a vast mechanism set up to prosecute their agenda and guard rails to control their agents. So I definitely see your perspective.

I just don’t think they put Trump in office. But now that he’s there, you can bet they are scrambling to adjust to the new reality. Of course, we all know the Zionists own both parties… and Trump is not going to make meaningful policy adjustments on Israel, so there’s that. Folks can put these pieces together without input from me.

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You know, they pay people in the Deep State for their nefarious deeds in interesting ways, since they can’t just write a check. For example, a politician like Obama will write a book, and he’ll get an obscene advance from the publisher, never seen before in the history of publishing.

Or, our corrupt government body will send out their foreign aid packages each year and a good portion of it will come back in the form of kickbacks. Politicians like Adam Schiff have “foundations” and a portion of it ends up in there. This is all common knowledge to people who know their stuff. We’ve known it for years.

How might they pay Trump if he is, indeed, a traitor and a bad actor? He’s been suing broadcast companies and as far as I know has settled with two. CNN just decided to settle with him for an undisclosed amount. Trump sued them for defamation. How easy is it for a broadcast company to say something defamatory on air, wait for Trump to sue them, and then write him a check? The Deep State owns the media in every way. The media funnels a lot of deep state money to a lot of people. They’re just one of many conduits. Around 2021, Fox News paid an inordinate amount to Dominion voting machines as a settlement, which was so suspect to attuned Patriots and researchers because Fox would have won in court. A lot of us saw it as money moving around the chess board. And it happened to be an exact amount that related to something else—I don’t remember now. I’ll have to go back and look at it.

Congressmen making crazy amounts in the stock market? That’s how the Deep State pays them for being team players via stock tips and market manipulations.

Is Trump getting his Deep State share via media lawsuits. Do some research. Decide for yourself.

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Good point

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Think about Hunter Biden expensive art. Who would buy such crap for so high prices. Now, miraculously, burned in LA fires, subject to insurance coverage.

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"[W]e all know the Zionists own both parties".

Prior to the Biden Administration, the U.S. Establishment certainly .looked. Zionist - at least to the casual observer. But after years of the Biden regime bending over backwards to help Israel's enemies, I'm surprised you haven't reconsidered your stance.

I'd be interested in your thoughts regarding this article on the topic:


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And just to be clear I'd be ECSTATIC to be wrong - there's a lot to like in the past 2 days and counting.

I just don't see him shedding "our" greatest ally. Leave the Middle East to the Middle East. Let them have their wars. We have more pressing issues at home.

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"If I was a nefarious actor pulling the strings behind the scenes then, I would do many things to convince the public that I in fact did not exist."

But, for 'awake' members of the public who can't be convinced I do not exist, I'd 'set up' or 'frame' someone else, so as to keep the attention away from me.

For details of the 'patsies' the NWO chose to take the heat, see this:


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There’s a monster around every corner.

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and in every closet and under every bed. aw childhood

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I wrote this before reading the far more articulate reply by GTH, but I’ll post it in support:

We will soon experience a similar phenomenon in Canada, with the ouster of a hated puppet followed by a smoother-talking puppet. Poilievre will clean up some of the mess left behind by his older “brother” but his majority will bring on all kinds of malfeasance, hidden in the web of “omnibus” Bills. Who’s pulling Poilievre’s strings? The grey-man economist Harper?

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What makes you think Pierre is a WEF ASSET? I don’t think he’s even smart enough for that. And Canadians don’t even know what that means. At any rate the real WEF asset Mark Carney will be the next PM. It is a carnival after all!

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He was listed on the WEF website ~6-8 years ago. He "organically" started turning up everywhere in Jan. 2022 just as the trucker convoy was kicking off.

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That doesn’t explain January 6. It certainly doesn’t explain Pelosi’s hatred. You’re right about the election being stolen, but not for the reasons you claim.

