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Nick Kollerstrom


Nick Kollerstrom is historian of science, a former honorary research fellow in Science and Technology Studies at University College, London (UCL), and a former lunar gardening correspondent for the BBC. He is the author or co-author of a number of books, including Gardening and Planting by the Moon (an annual series beginning 1980), Newton's Forgotten L…

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James Delingpole
The delingpod
For ten years I kept badgering my son to read War and Peace. “It’s possibly the greatest novel you’ll ever read. You’ll love it! It’s a masterpiece,” I promised. And for ten years, he resisted. When finally he did read it, he admitted to me that I was right. “So why didn’t you read it earlier?” I asked. “Because you were so annoyingly enthusiastic about it!”, he replied.
This is why my advice to you is “Don’t listen to the delingpod! It’s boring and it’s rubbish and you’ll hate it!”
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James Delingpole