8 hrs agoLiked by James Delingpole

My mother wasn’t eccentric or weird but she did have a huge wheel shaped scar on her upper arm from one of the injections she’d had as a child. She was always lamenting the summer dresses she was never able to wear. So I have never been injected with any substance she wouldn’t allow it and I grew up with a healthy mistrust of ‘vaccines’. So I think I’m a test case. I have in recent years developed allergies to various things despite never having been injected which proves that although it is undoubtedly true that ‘vaccines’ cause very many illnesses allergies and disorders they are not the only cause and we really are being attacked in lots of other ways too. I have stopped using toothpaste with amazing positive results for example I use bicarbonate of soda and salt water rinses instead. Great for mouth ulcers and even clears up bleeding gums.

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Really interesting, Test Case Antonia. I may now have to go down the toothpaste rabbit hole...How much bicarb and how much salt in the water?

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4 hrs agoLiked by James Delingpole

I use as much bicarb as most people use toothpaste about enough to lightly cover a soft toothbrush and I rinse with boiled cooled water. I never put the stuff out of the tap or a bottle anywhere near me. Again I use boiled cooled water with a teaspoon of fine sea salt dissolved in about 200 ml 3 times a day and rinse for about 1 min. Mouth is much more refreshed and just feels better. All these people who start adult life with lovely teeth and after hundreds of visits to the dentist end up with falsies of some kind! I don’t think teeth are meant for such harsh treatment which happens to cost a fortune too. And I think toothpaste like everything else is doing more harm than good.

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bicarb can be very harsh tho. Check online all the folks who damaged enamel with it . its something you have to be careful with . I never used normal toothpaste either but i have learned that many have fallen foul of bicarb. just dissolve it first and its probably fine.

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Once a day is fine. There are so many other ways to clean our teeth. Who says we have to use toothpaste?

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Exactly . I dont use it in its dry state tho. far too harsh for me.

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My mother was offered thalidomide when she was expecting me but refused it - thankfully she did. When she saw the results of that drug a few years later that was it for her. I have had one polio shot in my life and nothing else. Even that was against her better judgement but my dad insisted. After 60 years no allergies and no odd reactions to anything. When the covid shots came along there was some serious pressure on me from the family but I flat refused as a result of which one of the family refused to come into our house for a couple of years. All I can say is thanks James and thanks Mike Yeadon for all your work to expose the evil that has always been there but now I think the restrainer mentioned in Thessalonians may have been removed.

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I use bicarb too, and occasional rinses with chlorine dioxide. My teeth are the best they’ve ever been. One of my favorite dentists, now passed, said 20% of people have 80% of the cavities, and I was one of the 20%.

Horrible teeth issues since childhood.

Not anymore 😁

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How much chlorine dioxide do you use for the rinses?

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The same way a child can be born with autism without being vaccine injured (poisoned). Because of human degeneration, Mothers, full of toxicity and malnourished, are passing the toxins into the foetus including not providing the required building blocks through correct nutrition. The best example we have in nature of consistently healthy offspring are the discoveries made by Weston A Price in his travels across the world to indigenous peoples. The GAPS nutritional protocol, in my view and experience, is the best way of reversing this depopulation agenda. The testimonies of Mothers in the 'GAPS stories' book are inspirational.

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One of the worst cases was DES (diethylstilbestrol) which, after being used for over 30 years, was found to cause cancer in the daughters of the women who took it (kudos to the doctors who first did the dot joining on that one). That was in addition to all the other problems it caused to the mothers and the pregnancies.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

“The same way a child can be born with autism without being vaccine injured (poisoned)”

This can be due to age of ova/sperm.

Have kids early! (which is actually normal time range—before 30)

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My doctor gave that injection to me on the inside of my arm to “spare” me the scar viability. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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The human body has undergone a mass chemical assault combined with malnourishment. This has caused generational degeneration with the aim of depopulation. Eventual extinction by not being able to reproduce. This is evident by the astronomical rise in the amount of children born with damage. The establishment, as a cover story, are quick to blame this rise on two fraudulent hypothesis, germs and genes.