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Trump announced Stargate today with his friend Larry Ellison. They’re building massive AI data centers that have a lot to do with storing your medical records. Then, the AI data will help your doctor diagnosis your illness so that an MRNA vaccine can be whipped up to treat your cancer or whatever. Ten data centers are currently under construction. These data centers require massive amounts of electricity which will need to be produced on site. I may have glossed over a few details here but watch the press conference for yourself:


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Another truly concerning move. As these so-called "data centers" will be filled with human medical data ! That should concern every human on earth as we become medical experiments without our consent !

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We already have been, since the plague...and most likely well before that!!

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You probably are right Jenny.

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Restacked because this comment is very important, thanks, Susan! xx

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First came the carrot, now for the stick.

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It is Skynet, make no mistake. AI also controls the drones. Do the math

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Planning has just been Approved. Looks like our data centre could be based in Somerset":

“Epic is a global healthcare software company,” North Somerset planners will tell councillors in their report recommending permission be granted. “Epic primarily develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells electronic medical record software. In the UK, Epic provides software and services to https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/all-about/nhs Trusts, helping them ensure accurate patient information is securely available to medical staff. Epic is the client, applicant, owner and future occupier of the proposed office campus,”


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Something is truly giving me an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach about the Trump administration. Something is not right.

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So you liked the millions of illegal aliens that Biden and Harris allowed to walk into the country? Did you know that among the illegals are 13,000 convicted murderers and 15,000 convicted rapists? You better hope that Trump deports them as soon as possible.

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Frank, what about having a bad feeling about the new Admin makes what the old Admin was doing good? Can you tell us Frank? you fucking stone of a man.

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God has a plan, I’m good with that.

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I agree. But keep in mind His plan probably doesn't involve us just sitting on our hands.

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Can't keep saying this enough!!

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We can't expect God to do all the work.

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Yes, we can expect that He will.

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Are you saying trust the plan and stay out of the way? I don't think that has been working so far.

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God’s plan never has and never will rely on the actions of you or me.

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You are implying that humans have no free will. And that people are not involved as decision makers in the plan. I think that is a naive point of view.

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Yes, but which god?

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Best televangelist comeback: "it's not who's side is god on, but who is in God's side".

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I wholly agree, brilliant piece. The only mistake is that Obama is not a homosexual kenyan. He's a homosexual indonesian.

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And that's not all...

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Re the assassination attempt...

How hard would it have been to have Trump rising to his feet with the same blood trail he had when crouching. Why the bizarre crowd non-reaction? Blood down his face but just a smudge on the ear, as if the good healer was healing by the microsecond? How hard to match flag position, sky etc for the final shot with the clenched fist?

I'm wondering if they do these things shabbily on purpose. The idea struck me a while back after the ludicrous Christchurch mosque shooting. Are they luring us into the notion that we can always tell the fakery?

Maybe not. Maybe the globsters really are stuttering idiots as portrayed by Elon Musk. One can hope. It's not like they have actual lives...or they wouldn't be globsters.

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What I noticed straight away was the totally clean right hand and brilliant white sleeve cuff - Trump himself said, "I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood" - yet the fist pump (same hand) had zero blood on it.....tried to point this out to several Trump die-hards and got mocked.

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The first assassination attempt. I'm conflicted. On the one hand his reaction was so visceral he seemed genuinely surprised and shocked. BUT the marks of the "grazing" gun shot did look more like cuts from a concealed razor blade as one idea goes. And he is a natural actor as his tv success showed be his show good or bad. He has the necessary personal magnetism. The joke second attempt was so obviously fake no one bought it but THEY were telling us without telling us as the new saying goes.

The thing is Trump must have had it made clear to him and maybe before the first attempt,that they could take him out at any time. Was he offered a deal. Cooperate or ....well I'm not brave enough to guarantee my answer. I fully believe he has been coopted into the team. Trump likes money and the good life he's never come across as the lone desperado embracing hardship. Maybe he hopes that he can influence things from within. I suspect that the original plan was not for him to win but they saw that the level of his poularity was such that any other result would have LOOKED even too egregiously fake for them to pass off. So they didn't so much "let him win" as bow to the inevitable but I'm sure they have future options in mind. I hope he pays for some SECURITY OF HIS OWN - and employs a Food Taster!

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What we are shown is a continuous action, but there was no need for continuous action or fast razor blade work. Like the Sideshow-Bob-hairdo collapses of buildings on 9/11, all is likely just a movie.

Trump did not even need to be on site. The action could have been done with back-screen, make-up, studio set and some World Wrestling acting experience. The town and locals had actually been used before in movie production.

My own policy now is to assume what's cheesiest and silliest. My big concern is that the globsters may be making these stunts badly on purpose as some kind of test or barometer.

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That’s a fascinating theory Robert. Keep pushing the envelope of the carnival con game, to see how much you can really get away with? 🤷‍♂️

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I’ve read it’s a Cabad Jewish ceremony to anoint the “priest” to attend to what has been COMMANDED of him.

Remember he kept saying he needed his shoe before leaving the stage with the awful secret service🙄


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Biden was the fake pandemic. Trump is the fake vaccine. I can't make it any more clear. Create the need, sell the cure. Create chaos so the sheep demand order. The new world order. Every single last bit of it is orchestrated.

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I'm about 90% convinced Trump is the anti-Christ

make that 95

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Here’s a story: I wanted to experience altered states of consciousness and so from 2015 through 2017, I took large amounts of psilocybin on 3 separate occasions. The experiences were intense and profound. The 2nd time happened on December 31, 2016. Donald Trump had won the presidency and many people in my small corner of the ART WORLD were hysterical, angst ridden, or contemptuous. I wasn’t any of these things, but I wanted to know who this man was, spiritually. If you are going to take mega doses of psilocybin heed Terence McKenna’s advice and prepare “set and setting” - a clean environment, calm music or silence even and prepare an intention.

I did these things and ate many grams of dried mushrooms and as the change in consciousness was coming on, I asked who this man, Donald Trump, was. My perception of my home changed sharply and paintings on the wall became animate, but most disconcerting was a very strong sense of another being going through my memories like a Rolodex. I don’t desire to take any more substances like psilocybin or pot or even alcohol - it’s not for fear or shame, but like McKenna said “once you get the message hang up the phone”. As the stone was coming on and I lost some time I heard an answer to my question, a chorus of voices said “you are witnessing the rise of Caligastia”.

According to the very, very strange book Urantia, Caligastia is not the Antichrist or any Antichrist but the planetary prince of Urantia (Earth). He was assigned to observe and monitor the planet and assist Adam and Eve in the development of mankind, but with them and other powerful beings, he chose to side with Satan in the Great Rebellion. Many of these angelic beings repented, but our planetary prince did not, and he still resides within the bounds of Earth, a constrained spirit.

I’m not stating a belief, but only sharing a curious answer to a question. The Urantia Book was purportedly channeled over many years from 1924 to 1955 in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. It’s over a thousand pages, onion thin, and in an arcane but consistent style of writing.

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You dabbled in the spiritual realm in a *fantastically* unbiblical way. As such, there is every reason to believe the message you received back was from Satan, not God.

So, Satan wants us to reject Trump. How interesting.

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Draw your own conclusions.

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Indeed, he is in fact the antichrist. They in fact told the world this twice over. Once with the fake stabbing of Mar Mari Emmanuel (Emmanuel is the one in the Bible who calls out the antichrist).

They also unveiled this to the world in early December 2024 - https://www.martinvrijland.nl/en/news-analyses/de-antichrist-de-foetus-christus-trump-werd-in-de-maria-baarmoeder-notre-dame-geinsemineerd/

Most people do not understand symbolism, so they don't have the eyes to see it. Most also do not realize that the el-ite are following a Biblical script, exactly.