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And the number of young girls in particular who go through puberty & develop breasts & start their periods at 9 & 10, instead 13 - 15 as it was when I was growing up.

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When I begin to realise the monstrosity of the evil, I shudder to think how badly we have all been abused, poisoned and gaslit. St Michael defend us in battle⚔️⚔️

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Thank you James! Great essay & always enjoyable conversation :)

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Sasha and Katherine are two of the bravest women that have ever walked the earth.

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Indeed, those being led by The Spirit of God in Christ Jesus discern spiritual things. Since convid our "eyes" are more perceptive. And it's a wicked revealing. God bless you brother 🙂

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We are bombarded by a multiplicity of damaging stuff. If one thing doesn’t get you, something else will. I am hypersensitive to EMFs - got rid of microwave, had so-called smart meter decommissioned, unplug wifi when not using and so on. Had water filter installed. Eat butter and lard, organic, avoided the vaccine, never wore a mask. Every day I add to my strategy to keep healthy. My aim is to be strong enough to face the chaos ahead and to pull through. I keep positive, I think I will make it even though I’m 80+. Satan’s world is passing away and good riddance.

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Perhaps one can start with lard instead of canola or veg.oil. Agreee the bombs are currently being reigned down on us all. Wondering if a high pitched , airy ringing in the ears is a symptom of EMFs.

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Yes. One of the symptoms among others.

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Electronic hypersensitivity: Headaches, sleep disturbance,depression, ringing in ears, heart arrhythmia.

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Interesting that the Federal Reserve and WW 1 occurred around the Spanish Flu

I still lean toward the recent book Invisible Rainbow, that introduces wireless communications around the world at the time. Black Death could be related to the 11 year solar flare cycle like the one that began in 2019 with Covid.. We are all electric and the new jabs are using that human resource.

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Just read …I need to go back and reread as my mind gets muddled by eye red. Did it say why electricity causes this? I think it’s bc electricity destroys gut biome but I can’t remember if that was said in there or not. But my theory is they are trying to destroy our gut biome with vaccines and 5/6G

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A great piggyback to Latypova’s article. I agree with you 100% that Satan’s fingerprints are all over the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Satan has basically been operating in hyperdrive for several decades and his destruction agenda is working likely better than he could have imagined. While evil has resided on the earth as long as there have been humans, I believe the times we find ourselves in today are the most evil in the history of the earth. If these are not the opening scenes of the end of days I’m not sure what kind of cataclysm it will take to get us there.

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Excellent read, thank you. I agree with all you say about vaccines and would add another equally taboo subject into the boiling pot, that being infant feeding and the replacement of breastmilk for formula. We’re now into the sixth generation of formula fed children which can only contribute to the damage done by vaccines. Sasha is a wise woman and I’d love to hear her views on this.

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The fact that Alexis Lorenze’s vaxx injuries are being covered in the mainstream media is encouraging

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Or very suspicious.

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I hear you. And the fact that Vigilant Fox is covering it doesn’t help. (Rigirous Ferrett is what Sage Hana calls him). It still looks like real adverse reactions to me.

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I dumped Sage, he is the epitome of marrying a truth to a lie. Enticing readers with truth bombs only to inject something false and wholly unsubstantiated to cast doubt or divisiveness.

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Me too. I couldn't follow the relentless cleverclever.

As for this poor girl Alexis, I suspect her story is permissible in the MSM because they will pin it on some hapless doc not properly vetting her preexisting condition. Thus, they can preempt anyone questioning that vaxes are "lifesaving" by shrugging that it was a tragic rare case of "dolts botching shit" instead.

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Talking of questioning the vaxxes, Bill Gates is currently proposing that AI should be used to remove vaxx 'misinformation' in real time. Doesn't matter how much censorship there is, it's never enough for them.

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Yes. I don't even have words for what he's suggesting. That it can even be seriously suggested. That people aren't too rioting in response.

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Nailed it!

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“the relentless cleverclever”

Indeed. And the relentless “It’s all in THE DAY TAPES!!!”

Utterly tiresome.

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If I visualize the health of several generations of my family on a timeline, it's certain that lurches towards ill-health (allergies, auto-immune issues, mental health issues, heart problems etc) would correlate with whatever vaccination had been meted out that year, like a scythe swiping across our family tree.

For instance my maternal grandmother died at 42 of lupus, after declaring she "was never the same after that injection", presumably referring to the TB vaccination campaign of the 50s which was rolled out across Scotland.

Each of my children has been affected to varying degrees between profound and subtle. Finally on a train journey to see my first grandchild I had an epiphany - it was the injections all along. My current stance of complete rejection of all vaccines has been taken seriously by close family, except my parents who are fully jabbed members of the vaccine junkie community.

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I have had a ‘quarter’ sized pock mark on my upper arm since I was about 4, when I got my smallpox vax. When I got it my Mom said I was quite sick for two weeks. Nothing since then until recently. The brown pock mark has become a sore. Like a burn sore. This has been the case for about two months. It hasn’t healed. Interesting. I know what you are thinking. I should go to the doctor, right? Come on, Man! I am Canadian. I don’t have a doctor.

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Try applying Colloidal Silver onto it. (You can also ingest.) Silver is a fabulous antibacterial. Why do you think all the aristocrats, right down through history, ate and drank everything from silver spoons, platters, cups ?

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My fit, mentally and physically, 94yr old Granny died on 2003.That was the first year her daughter suggested she have a flu shot.Granny suddenly got very forgetful and then got pneumonia and died two weeks later of that 😡

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That is VERY upsetting.

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I moved to Europe in my mid 20s. I had SEVERE seasonal allergies. My first summer here I actually got rushed to the hospital from work to get administered cortisol because I couldn't breathe. my first 10 yrs here I suffered an absolutely debilitating 2months a year of tablets multiple times a day. Asthma sprays 20 or 30 puffs a day. barely being able to read a screen etc.

Then I gave up drinking diet coke and right in the middle of allergy season they vanished within 2 weeks. Completely gone. Aspartame kills your gut biome which gives you leaky gut which causes a HUGE amount of these issues as well.

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Brilliant book ; and published back in 2019. Hugely pertinent and detailed. Fabulous amount of

research done by these two authors. Highly recommend.

" Even more evil than you feared" indeed, James... Saw the Headliner, and immediately thought:

old Deli's been hanging out with Ole Dammegard, just a bit too much, recently. Great stuff.

One of the reasons that Peanuts, and Cashews, to a certain extent, are more toxic now is because they're highly porous; and take on board even more chemicals from neighbouring crops, Grains,

Oats veg, etc - which are being sprayed with impunity, with pesticides and weedkillers. [The man from Monsanto says YES]. And, the sheer amount of peanuts being shifted, now, as opposed to 50 years

ago... Peanut, jam and banana on toasted craft bread, anyone..?? [ther's a killer combo, right there].

Black Plague: surely lack of proper Sanitation, fresh drinking water. Healthy terrain ??

What was the average Life expectancy in 1349.?? About Thirteen years old [only joking].

during those years, though, there was a phenomenal amount of Volcanic activity in

Europe and Asia. So potentially vast amounts of noxious Sulphur fumes in the mix as well.

I'm not necessarily buying into the Zoonotic bollocks, of; Black Rats, Pangolins and cuddly

little red squirrels passing on the said Lergy. Let's own our own diseases. Please.

First World War; excess deaths. Bullets. Bayonets. Cannon fire. Absolutely. But, believe it

or not: Aspirin overdose. Mustard gas. Trench warfare and copious amounts of heavy duty

stress ... Millions of young men all over Europe finding difficulty in breathing. Going outta their

minds. Dying. Coughing. Stressing out. Having lived in utter squalor and deprivation. Blood

loss, inflamation, malnutrition, and, fear.... OR was it: ... The Spanish Flu.. Hmm.. ??

If we're to expect anything, let's expect the unexpected. And remember: if they don't get us

with the Bullet, or the Deutschmark/Dollar/Euro; they'll get us with the Seed oils.


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Yes, this is a superb book!

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