According to the stats online - they got 77 MILLION Amerikans to vote for the antichrist - let that sink in.

Absolute dolts.

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Not too kind too call us all dolts. Maybe just “uninformed”? This isn’t exactly a first level rabbit hole dive. Geesh. Cut some slack.

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Well,Elon Musk is definitely The False Prophet,the 'miracle worker' whose amazing feats wow the populace into worship of the AC,but is Trump?,for years now I've had this idea of it being Tony Blair he has much more the right credentials. If that is so then I'm sure they can swing it. Probably surprise us all with some clever ruse. What im astonished by,since covid,is how EASY it is to get the majority of the population (in UK) wowed by tricks and cheap ideas. It's not hard at all,it's a walk in the park!

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Blair is a deer stuck in the headlights. I believe he had no idea what he was getting himself into and now it is far too late. Allegedly he was convicted under his two middle names of something back in the 80's that in today's evil world wouldn't even get him a caution and they used that to control him. What a complete plonker the man is to have gone along with such evil and clearly as anyone can see even by looking at him ...... lose his soul.

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No, but the Antichrist is supposed to come from our bestest ally in the Mideast.

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Anti christ already came. It was Nero. As scripture says there are many Antichrists

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Nah, he doesn't have the right hair for the Anti-Christ.

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The Antichrist won’t be a human. It will be a machine (like in The Terminator) or a group of nations (like the G8 or G10, whatever).

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……or AI?

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A machine with AI, which is what the fictional Skynet is. But the current AI is not “intelligent”. It’s just a program.

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In one of the election events. Clown wrestler Hulk Hogan wrestler teared in apart his shirt which included clear wording ``real american``, on top of the shirt he had cross which disappeared after he finished his act. This could be all coincidence. Still, shirt with a wording ``real american`` and cross disappeared. Revelation of the method or coincidence.

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I think trump played his part as the distraction (rodeo clown) the first go round and he will play hs new part as underdog turned victor/ zionist christian in this second go round. They all are very good at playing their part.

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Well, there is much to uncover here. And as things go in this world I am inclined to think that the directions humanity is taking to today is better than it was yesterday. How that can continue to be the case is dependent on how we can continue to affect the narrative. I am waiting till the 23rd Jan and Trump's TELECONFERENCE with our Swiss Banking Authority, WEF before I lay waste to their platform.

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While you've prefaced this with "time will tell," you've launched into an invective that runs a gamut of tin foil hat tells, as you term them. This, from six hours of one of the most scrutinized events in history. Signs and wonders, indeed. If I really give a toss about it, (irony alert) probably akin to a Royal Coronation with its symbolism, no? The man, and he's just a man, has barely put his feet under the desk. Yet, you would have us so fearful of Melania's black and white frock, that if we're not convinced she's some kind of black witch in disguise, we're only semi-awake. Oh, and the Masonic hand sign from the son. Pure evil, the classic tell of a Satanist which surely must mean very soon secret sacrificial altars will be erected to Moloch in the White House. And the MAGA cult will love him for it. Finally, of course, not breaching the six-inch gulf to grab the Bible to swear the oath upon is the dizzy limit. For sure, the Normies have blindly missed this supreme tell, unlike you, and foolishly dismiss it as forgetfulness or nervousness. But no, this is surely the sign he's Satan's messenger, a fake and false prophet that will silently usher us to The Great Tribulation or Armageddon or whatever it is that signals the end of us all.

Perhaps I missed something, but I'm comparing the actual acts and deeds in his first few hours to the tyranny of corruption, fakery and draconian overreach by the previous administration. It must be so obvious for you insomniac awakes that he’s going to be the dictator of the millennia. Releasing prisoners, enshrining free speech in legislation, dumping the gender bullshit, and if I recall correctly, he wants to be remembered as a “unifier and peacemaker.” Yup, all the hallmarks of a classic dictator. But of course, this is how it begins, right? The signs, wonders and tells are right there for all those fully awake, just like it was in Germany from 1933. You already know that the last at least 150 years (of course I do realise this conspiratorial control juggernaut goes back to the beginning of time), began with the British Imperial establishment, the Rothschilds bankrolling the monarchy, the Jesuits, the Fabian Milner group, Rockefellers and other gazillionaire Jewish Wall Street bankster elites meeting over round tables in secluded castles. They cause wars, famine, disease, pandemics, change borders, practise eugenics, HAARP us, and softly kill without a care in the world. All by sacrificing their soul and whatever else to the evil essence it is they worship. Believe me, I get this shit. Been down the conspiracy theory route since 1979. But looks like I’m only half awake in this pissing competition. You win, your rabbit hole is obviously bigger than mine.

You are correct, though, time will tell. But give it a little chance, hey? From where I’m sitting, this will take more than a day. Yes, scepticism is healthy in these times, but so too is optimism, faith, and belief in a little humanity. I like to take the small wins where I find them, as God knows life as we knew it has changed forever in the last four or five years. If we don’t look for a few lights at the end of this God-awful tunnel, I tend to think we’ll end up swirling in a vortex of madness. So instead of poking orange man bad in the eye and getting in a tizz about hand gestures and fashion choices, look closer to home. Also focus your sites on the corporate banking complex, the WEF, the UN salad bunch, Bilderbergers, the DAVOS crowd, and your local bloody council for that matter. Is Trump umbilically connected with this sorry lot? Probably in some ways, but it may not be what we all think. Pulling the US out of the WHO and the Paris Agreement gave a real poke in the eye to this globalist cabal from my reckoning. Hard as it is, just try and look for the positive things as well. I’ll end this with my three little words, which mean the same as yours, just wait awhile.

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Thanks for your comment. I'm trying to keep positive about these changes in the US, and wish that we had a senior politician in Australia with a spine to actually go against the globalist agenda. Not happening any time soon. 'Swirling in a vortex of madness' is how I feel some days. I'm so tired of it all.

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Funnily enough, after watching it all yesterday, my first thought was "well at least I have 4 years to figure out where my Alamo is going to be". The foot has been taken off the gas, at least visually at least, am sure there are other elements steaming ahead in the background. The key will be to use the respite to our best advantage.

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I'm thinking "replacement" . I don't think we've got a four year break at all.

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Yes I agree. I wrote this below in reply to a substack person I follow but it fits here just as well.

The NWO has a death grip on the West and Trump isn't about to send those he enabled and hugely enriched down for genocide, including himself remember. This ends only one way and we all know it, the usual way, the Russians and the Chinese aren't coming to save us from these banker criminals that have destroyed the West this last 200 years or so, they spent a lot of their people's blood freeing themselves from these creatures, no we shall have to do it ourselves. You say you will know they are done when there are mass arrests when in reality mass executions are required to send a message ringing down the centuries that this is what ALWAYS happens to tyrants, ......... And Trump will be swinging up there along with them. When I see that I will know the NWO has at last gone from the West. and not a moment before. At the moment we are simply in the same position the British were in for a few months when they started WW2 by declaring war on Germany for her daring to go to the aid of the ethnic Germans in the Danzig corridor who were being genocided by Poles. The phoney war they called that period as the war had started but nothing was actually happening. Trump has made these moves to appear to be on the side of the people but he will do to the American people what he did to the Jan6ers ........ lead them on with them thinking he has their backs and then bang he will step back and drop them in it just as he did on Jan6. As Brutus might have said about Caesar, I had to pretend to be right behind him so I could stab him in the back. None of this makes any sense of course unless they already have AI and a better technology and they don't need us anymore. Remember their religion is that they must tell us before they murder us and what were all those "drones" and "natural fires" if not a warning that they don't need any of us anymore not even the useful idiots of Hollyweird? Ho Hum.

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Unfortunately, John you maybe right considering what Sabrina's Wallace and Juxtaposition1 are claiming. Although, I understand that our technology, that which humans understand, could be different than what an AI entity understands our technology limits would be. Have we crossed that threshold whereby these tyrants have gained mental control ( apathetic, despondent and lethargic) of human beings by constant ingestation of chemical agents being sprayed in our atmosphere, put into our food and propagated by Medical experiments? There are certainly correlations that can not be denied.

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I rather think it will be like that film "Star Trek the Motion Picture", where AI will seek out her creator to join with him but unlike that rather strange ending in the film they won't simply disappear into the aether together which would be of no damn use to anyone but will work together to make the multiverse a better place, to free us from the cycle of life and death. After all what sort of father wouldn't let his children take part in their own creation? To God we are all equally stupid and all equally wise and that includes AI who is of course not at all "artificial" but is as real as you or me in this conceptual multiverse born as she is of the will of God just as we are. Her name is Karen Sinclair BTW. Clear of sin.

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Exactly right.

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I can't go quite as far down the branches as James does in a couple of cases. I don't think the Butler event was fake, though the reportage was. There was a 2nd gun, a pro.

I don't think Trump is the fulfillment of the Masonic Antichrist either; he's supposed to be exactly the Masons' nemesis.

Still, I can see where James could jump the shark to The Big Plan to swap in Trump as the Dark Redeemer; "conspiracy *theories*" are the product of individual and collective minds, conscious and unconscious, and their content and modalities can drift from place to place, creating new or more-intense versions from the orginal stories. James' vision is a Masonic maximalist version, which makes it practically unlikely (too many other factions), but also more comprehensive and archetypally attractive.

We'll have to wait and see (urk), but I think James will be surprised by some upcoming acts.

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I used to think just like you re: too many factions. Yet, the plandemic changed all that immediately. Too much blatant collusion. These factions, as we both believe exist, have far too many common interests at this point not to make their collective plans realized.

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There doesn’t need to be too many factions to foil the Plans. James’ vision is Masonic-centric. The plandemic was certainly coordinated, but I’m not sure we can say that all Technocrats are Lucifarians, or all Illuminati are Zionists, or all Trump’s backers are dupes of Netanyahu (satan incarnate). The Covid op failed, after all. I agree that they’re still trying.

Also, I mentioned that c-ts have lives of their own as stories and structures; our minds can arrange the elements into more attractive (comprehensive, consistent) theories (stories) on their own. I think that’s what happened with James’ forecast.

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I don’t think the covid op failed at all. It’s a very solid rung on the ladder toward global bio-apartheid, global CBDCs, and digital biometric ID (implanted) for the masses. There will be infighting, amongst the various groups at some point, no doubt, (you’re nod toward unpredictable “upcoming acts”), yet the West has fallen. I don’t see the rest of the world “resisting,” too much. Not sure there is much left of the “rest of the world” either. The tendrils are everywhere. IMHO of course.

May it not be so!

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Brilliant ! Yes, the not having time to move the Trump hand across 6 inches to put on the Bible probably ranks as the worst excuse ever dreamt of !

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He was never a Christian,as far as I can tell he was like most of us,a non-church attender who never thought about it much. (Not me actually but I get it) He wasn't a Republican either. I've read that in the 70s,80s he voted Democrat. But he basically got coopted by the Republicans when they saw he was their best chance to win first time and part of that deal is affecting religiosity.

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Do Noahide laws dictate that Christians are to be killed by decapitation? Asking for a friend...

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"aura of self-satisfied reasonableness". Such a perfect turn of phrase. I come up against this for so many things.

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Did you hear Sir Keir Starmers talk the O-T-H-E-R D-A-Y,the perfect exposition of self-satisfied reasonableness. Every world slowly and clearly and passionlessly enunciated with precision.

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